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#30648 Spin Stabilization?

Posted by okto on 07 July 2004 - 11:27 PM in Modifications

vassili, none of the aforementioned rudeboys is going to deny his calling. oi!

#30647 Actual Silencer?

Posted by okto on 07 July 2004 - 11:25 PM in Modifications

how...was it bs?

after more experimentation the answer is BIG hole(s) right at the muzzle, with some dissipative material covering them. this has the unforeseen pleasant side effect of increasing my RoF by allowing my to insert a new dart without removing the entire silencer. this reduces the muzzle noise to more of a soft "thwip", and has made it apparent that my job of silencing the internals wasn't as well done as i thought--most of the noise was actually the piston and spring, the muzzle noise was just the most obvious noise.

#30590 Modded Lnl Pix

Posted by okto on 07 July 2004 - 04:39 PM in Modifications

brass barrel (screwed into stump of stock barrel, hot glue sealed), wood comp-style grip, black paint.
creative development only comes from sharing ideas. like to know what yall think. fire away.

Posted Image
the silencer is real. see the thread here.

Posted Image
detail of the wood grip

Posted Image
sans silencer

Posted Image
other side

#30586 Low Range On Modded Lnl

Posted by okto on 07 July 2004 - 04:18 PM in Modifications

...and seeing little increase in range. about 30 feet, and im not interested in shooting people's toes. the barrel is a 3" long 3/8" brass nipple (thats what lowes called it, id call it a threaded pipe) screwed into the stump of the LnL's original barrel--a surprisingly tight and sturdy fit--and sealed with hot glue in the threads. ive checked for air leaks--the piston can't even make it to the end of the tube with the muzzle corked. my stefans are 2" long 1/2" FBR, cored out with a straw, with 1/2 a BB fishing weight hotglued to the tip.

#30585 Spin Stabilization?

Posted by okto on 07 July 2004 - 04:09 PM in Modifications

a comment made in my silencer thread about excess friction in the barrel inducing spin got me thinking: how feasible would it be to induce spin in a desirable way to stabilize a projectile in flight, giving longer range and greater accuracy?
discussion, ready go! ^_^

#30584 Actual Silencer?

Posted by okto on 07 July 2004 - 04:06 PM in Modifications

i'll care. i dont want it to impress (in fact in use, i dont even want the gun or myself to be seen), i want to make it quieter, as near silent as possible.
how many of these airsoft silencer lookalikes are actually designed to dissipate muzzle air? ive seen them too, and its usually just a piece of PVC fitted over the barrel. that actually makes the muzzle blast louder. it confines the air to the cylinder formed by the inside of the PVC, and sets up a pressure wave down the tube, pushing the unmoving air in the tube ahead of it, and usually inducing some harmonic resonance in the tube, similarly to a flute only higher pressure and not sustained.

that wasnt supposed to be a flame, hopefully nobody get their toes stepped on. if so, apologies in advance.

#30582 Actual Silencer?

Posted by okto on 07 July 2004 - 03:50 PM in Modifications

i dont care about the legality of it ^_^
and thanks for the dollar.

so, decelerating air...ive been musing. as the dart leaves the muzzle, the air compressed in the barrel expands rapidly outward, as the tail end of the dart will prevent the majority of it from going forward. probably some turbulence from the compressed air in the dart (i hollow mine out nerf-style), but i think that can be mostly ignored. so venting it outward right at the muzzle should reduce the noise by the greatest factor, rather than setting up a pressure wave down the silencer tube. i drilled as many more holes as i think the CPVC can withstand structurally right at the muzzle, but it still doesnt seem to be having a great effect. i wonder if a stepped series of progressively larger tubes, like so:

       ___  __  _____________________
       |_____________               |PVC tube 2
______|            |PVC tube 1     |
       |            |               |
       | muzzle     |               |
       |            |               |
______|            |               |
       |____________|               |
       |__  __  ____________________|

etc, so that the inner PVC tube's "muzzle" has room around and behind it for air to expand into and be vented out laterally, et caetera ad infinitum. wrap the whole thing in felt or whatever to muffle it even more.

#30467 Actual Silencer?

Posted by okto on 06 July 2004 - 12:07 AM in Modifications

been playing with spiral ported CPVC surrounded by closed-cell pipe insulation, and no reduction in noise. the thought struck me that hey, closed-cell is the same thing darts are made of, so why would thye hold air as darts and then leak is as silencer baffling? (along this same line of thought i made a 'rifle grenade' type dart out of the insulation. goes about ten feet at low velocity, so its a gimmick)
so i tried removing the closed-cell and wrapped a sock around the riddled-with-holes CPVC and fired a couple test shots. slight reduction in noise, but not significant :/
so it comes down to finding a good baffling material, i think. logically it has to work: noise caused by rapid expansion of compressed air out the muzzle can be reduced by contained dissipation and deceleration of said air.

#30393 Actual Silencer?

Posted by okto on 05 July 2004 - 01:21 PM in Modifications

ive already silenced the piston. circles of neoprene mousepad, stacked several layers thick, glued to the face of the piston. also a strip of backer rod in the channel of the cocking lever and backer rod round the outside of the cylinder.
reduces noise slightly and eliminates rining, but most of my firing noise is still the 'thwop' of the compressed air behind the dart expanding rapidly out of the muzzle.

my first barrel was ported, and had a PVC sleeve around it that was ported as well in an attempt to bleed the air off, but it didnt do a whole lot.
that barrel was 1" long screwed into the stock LnL barrel to fit the OD of micros, so it clearly had other issues. it was a first mod and an attempt to keep the pneumatics as close to their original condition as possible. ive since taken a hacksaw to them.

ice nine, calm. im not a n00b, just new to this particular board. don't worry.
but thank you for the link.

#30363 Actual Silencer?

Posted by okto on 05 July 2004 - 04:02 AM in Modifications

has anyone toyed with fitting a device to reduce the muzzle noise of any of their nerf weapons? clearly we arent dealing with the explosively hot and superheated gases of a firearm, so different rules apply. would a length of pipe insulation fitted post-muzzle help, or would a larger diameter PVC pipe with some sort of baffle and bleed ports work better? mostly im throwing this out to spark discussion, although im interested in other people's ideas as my LnL wants to be a lot quieter to excel at being a loser pistol.