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#31253 Supermaxx 350 Remake

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 15 July 2004 - 10:47 AM in General Nerf

During my stay in Sedona, Arizona, I found a couple of Supermaxx 350's at the local Walgreens. I already own a sm350, but these caught my eye. They were a red-orange and gray color with a six dollar price tag. I decided to purchase one and try it out. This is the new Supermaxx 350 in box.
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I love the new colors; anything with red and gray roxxors. The first thing I noticed was that the tips of the darts were blue, not the traditional purple. So I loaded it up and cocked it. Unlike the other version, the sm350 red has four cocking points, similar to the maxshot. I could already tell that the gun would preform better than it's older version. I was right.
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(picture of sm350 outta the box)
With four level shots, ( the gun is tucked in so it is touching my right shoulder) I acheived 26',29', 32.5', and 33'. With a slightly titled angle, the darts all were in a 2.5' radius and all flew 34' respectively. All these shots were preformed with the same method on grass, so the darts did not have much of a skip. Another notable feature of the gun is that it's way quieter than the blue version.

So as a result, this little guy ain't that bad at all for a four shot spring pistol. Unfortunately, I can't find my old sm350 to compare ranges but I know that I only got about twenty feet with that peice of crap. I might open it up today for some observations and possibly modding.

#29396 Which Nerf Gun Has Greatest Range?

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 24 June 2004 - 10:56 AM in General Nerf

The maxshot can get like 109' flat. Also, my SS2 (bless that little guy) got 125' flat and was the most accurate gun I have owned.

EDIT: Ompa beat me to it.

#31271 Supermaxx 350 Remake

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 15 July 2004 - 12:33 PM in General Nerf

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There she blows. I can't find/remember the internals of the old sm350 but they are pretty close. The only thing I have noticed is the little gray tab on the right side of the cocking handle and the four ridges (just like in the maxshot) on the plunger. And yes, I'll post a couple pics when I'm done modding.

#63534 Legendary Weapon 01: Rose's Judgement

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 12 September 2005 - 09:57 PM in Modifications

That is a damn good paintjob. I'm not a big fan of dark red paintjobs, but it does look sharp on the NF.

The rose is hella cute. If you're giving it to a girl (assuming that you are), you might get laid.

#63538 Legendary Weapon 01: Rose's Judgement

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 12 September 2005 - 10:42 PM in Modifications

Oh word. Yes, like I said, I assummed. All gender put aside, still a great touch.

#18418 Happy (belated) Birthday To Anastasia!

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 07 February 2004 - 01:17 PM in Off Topic

That would be Cx's daughter. Any, congrats Cxwq.

#31262 Supermaxx 350 Remake

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 15 July 2004 - 12:10 PM in General Nerf

Alright, I just cpvc modded my sm350 and I like the results. After this mod, I got 50' flat. I did not single barrel this gun, so I should be able to get 50' after I mod the rest of the barrels.

#17858 Grace

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 01 February 2004 - 05:46 PM in Modifications

Lose the 750. I like that nice artic color on your EAB though. If you just had the EAB alone, it would look a lot sweeter. One more thing, try to crop or resize your digital pics, they take a long time to load.

#18044 Grace

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 03 February 2004 - 05:04 PM in Modifications

yeah but isn't the point of having a gun to get it to go farther and shoot better, ect.? i mean you don't mod a gun to make it look pretty you mod it to make it better. anyway the gun sounds awesome from what i hear but i can't seem to get the URL to work. i tried the copy paste thing so i'm not sure what the problem is.

I like to make mine pretty... and occasionally take them out for dinner.

#33712 Feelings About High School

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 10 August 2004 - 09:57 PM in Off Topic

High school rcoks! Well, at least I like it. Sophomore year is a good time to enter high school. You have people who have been through freshman year and they can teach you the ropes. The reason I like HS so much is just because I got away from my grade-school, which sucked so much. But like everyone else has said, try to make friends right off the bat and get a good idea of what your in for. Good luck at high school!

#51681 Does Anyone Here Remember Me?

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 05 April 2005 - 09:40 PM in General Nerf

loser is back! I remember you from the ol' nerfonline days (I was Phil_22). You had a damn fine site and opened the door to modding for me, especially on my sm5k. All your mod's were the shit, and I took in a lot from them. Welcome back man, hope to see some of the old mods and future mods to come.

#84649 Damn Those French!

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 09 July 2006 - 11:11 PM in Off Topic

I don't like the Italian team and their style of play. Even though its very effective, its too defensive for my liking. Congrats to them and all that but I was disappointed.

As for Zidane, i wouldn't go bashing him yet and hate the French for what he did. You have no idea what he heard before he got the red card. I know its still a violent act that resulted from mere trash talk, but I'm not very upset over it. I rather liked it to be honest. Its one hell of a way to retire.

#62955 Happy Birthday Bad Karma!

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 03 September 2005 - 01:03 AM in Off Topic

Happy Birthday BK!

#24730 Happy Birthday

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 24 April 2004 - 12:18 AM in Off Topic

Um, nothing against your lousy taste in alcohol or anything but Zima is utter crap.

I know it is. I mean I have never tried Zima because I'm only sixteen but I can tell what is a crappy beer when I see one. Right now I can throw back some livewire's (the best soda ever made).

#33928 Feelings About High School

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 13 August 2004 - 07:47 PM in Off Topic

I wouldn't get involved with women right now and I can give you a couple reasons.

1.) I'm in highschool. I have plenty to do at school, especially since I'm taking all of these Humanities Honors classes. If I got invovled with some one, that would mean I have to spend time with her, deal with her problems, waste time at the mall and all that crap.

2.) NO WHEELS. I don't have my permit right now, and I'm freakin' sixteen. That's pretty sad. If I don't have a license, then I can't take her anywhere. Having my parents drop me off or having her drive me around does not sound too cool.

But, some people can find time to fit girls in, actually there is a lot of people. But I'm not one of them. What I'll never understand is when kids in the freakin sixth grade think that they will get a girlfriend and they will live happily ever after. I hate that crap (believe me, I've done it many times). It's never gonna happen. It's not very likely in high school either. If you can manage a girl friend, be sure that you can trust her and have a good social relationship with her.

#20589 Metal Storm

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 02 March 2004 - 11:13 PM in Off Topic

Now that was nice of them. I can imagine terrorists listening to "Like a Virgin" while shooting at our U.S. troops. I mean, what kind of terrorist doesn't like Madona?

#24703 Happy Birthday

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 23 April 2004 - 09:16 PM in Off Topic

Happy birthday guys. Zero, go out and drink some quaility juice, like Zima.

#21289 Nerf

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 13 March 2004 - 10:02 PM in General Nerf

he seemed pretty reasonable from the first post.

How did he look reasonable? He's asking who George W. Bush is and if nerf costs money. How can that guy have a positive future for NH?

do you mean he was deleted from NHQ or that Cx has already deleted him from NH?

If you look at monkey's name, it is in red and says "unregistered" right under it. That means Cx deleted him.

#19778 Nerf Dream

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 24 February 2004 - 06:21 PM in Off Topic

call someone's post useless

As you can see in section one, item A, he clearly stated that you called someone elses' post useless, like VACC's, not a dream. You seriously need to read more carefully and just stop posting until you find a turned over semi full of X-bows by my house.

#39953 Lions And Tigers And Ghouls,

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 26 October 2004 - 09:26 PM in Off Topic

I'm going to be Trinity this year. I'm so freaking glad I finally got this costume:
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The only thing I have do is tape down a couple areas because I don't have a breast to fill the dangling cups. This is the best costume I've ever thought up.

#39960 Lions And Tigers And Ghouls,

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 26 October 2004 - 09:59 PM in Off Topic

Custom, you're a boy, going as a girl. Crossdresser? Alright, I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinion... I'd just go as Neo if I were you, as you're a guy. Yeah. Just my 2 cents, no need to heed my advice or to listen to me.

I totally understand Ompa. I was thinking Neo, but then I was like "Neo's costume is just some plain ol' cotton trench coat" and I saw that Trinity's costume was that sweet shinny (fake) leather. So I decided to go Trinity. Besides the breasts, which will be taken care of, it really isn't a feminine costume if you ask me. So I really don't care about it and I am not a crossdresser. Just to clear things up.

#37052 Eab Breech Mod

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 12 September 2004 - 05:20 PM in Modifications

Here's the Unknown Breach

Take a look at the mods and homemades section on the site to get a jist of what nerfers are working with today. You should also take a look at the articles, especially ones that deal with stefan darts.

#55732 Nerf Magazine

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 26 May 2005 - 09:27 PM in General Nerf

You shouldn't start talking about some "magazine" idea when we have no idea what the hell you are talking about; just because you posted an idea about a magazine doesn't mean we already read it. And are you trying to put out an actual magazine or an online periodical? It seems that you are going for the actual magazine idea. Why not just create an online periodical? It's free and a lot more accessable to the nerfing community. Unless you are solely doing this for a profit, you should go for an online "magazine". Just a thought.

#19194 Cafepress Coupon

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 17 February 2004 - 12:00 AM in Site Feedback

wonder who is going to buy the nerf haven thong :gasp:.

What do you mean who is "going"? Those things are gonna sell like Xbows on ebay in a few years. I took advantage of this DAY 1.

#36238 The New G5 From Apple

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 02 September 2004 - 05:09 PM in Off Topic

Uhgg apples, why not just use Windows?

Cause windows sucks. I'm not really going to go on again about apple vs mac. And I really don't see why people hate mac so freakin much. I don't like windows, but I'll use it if I have to for school or whatnot. I guess they just don't like the simplicity or interface. Or could it be because there's not too many games or programs for mac? Who knows. It's all about your personality and what you will use your computer for. Like Vintage said, macs are awesome for animation and design. The resolution on those puppies are also pretty sweet.

As for the new iMac, I think it looks pretty good. I still can't get over how skinny it is. But, I think I'm gonna use my old Mac for a while; we've been through four years of quality time *Pats his iMac*.

#39481 What Are These?

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 21 October 2004 - 05:13 PM in General Nerf

Am I the only one to notice that that product does not have "nerf" written anywhere on it? I just took a second look and I didn't see it. If you look on the blue plunger shaft, it says "999". That's pretty weird. Just seems like a rip off of the monoblast, except everything is identical but the company label.

#15358 New Year's

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 31 December 2003 - 08:49 PM in Off Topic

I'm just gonna stay home and watch the Tv guide channel (since there isn't any big countdown on tv for Arizona) until it strikes midnight. After that, i'm gonna lite up the sky with some bottlerokets. Anyone else have anything exciting lined up?

#15790 New Year's

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 05 January 2004 - 05:44 PM in Off Topic

Well thanks for keeping nerf haven G rated.

#35649 Hornet

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 28 August 2004 - 06:17 PM in General Nerf

I didn't want to revive this old topic, but I think I may have discovered something about the N-Strike. I recently purchased the N-Strike at my local TRU and was disappointed when my hornet didn't hold any air pressure. I promptly returned and exchanged it for another one. When I got home, I looked at the back of the box and noticed that the box art was different. Unfortuantely, I can't remember what was on the back, but there was definately not a picture of "nerf warriors" holding the nerf guns in the middle:
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So NerfMonkey, can you remember what the back of your box looked like? Or if you still have it check. So if your gonna by an N-Strike and the back of the box does not look like the one shown above, it might have a defective hornet in it.

#28786 Sweetest Airsoft Gun

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 18 June 2004 - 01:00 AM in Off Topic

My first arsoft gun was an mp5 SD3 springer. It is known as one of the best springers you can get.. Right now I have a TM Mp5k and a GBB glock 19. I'm looking to get a M733 Commando but right now nerf is all I need ( and a job, and a permit.....)

#108821 Baby Powder Stock Darts

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 01 June 2007 - 07:19 PM in Modifications

I like your idea and it seems as though it works very well. However, powder + lungs doesn't seem like a good thing to me. I use to fill up a small homemade with powder just to shoot out clouds of smoke. It was cool, but you drag a lot of the particles into your lungs when you breathe. I know your darts do not emit tons of powder due to their small size, but breathing all that powder in shot after shot seems harmful.

Using this type of dart once in a while would be useful (like these zombie nerf movies I'm hearing so much about). However, I wouldn't make it a habit of using them.

#23358 NH Grand Jury

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 03 April 2004 - 11:38 PM in Off Topic

I was thinking of giving this guy a second chance until I saw this:

Ok i know this is probably going to get me banned but cx's post put me over the edge

That's just hilarious, him begging you for a second chance after all that crap in the "666" topic. Screw him and Duke.

#20645 Getting Hot Glue Off En Masse

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 03 March 2004 - 10:50 PM in Modifications

Get some nice neddle nose pliers and a flat screwdriver or chisel. The pliers should take most of it off though.

#83959 Vans And And 1 With Magstrikes.

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 29 June 2006 - 09:47 AM in General Nerf

Exactly what I was thinking, it looks like a perfect size for that child in the picture, meaning it will be a good size to dual wield those bad boys. Thanks for the heads up mol.

#18810 Sick Nades

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 11 February 2004 - 10:12 PM in Homemades

Chemicals, four farts potassium, and a tennis ball.........sounds like a bomb to me. What do you mean by "parts"?

#65308 New Version Bbb Mod

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 08 October 2005 - 11:37 AM in Modifications

I just recently received my Big Bad Bow from amazon.com and am very pleased. I have heard many different sides to the BBB, either being very good in range or very poor (Ompa's BBB's being the prime source of that information). This being my first BBB, I was very hopeful that it would give me some decent ranges in exchange for a nice price tag of $20 + shipping. So I am telling you right now, I did not get extraordinary ranges, but I did not get very poor ones either. I am very pleased with the BBB after a simple barrel mod has been done. And this is what I did:

First, take that nice piece of plastic out of the box and take in her beauty. Next, remove the ten screws at the front of the gun to access the barrel assembly. This is what the front end of the gun will look like without it's shell:
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If you are not an idiot like I am, you won't hesitate saving the two orange nubby poles with their springs on the side of the gun. This is what actually keeps the gun cocked, something I did not know and almost threw away vital pieces.

Next, remove the barrel at the front, simply by pulling it apart from the rest of the plunger. Inside, you find these goodies:
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That pesky air restrictor lies inside the barrel of the gun to greatly decrease range. Take the pole, spring, and circular restrictor out and throw them away. **Note that I do not have the small piece of the air restrictor that was at the very tip of the barrel. Before I even opened the gun, I sawed off about an inch off the barrel, hoping that I would not need to open the gun. If you choose to open the gun and get all of the air restricting material out, you will still need to either dremel or cut off the very tip of the barrel. There are four grooves at the tip that will not allow another barrel to fit inside.

After all the air restricting material has been removed and the tip of the barrel has been cut, you now have many differet options. You can wrap tape around 9/16 brass and wedge it down the barrel, add a 1/2 inch pvc coupler to accept a plethora of different barrels, add a crayola, or other various methods. Because I did not have any strong glue to bond a pvc coupler, I took another route. I took a piece of SCH 80 and wedged a 1 1/2 inch piece of 9/16 brass partially in the SCH and the rest sticking out to adapt to the original BBB barrel. I realize how short I left the original barrel and probably should of left more, but I can't go back now.

I initially used a very unique barrel setup, with the SCH 80 and brass and all. Disregard this barrel setup. Use about 8 inches of 9/16 brass or other barrel material that fits your darts.

With all the above stated and a white paintjob done, this is what I got:
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Night shot:
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I used Krylon Fusion paint for the first time on a gun, and am very pleased with the results. Being a beginner at painting, there are some rough spots and purple showing where the gun slides back, but I still love its appearance.

Now for some ranges. To get things straight, I will show you what I consider a level shot, and an angled shot.

Level shot:
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Angled shot:
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Now, back to the ranges (All the following was tested with 12 inches of 9/16 brass). With Dylan's leveled shot®, I am able to achieve an average of 90.83'. With Dylan's angled shot®, I am able to get an average of 92.40. All shots were tested with a 1 1/2 inch tight-fitting stefan dart. All measurements were based off of the heel-to-toe method. My shoes are 11.5 inches long. I measure by taking the number of steps multiplied by 11.5, then dividing my answer by twelve. For future reference, this is how I measure all of my ranges.

In conclusion, I love the BBB. I have always dreamed of getting one, and I highly recommend purchasing it. If there are any questions, feel free to post.

EDIT: Meh, grammar.

#15382 Super Bowl Predictions

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 01 January 2004 - 03:03 AM in Off Topic

Cowboys and chiefs.......

Quincy better shape up or there will be hell to pay!

#63072 "j" & "le Grill"

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 05 September 2005 - 10:37 AM in Modifications

Awesome job on the sm750 pistol design. It looks like it will be a lot easier to put in your pocket, more comfortable to hold, and looks a hell of a lot better than in its original casing.

What are you using for weights on the tip of those darts and what kind of darts are they?

-I evny all of your sm750's.

#15460 Super Bowl Predictions

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 01 January 2004 - 09:06 PM in Off Topic

I heard that Iverson has a great arm.

#32658 Stefan Dart Maker

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 30 July 2004 - 11:25 AM in Homemades

I can see how you would power the conveyer belt, but the cutting motion is giving me trouble. About the lego mindstorm motors; are there different motors other than the ones that only turn clock-wise and counter clock-wise? Because I have only seen/used the CW and CCW motors. The whole lego idea seems interesting.