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#297172 Effeminate 2.1

Posted by taerKitty on 15 April 2011 - 02:26 PM in Nerf Wars

A post to 'bump' the thread, but also to add that I'll be bringing lots of stuff to sell:

  • $5 hopper+barrels+magazines (see above - 15" PVC barrel, 15" PVC magazine, 2" PVC connector from wye to blaster)

  • $2 wyes

  • $10 skeletonized LBB with PVC coupler and homemade lever trigger.

  • $15 Pair of breeched TTGs, Two-Face look (each one has one first-gen shell and one second-gen shell.) Will sell for $10 each, but prefer to sell as a dueling set.

  • $5 Spring-replaced and brassed Reflex

  • $5 Spring-replaced and brassed Crossfire

  • $15 Couplered PistolSplat (price is for one, I have three)

  • $15 Couplered PulseStrike tank and pump (price is for one, I have two - one with a 1/2" CPVC coupler in the 1-1/4" PVC coupler, the other with a 1/2" PVC coupler.

  • $5 Set of 6 'dogbone' barrels on belt holster.

  • $5 Right hand drill holster.

  • $2 - $5 assorted barrel systems that go in 1-1/4" PVC couplers.
Please bring cash.

Also, for first-timers, here's where we'll be meeting:

#297279 Effeminate 2.1

Posted by taerKitty on 18 April 2011 - 05:50 PM in Nerf Wars

  • Lots of people.

  • Darth's crazy 100-shot blaster.

  • Some new game types.

  • Some beautifully done gunblades.

  • As always, Dayko did a great job with his war hosting.
  • It didn't rain for most of they day, but it wasn't sunny for a lot of it either.

  • My elbow was in pain the whole day, so priming blasters was difficult.

  • My SpritzSplat's plunger rod somehow disconnected from the Splat plunger, making the blaster inoperable.

  • My SVT4B failing to feed.

  • Forgetting to bring my SVTSSPB. (Can you tell I had a bad blaster day?)

#297301 Effeminate 2.1

Posted by taerKitty on 19 April 2011 - 08:03 AM in Nerf Wars

Thanks for the pictures. I was so stoked about being in the war that I totally forgot to take any.

I love the signs, btw. They looked great. How much did they cost? If it's not too much trouble or cost, could we have one that specifies the basics, something along the lines of:

Eye protection mandatory.

Minimum age 13.


Also, can we threadjack this as a planning war for Effin 2.2?

#296987 Effeminate 2.1

Posted by taerKitty on 31 March 2011 - 10:40 PM in Nerf Wars

Sounds good. I just went on a buying frenzy, and need to clear stuff out.

That said, I was wondering if anyone was passing through Bellevue tht I can hitch a ride with? I don't drive, so the three or four miles from home to the park is a huge timesuck.

#296898 Effeminate 2.1

Posted by taerKitty on 30 March 2011 - 12:25 PM in Nerf Wars

I just packed up some stuff for the war.

For loaners, I have
  • 2 LBBs. One is pump-replaced, but leaks slowly. Both are out of their shell and have homemade lever triggers.

  • 2 4Bs. Ditto. I'm not having a lot of luck with pump replacements. The stock one is de-shelled. The pump replaced one is still in shell, heavily modified.

  • 3 Splats, including the 'SpritzSplat', a for-the-lulz mod that hits about 100'.

  • Darts. Slugs, bumper heads, and nutheads. Quantity unknown, but hopefully enough to go around when coupled with Dayko's huge bin-o-loaner-slugs.
For sale, I have
  • PETG, purchased from Split. I believe it's all medium-wall. $0.50 a tube (in other words, I'll eat the shipping and am selling it to you at cost.)

  • Springs - [k25], [k26]. $3 each.

  • I also have K33 which is too small to fit any plunger bar save a wire, but too long when fully compressed for a Splat. $1.

  • Hopper 'systems' - 16" opaque 1/2" PVC magazines with caps (as opposed to ball valves) at the end, wye, and your choice from a variety of 16" - 18" barrels, all with some varying amount of CPVC-nested-in-PVC at the wye end and some PVC at the muzzle. $5.
And, to contribute to the general mayhem, I'm bringing
  • Safety goggles, either Splat 'sports' style glasses, or 'chemistry lab' goggles.

  • Orange and pink flagging tape.

  • Orange and grey duct tape.

  • Tool kit with both types of pipe cutters (rotary and ratcheting), screw drivers, and a pair of slip-joint pliers. (Speaking of which, Dayko - do you still have the ones I left at last year's final Effin'?

  • A bunch of stray odds-and-end pieces of PVC and CPVC.
I'll entertain offers to buy on any of the loaners. Heck, if the price is right, I'll sell any of the above, even the tools! In addition, depending on luck and time, I may have some more blasters for loan. After all, I can only use so many of them at a time.

#296210 Effeminate 2.1

Posted by taerKitty on 18 March 2011 - 07:46 AM in Nerf Wars

I posted mine. But Dayko, what about yours? :blush:

#296464 Effeminate 2.1

Posted by taerKitty on 22 March 2011 - 09:47 PM in Nerf Wars

Back to this war. From a PM on another NIC site:


We're a bunch of nerfers from Olympia, WA! I'm trying to get word to Dayko on NerfHaven regarding the Effeminate 2.1 War war, and I saw you posted in that war thread.

Could you post on the April 17th Effem War Thread again saying that we (4-12 players) plan on attending, and are organizing a multi-vehicle carpool?

There is an event page on our facebook group for the possible carpool, here: http://www.facebook....202083636482637

Other nerfers from the Olympia area not part of our group who need a ride are welcome to join our carpool if they contribute their fair share of gas money.

Thanks! Also, Hi.

Looks like we're going to meet a lot of new Nerfers! This will be epic!!!

#297323 Effeminate 2.1

Posted by taerKitty on 19 April 2011 - 04:54 PM in Nerf Wars

Think of it this way: you got sun. We got rain, and our warmest was in the mid-50's.

OTOH, it'll be great to see you again, so start swimming already.


Edit: DarthFreyr has over 750' of Best Materials HotRod XL foam left. We're selling $10 + S&H for 100', and $20 + S&H for 250'. It'd be great if attendees used it so we don't have to worry about "these darts won't fit, those will be too small", etc.


And another: We should have a sign-in, not for 'registration', but to get email addresses or NIC usernames@sites. Darth and I were talking, and I just realized there were some people I'd love to get in contact with that I have no idea how to do so.

#297355 Effeminate 2.1

Posted by taerKitty on 20 April 2011 - 03:00 PM in Nerf Wars

TBH, melee isn't my cup of tea either. However, I'm all for trying anything once. HvZ is (half) melee, and it seems a group favourite, so it's likely to be back. Some of the newcomers were all about the melee, so it seemed a good idea to give it a try - after all, they like it, so there has to be something there, right?

At least for me, not really.

I'm with LM - let's have HvZ be the melee, if there's any HvZ at all. If not, I won't gripe about it. I'm here to Nerf, not LARP. Were it up to me, I'll allow barrel-taps, but it has to be the functional barrel, not a gunblade or other long extension from a blaster. (Sorry, GreenSpike.)

I'd like more rounds where people don't get 'taken out' and sit out the rest of the round. That's one of the reasons I created Tax Evasion, so you're always 'in the game', either as an IRS agent, or a tax evader.

Oh, and the rules said that when you're hit you =hand over= darts to the IRS agent, not drop them on the ground. One aspect of the game should be dart scarcity - as there are more and more tax men, they should be sweeping and the tax evaders should have fewer and fewer darts.

Medic seems to be everyone's favourite, but I much prefer Witch Doctor - if you're shot in the back 40, you're pretty much out of the game in Medic, unless it becomes a rout and your medic feels safe enough to venture that far out.


The Medic UMB (thanks, GreenSpike!) does give me an idea, though. Not saying this is a complete game type, but what if each team starts with one UMB missle that is the 'health pack'. Instead of a medic, the missle is what revives a shot player. If it touches a downed player, or the player can touch it without moving his ass from where it is seated, he's back in the game. (Same for females, I just don't feel like salting the post with 'he/she', 'his/her', etc.) It can tossed, passed, and, most importantly, captured.

So long as one team has a health missile, it has a chance of winning. If it loses the missile, then it is one foot in the grave - there's no way for team members to get back in the game unless they manage to capture a health missile. The way I see it, each team has two objectives - first capture both missles, then hunt down the other team.

One thought - when a player is shot, he drops the missile. He can't throw it to a teammate, etc. He sits, and the missile lands beside him. (No, he can't hide the missle or sit on it, etc.)



Also, one 'lesson learned' is when we have a 'contagion'-type game, such as Tax Evasion or HvZ, we should have a ratio of normal players to special rule players (e.g., the zeds). Starting the rounds with only two IRS agents or zeds when we have almost 30 people on the field made for a pretty unbalanced game. I'm thinking we say one out of eight or one out of five are special rules players.


As LM said, I'm not bitching. Dayko runs great wars, and I appreciate the heaps of effort and investment he sinks into them. (Great signs, Dayko! Forgot to mention that in my p/c post.) I'm voicing my opinions to see if I'm the Lone Ranger, or if others feel this way. If enough people do, we can use this as data points to tweak the next Effing war to be even better.

#297840 Effeminate 2.1

Posted by taerKitty on 04 May 2011 - 07:58 AM in Nerf Wars

Hope to see you there next month. (Say, where's the 2.2 war thread, Dayko? hintHintHINT... :) )

#297872 Effeminate 2.1

Posted by taerKitty on 04 May 2011 - 11:57 PM in Nerf Wars

Name change. Ef-fem-in-ate is now being filtered by NH Admins, so the war will now use WAM, short for War at Marymoor. Here is the next war thread.

#297673 Effeminate 2.1

Posted by taerKitty on 29 April 2011 - 12:14 AM in Nerf Wars

May as well set a date earlier so we can get it on the war thread.

#297600 Effeminate 2.1

Posted by taerKitty on 27 April 2011 - 07:39 AM in Nerf Wars

Hey, don't stop the war on our account - go and have fun, and we'll get our lumps (or get our lumps in) the next one after that.


Edit: One of the Pacific Northwest Nerfers has an interesting complication to sighting - he's right-handed, but left-eye dominant. (No names, please.) While screwing around, I came up with a possible accommodation by mounting the RSCB off to the left.

That's what I call 'unobvious elegance'. The solution is so simple, but I feel silly I didn't think of it before. Below please find photos of my proof-of-concept, on a skeletonized 4B.

This -really- doesn't warrant even a post in the Mods and PJ thread, but may be of interest to the Nerfer in question.


Side view:

Posted Image


Top view:

Posted Image

#297382 Effeminate 2.1

Posted by taerKitty on 20 April 2011 - 09:13 PM in Nerf Wars

...as far as game types go I prefer simple and fun. TDM, Zombies, Medic, Capture the Flag, etc. Tax Evasion was a little bit more complicated, but still very fun and easy to grasp the rules; I had a lot of fun playing that.

I'm not saying that I won't play TDM, but the 'sitting out' aspect of it makes it less attractive than Zombies, Witch Doctor (as opposed to Medic, see above post for elaboration), and CTF where you're always 'in the game'.

As for the Medic UMB's, I also think that was a really good idea. [...] maybe a tennis or nerf ball could be used instead? More accurate and if you have decent aim you can roll/throw it to somebody from more than 20 feet. My pick with Medic (while one of my favorite gametypes) is that it gets stale if you have rushers that get down near the enemy base.

I'm not so sure accuracy at range is a good thing here. Again, I'm here to Nerf, not to show my ineptitude at playing ball. :) Besides, the UMB missile is already foam, and it's in keeping with GreenSpike's Medic UMB.

Here, we don't have a base, or a Medic. Thus, we also avoid the usual endgame sitzkreig / stalemate. Whoever has the missile is the Medic, and has to keep moving or else he'll be nailed and the missile falls into the other team's hands.

Also, because it requires a hand (let's make it a rule that the missile has to be carried in hand (or arm, etc.), not in a cargo pocket or stuffed in someone's shirt) it should force some teamwork - the missile carrier can't prime his blaster as easily, so he'll need 'wingmen' to cover him.

This game sounds like it could go back-and forth a lot, so we should set a 15-minute time limit. Then again, once a team has both missiles, both 'Medics' will go around reviving their teammates, and it could swiftly tilt in their favour. It will be fun to try it and see.


Was talking w/Darth on IRC and this came up: TDMZ. We have the usual TDM, but we also have 1/8 of the people in the round initially sitting out. After a few minutes, they join in as zombies. Usual HvZ rules apply, but the humans also have to worry about being shot by the other team. 3:15 TDM to start, but after you lose all three lives, you come back as a <infinite respawn>:15 zombie.

#297521 Effeminate 2.1

Posted by taerKitty on 24 April 2011 - 11:43 PM in Nerf Wars

From what I remember talking to Gunther at the war, he's limited to having it every other month, and I'm guessing he has to get permission, etc.

We can try far respawn points, such as the windmill itself and, maybe the parking lot? As you point out, not good for TDM, but could be good for objective games such as Flag Push (one-flag CTF, where you're trying to get the flag to the other team's 'base', seeing as we use the trees that are arguably close to the above spawn points as bases.)

I would like to see how a respawing Medic would affect the Medic game.

I'm not sure if I proposed it on this thread, but I have an idea of a Medic-like game without bases. Basically, each team starts out with a 4B or UMB missile. Whomever one of these missiles touches is revived, expect for the person carrying it. If he's shot, he has to drop the missile and can't reach out to touch it again. Any team can revive a dropped missile, so the game ends when one team has both missiles, the other team can't revive downed members, and they get eliminated one-by-one. For reference, I call it 'Health Pack' for now.

And mindless shooting is fun. What's the 'could be' about? :)

#295959 Effeminate 2.1

Posted by taerKitty on 13 March 2011 - 05:47 PM in Nerf Wars

Halo Swords! Nice!

#296795 Effeminate 2.1

Posted by taerKitty on 28 March 2011 - 10:02 PM in Nerf Wars

I actually picked up the Quick 16 at my Wal-Mart down in Auburn. I'll probably be doing more buying then selling, lol :D .

What are you looking for?

Me, I have some PulseStrikes for $15 each (which was my cost, I believe.)

#295352 Effeminate 2.1

Posted by taerKitty on 04 March 2011 - 08:38 PM in Nerf Wars

2011-04-16 works for me.

Here's a crazy idea for a game, seeing as it's the day after Tax Day:

Tax Day
  • Tax evaders start with 100 darts (including ones in their magazines!) They'll all wear flagging tape bandannas.

  • IRS agents have no dart limit. Let's start with two of them, Mr. Smith and Mr. Jones. They have 15-second respawns. No flagging tape bandannas.

  • Everyone is free to scavenge for darts.

  • When a 'tax evader' is hit, he has to pay a 'tax', say 10 darts, then both parties have a 15-second respawn.

  • If he can't pay up, he "turns states evidence" against his fellow tax evaders (becomes an IRS agent, in other words) and runs back to the bench to ammo up. And he takes off the flagging tape bandanna. Both parties also have that 15-second respawn.

  • While an IRS agent is collecting taxes both parties ignore hits until business is completed.

  • If it's a 'blind hit' (i.e. the tax evader doesn't know who shot him), he'll just call that he's hit and go to the nearest IRS agent to pay his bill, etc.

  • Winner is the last person who 'dies' in a hail of darts. Bonus props for screaming cliches from films, such as "Top of the world, Ma!", "You won't take me alive!" or "Say hello to my LEETTLE FRIEND!"

What do you think?

#295303 Effeminate 2.1

Posted by taerKitty on 03 March 2011 - 07:42 PM in Nerf Wars

I can't speak for what Dayko will bring this time, but in the past he's brought a huge assortment of blasters as loaners, and a bin of community darts. He also brings a boatload of melee weapons and some 'themed costumes' as well.

Even if not, I usually travel with at least two primaries, two secondaries, and enough darts for two or three people, so you and your friends should be covered.

Effin' wars are part arms bazaars, too. Many people bring buckets o' blasters, either to sell/trade or to just show off. Seeing the new insanities that some of the regulars have is a personal highlight for these wars. Speaking of which: Nisaburo, did you replace the spring on your RF20, and, if so, can I haz a part number? :)

(Note: I know FoamMaster has attended Effin' last year. I'm more posting to extol Dayko's generosity as a war host.)


Edit: Anyone have anything for sale this year?

#285556 The Official Internals Directory

Posted by taerKitty on 16 September 2010 - 10:10 PM in Modifications

BattleMax Sceptor

Here's an internals shot:

Posted Image

Business end is toward the right.

Above the guts is the white tube housing the follower and spring.

Below the guts is the follower spring. I'm not sure if it's constant force or not, but it's a very light spring.

Bottom of the assembly is the pump. The sausage is the air reservoir, but so is the upper tube.

The left block is the firing pin assembly. The trigger presses the grey catch leftward until it rotates so that the trigger moves past it, at which point it snaps back into position. It pivots at the grey metal pin, visible in the lower middle of the firing pin assembly. The bottom half swings back toward the right, and the upper part of it snaps to the left.

This strikes a part attached to the lower metal bar, which is visible just above the upper tube. The actual part being struck is fully enclosed in the firing pin assembly, but it has enough mass to throw the metal rod leftward more than 1/2". The lower metal rod is usually held in place by a spring also pushing it rightward. This spring is also enclosed in the firing pin assembly.

Posted Image

The right end of the metal rod is a dump valve, in the middle of the above photo. The top is the follower rod, which pushes the ammo into place. The bottom is the pump chamber.

#295934 Effeminate 2.1

Posted by taerKitty on 13 March 2011 - 11:09 AM in Nerf Wars

Assuming my wife doesn't threaten divorce, I'll be there!

#295657 Effeminate 2.1

Posted by taerKitty on 09 March 2011 - 12:28 PM in Nerf Wars

Dammit. I just dropped into the lamer, I mean no-show bucket. Family is requiring my presence at a function.

Dayko, really, really, really sorry for pushing you to post this and then to flake out. When's May's Eff-up?

#295296 Effeminate 2.1

Posted by taerKitty on 03 March 2011 - 05:38 PM in Nerf Wars

The war will be in April but we need a date. What date works best for everyone?

Saturday's best for me. I'm good on the 2nd, the 9th, and the 16th, but the last two are probably not happening for me.

Here's what I'll be bringing as darts (Dayko permitting, o'course):

Posted Image

Those are my homegrown 'bumper head' darts, but on b1g13en's white foam. (Sorry, they're not for sale.)

#295667 Effeminate 2.1

Posted by taerKitty on 09 March 2011 - 04:46 PM in Nerf Wars

That'd be great. I may bite the bullet and try to Nerf after my double-shift, so I'll offer either the 23rd or 30th as options. I suspect my 6th will soon be booked as well...

Now, if others have already put in for the 16th off, that's fine. No point moving a war just for me, especially when I had to flake out like this.

#295757 Effeminate 2.1

Posted by taerKitty on 10 March 2011 - 11:32 PM in Nerf Wars

Effin' Wars are an outdoor laboratory for me, anyhow. :)

We're okay with 'bumper heads' (so far - but if anyone balks, I'll gladly switch to slugs). The 'nutheads' are merely this round's experiment - just because they look okay doesn't mean they'll be okay. Same holds for wadcutters - if anyone isn't okay with them, I'll switch to slugs.

#295720 Effeminate 2.1

Posted by taerKitty on 10 March 2011 - 12:34 AM in Nerf Wars

I can do Sundays!

Dayko - you've already seen my Nuthead darts. Would you be okay with wadcutters as well?

Posted Image

Basically, it's a 1/4" chunk of hot glue stick atop some FBR. It also weighs about 1g, and it's metal-free.

#280314 Septembwar

Posted by taerKitty on 15 July 2010 - 11:34 AM in Nerf Wars

I'm not going to this war, but #8 and #6 are indicators of the bolt size these washers are meant for. A #6 has a 0.16" ID, and a #8 has a 0.18" ID. In another site, we measured 100 of each: 100 McMaster #8s has appx 64g mass, while 100 McMaster #6s has appx 52g.

More mass = more range, but also more potential for excessive damage at close range.

Mind you, washer mass will vary with thickness and manufacturer, and these are not subject to quality control with regards to mass, so your yardage will vary.

Also, please note the sample size is -one-, which is pretty unreliable. I just gathered 100 #8s and put them on a cooking scale with 1g granularity. Take the exact numbers with a grain of salt, but rork's intent is the same - keep the darts light.

#303357 Orange Mod Works Kit Reviews

Posted by taerKitty on 15 August 2011 - 11:17 AM in General Nerf

Replacing the PT could be useful - the two tabs that hold it to the shell break easily with augmented springs.


Edit: Some people may opine that having prebuilt parts takes the challenge out of modding.

That's fine. Don't buy them. Some others are sick and tired of stock plastic not holding up to upgraded springs, or are just interested in keeping up in the arms race.

There are many reasons to mod, and just as many ways. Don't dis someone for not being in lockstep with your One True Way.

#313471 Rockets for Nerfers

Posted by taerKitty on 24 March 2012 - 11:42 AM in General Nerf

He said in the OP that he'll be doing it. I think it's better that he does it so he can update the OPs in all the threads when he has new data, instead of proxying it to others who did the reposting.

I don't see him mentioning it, but there is a deadline on Kickstarter for the funding goal. I don't know if he can change it later on, but at time of this writing it's 2012-04-22.

#313483 Rockets for Nerfers

Posted by taerKitty on 24 March 2012 - 01:56 PM in General Nerf

Urban Taggers? (j/k)

Seriously, though:

- the two Nerf FB pages - 'NERF' (all caps) and 'Nerf Modders Welcomed'

- Is Foam Universe still viable? If you want to consider shipping them overseas, then maybe OzNerf and NerfSG?

- There may be some other Nerfers of reknown and good repute, such as Jerm.

#314684 Rockets for Nerfers

Posted by taerKitty on 22 April 2012 - 08:44 PM in General Nerf


Thanks to you and 20 other backers, Rockets for a better Nerf Internet Community! has been successfully funded.

Congrats, Draconis!

#317279 Rockets for Nerfers

Posted by taerKitty on 21 June 2012 - 10:06 AM in General Nerf

I don't have something ready to try these with yet, but I like them a lot so far. Over all it seems well weighted and decent.

What's their mass?

#313426 Rockets for Nerfers

Posted by taerKitty on 23 March 2012 - 08:12 PM in General Nerf

I'm in for $50 @Kickstarter.

#313547 Rockets for Nerfers

Posted by taerKitty on 25 March 2012 - 08:51 PM in General Nerf

Uh, don't join the buy?

#278640 Epic Summer War Part 3

Posted by taerKitty on 26 June 2010 - 08:12 PM in Nerf Wars

  • Seeing some cool designs that weren't shared here. (Details at the discretion of the designers - if they didn't share it yet, not my business to do so.)

  • Learning some new games and rules. I think, of them all, 'Witch Doctor' is probably the one I like best, albeit most confusing.

  • Seeing what a proper SnapBow (or two) can do. Tantum and Darth both had wicked ones.

  • Meeting lots of NHers. But we really need to bring nametags next time!
  • Some of my designs not working. Some worked, so it wasn't a total bust.

  • TantumBull's pump handle getting horked.

  • My +1 being late, so we could only play two or three rounds before it wound down.
Glad to have seen everyone there, and looking forward to the next one I can make!

#276826 Epic Summer War Part 3

Posted by taerKitty on 04 June 2010 - 04:54 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm always looking for maverick shells with grips in good shape. Can you help me out?

I think there's one in there. There's a whole LAHB (Lego Atlantis Harpoon Blaster, a fancy way of saying "fricking expensive BBB(B)") shell that's going out the door as well. There's a blown SM 1500 reservoir There may be the shell for it, too. Three or four sawn up LSFGs, parts of a Titan. I think I saw a LS plunger head + tube.

Yes, I could probably parts it out in Trading for money, but it's not worth the time, and, besides, I got my money's worth out of entertaining the notion I could mod. :)

I may bring some (lightly) modded blasters for selling, too. Unsure.

See you there.

#278600 Epic Summer War Part 3

Posted by taerKitty on 26 June 2010 - 12:40 AM in Nerf Wars

I thought I posted it in my first post. Sorry about that guy's. Yes were meeting at the windmill area.

You did... In Effeminate Summer War Part 1. :)

#278285 Epic Summer War Part 3

Posted by taerKitty on 22 June 2010 - 03:28 PM in Nerf Wars

Out of curiosity is anyone bring a longshot for trade at the war?

Trade for what? I can bring a few 'spare' blasters - they aren't getting a lot of use. I can't seem to get my coworkers interested. They won't be war-ready, though.

#277492 Epic Summer War Part 3

Posted by taerKitty on 11 June 2010 - 11:49 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm confirmed, -except- I work a double shift that Friday, and it can run a little late. If it runs too late into the morning, I may be too thrashed to come.

I'm not bringing anything special, unfortunately. A skeletonized LAHB, a few NF and TTG, and the Snap-41a, if I can get some of the dead space and plunger speed bugs worked out. It's sort of pathetic to get only 50' out of a [k26] spring. I may pick up a Splat, just because everyone else has one. ;)

#277027 Epic Summer War Part 3

Posted by taerKitty on 06 June 2010 - 11:49 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm still not sure I'm coming. If I am, I don't want people calling dibs on this or such. I'm not going to turn down cash, though. This isn't the trading forum, so we'll just settle it there.