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#180473 1-day Hvz

Posted by 1000 Zombies on 29 September 2008 - 05:30 PM in Nerf Wars

Sounds fun indeed. I might make it, with a friend, but I need to know where it's going to be before I can say I'm coming.

#168452 East Ma Nerfers?

Posted by 1000 Zombies on 12 August 2008 - 02:23 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm in western MA. 2 and a half hour drive according to Mapquest. I might go. I'll get back to you on this.

#172113 Quick Longshot Clip Mod

Posted by 1000 Zombies on 24 August 2008 - 06:37 PM in Modifications

And if you take out the clip lock from inside your gun, you wouldn't even have to pull the bolt back! I might try this, because I'm left handed, and it's slightly awkward to release the clip. Nice work.

#168696 Nerf Longshot Mod Rating

Posted by 1000 Zombies on 13 August 2008 - 08:12 AM in General Nerf

So basically, your just glueing the bright green "tactical light" to the side of an LS? And I don't think the Recon barrel really helps, seeing as how you have the red dot sight glued where the bipod was. And a friendly tip, fix your grammar too. Mods can be slightly harsh about that.

#169372 What Kind Of Stefan Do You Use?

Posted by 1000 Zombies on 15 August 2008 - 08:51 AM in General Nerf

I use gray caulk saver (the guy at the hardware store told me it was the same thing as FBR). Then I put them in a pillow case in the dryer for 10 minutes and hot glue a #8 washer on the tip and burn a hole in the back. They do sting though, because I didn't cover the washer with anything, so I'll probably do what Icespartan did and put a little foam on the front.

#172117 Longshot Springs

Posted by 1000 Zombies on 24 August 2008 - 06:48 PM in Modifications

Thanks for the advice everyone.

Try streaching a Nite Finder spring and add that with the longshot spring. That what I got in mine and i have primed that thin at least 100 times and nothing has happened yet

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've read that stretching isn't good for springs.

I think I'm just gonna do what Keef said and leave the NF spring in there. 50 feet isn't as good as 80, but it's way better than a broken gun. Oh, and what does AR15 stand for? I did a search on it and nothing came up...

#178135 Best Spring For Longshot

Posted by 1000 Zombies on 18 September 2008 - 05:36 PM in General Nerf

I'm going to say the AR15 spring, as a BBB+LS combo is what broke my first Longshot.

#172046 Longshot Springs

Posted by 1000 Zombies on 24 August 2008 - 02:49 PM in Modifications

A few weeks ago, my Longshot's sled broke after I put a BBB spring in it. I came here to look for ways to fix it, and found something about how the dart tooth being put in wrong makes the sled break. Now I'm hesitant about putting the BBB spring in my new Longshot.
So my question is; Would a BBB+LS spring combo make the sled break? Or did I just put the darth tooth in wrong? Thanks in advance.


#172125 Longshot Springs

Posted by 1000 Zombies on 24 August 2008 - 07:16 PM in Modifications

Ahh, if only I had some way of online payment. Any possible chance I could find a spring like that in a store?

#180477 Longshot Bolt

Posted by 1000 Zombies on 29 September 2008 - 05:34 PM in General Nerf

Listen cs, i already tried the claw hammer and it still won't come off.

You just need to pull really REALLY hard. Once you get it off the first time, it should come off quite easy after that.

#178273 "stix" Commercial

Posted by 1000 Zombies on 19 September 2008 - 03:53 PM in Off Topic

So the other day, I discovered something on the TV. It was a commercial for a game system that used a remote and motion sensors. So I thought "Cool! The Wii!" and I turned the volume up only to find that this was almost an identical copy! White remote, button on the back (the B button, on the real Wiimote), motion sensing... Now, I've only seen this commercial once, so I may be judging it too quickly, but does anybody know if that's like, illegal or something?


#169088 Nite-mav

Posted by 1000 Zombies on 14 August 2008 - 01:16 PM in Modifications

Very impressive. A sweet paintjob too. Keep up the good work.

#168164 Noob Nerf Guns

Posted by 1000 Zombies on 11 August 2008 - 04:20 PM in General Nerf

My Longshot is missing the bolt lock too, only because I haven't figured out how to put it in right. No real problems for me yet, except it sometimes fires by itself. But only sometimes. It might or might not be bad for the gun, but I'd ask someone more experienced about that.

#170247 Titan Rifle Rocket

Posted by 1000 Zombies on 18 August 2008 - 09:48 AM in Modifications

So they slide over the barrel like the normal rockets? Do you have a recommended size for the thickness of the foam?
I like it. Seems like a nicer, safer substitute for a single Titan. Nice work. :ph34r:

#170239 My Very First Nerf Mod... Ever! (finished W/ Lots Of Pictures)

Posted by 1000 Zombies on 18 August 2008 - 09:17 AM in Modifications

Very nice. I look forward to more of your work.

#172144 Runescape

Posted by 1000 Zombies on 24 August 2008 - 07:44 PM in Off Topic

Haha, I remember 7th grade, when seriously every kid I knew at my school played. I'm still on a little bit, but way less than I used to be. Slayer is the only thing I really work on now. I've been through like, 3 accounts, qutting my first one at level 75, and my second at 86. The one I got now is like, 60 something.

My combat level is like 63 I think. Don't know total level. And my 3 highest stats would be firemaking (70), woodcutting/cooking (60) and then probably attack (53).

#169952 Summer Battle Of The Pines

Posted by 1000 Zombies on 17 August 2008 - 11:04 AM in Nerf Wars

I may be there. And possibly be bringing someone. I still have to check my schedule though.

EDIT: Nope. Looks like I won't make it. (insert sad face here)

#169853 Bike Nerf

Posted by 1000 Zombies on 16 August 2008 - 10:05 PM in General Nerf

Sounds impractical to me. Vulcan on the back of a golf cart? Maybe.

I had an idea similar to that the other day. About the bike idea, maybe you could strap a wagon on the back of a bike and have the wagon dude shoot. It would probably unsafe, but it seems fun to me. Not to mention bikes and go karts would be useful in CTF games.

#170082 Bike Nerf

Posted by 1000 Zombies on 17 August 2008 - 07:28 PM in General Nerf

The only problem would be driving and shooting at the same time. Maybe if you had a two person bike, one guy could just sit on the back and shoot. This would also mean that the gun wouldn't be limited to just shooting directly in front of the bike.

#180463 The Access Bow

Posted by 1000 Zombies on 29 September 2008 - 05:20 PM in Modifications

Must...resist...buying 2 more NFs!! *twitch twitch*
Very nice work. Is it hard to cock with all those springs in there?

#172134 Broken House Hold Items

Posted by 1000 Zombies on 24 August 2008 - 07:28 PM in General Nerf

Let's see, I've put a hole in a window shade and dent in my door (it's like some weirdo plastic-paper thing) with my BBB. And a few hours ago, I brought that same gun over to my friend's house, and she broke a lightbulb.

#177520 Non-nerf Applications Of Nerf Guns

Posted by 1000 Zombies on 15 September 2008 - 03:17 PM in General Nerf

I sometimes use the Nitefinder laser to play with my cat.

#180249 Nerf Semi-automatc Pistol

Posted by 1000 Zombies on 28 September 2008 - 06:23 PM in General Nerf

Nerf has made a TYPE of semi-auto but like Lee said its a fat fuck its the vulcan which uses pistons and battery but definately not a side arm thats the best to a semi-auto i thought of

*ahem* CoC
Not to sound like an asshole or anything, but the admins around here aren't too friendly to people who don't follow that.

#171192 My Youtube Account

Posted by 1000 Zombies on 21 August 2008 - 07:42 AM in General Nerf

Keep it. I enjoy your videos. :)

#172149 Greatest Game That You Have Ever Played In Your Life

Posted by 1000 Zombies on 24 August 2008 - 07:53 PM in Off Topic

The original Super Smash Bros. and Brawl, all of the Pokemon games, a ton of the Sonic the Hedgehog games, Super Mario 64, Super Mario 64 DS, Mario Kart Wii, Super Mario Galaxy, the Metroid Prime series, the Resident Evil remake for Gamecube, and last but not least, every Legend of Zelda title I've played except for Phantom Hourglass. (sorry Link. I just don't know what I didn't like about it...)

...*sigh*, I really need to get out more.

#168445 How Many Guns Do You Have In Your Arsenal?

Posted by 1000 Zombies on 12 August 2008 - 02:06 PM in General Nerf

Not that many, but whatever.
5 Nightfinders. Soon to get a couple more.
1 Maverick
1 stock Recon
1 Longshot
1 Strikefire
1 stock Magstrike
1 stock Single Tek (...I think that's what it is)
2 Tek 10s (if that's what they are)
And soon to get a Titan and an AT3k.

#172522 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by 1000 Zombies on 26 August 2008 - 10:36 AM in Modifications

Posted Image

My double NF. Just showing off the mod for now, because I have to re-paint it when I get some more paint.

#174709 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by 1000 Zombies on 03 September 2008 - 01:46 PM in Modifications

Posted Image
My most favorite paintjob of all my noobish paintjobs. :)