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#89804 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by NerfMonkey on 16 September 2006 - 02:34 PM in Modifications

This is my brand new NF. The performance isn't quite what I'd like it to be, only about 40' flat because the barrel extends too far into the plunger tube and reduces the plunger stroke, but it will make a good pistol to rush with becasuse it's very fast due to the ability to put a dart in the tip of the barrel and suck it down when I cock the gun. I have my L'nLs for normal sidearm use. It's got a 4" Sch. 80 barrel, wrapped plungerhead and a small DTB or Crossfire spring because I couldn't find an old edition one to replace the stock one with.

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And from the front:

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EDIT: General Cole, I can't mount the barrel on the plunger itself but I had originally planned to put it on the end of the plunger tube, probably on the piece with the barrel peg after removing said peg and drilling a hole through the other piece with the solid restrictor in the middle. The barrel is already Gooped into place and I'm happy with the ranges it gets with the bungee cord attached, so I'm not going to bother.

#80368 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by NerfMonkey on 19 April 2006 - 05:53 PM in Modifications

This is my PC, repainted. I named it the Monkey Custom; after using it for a while the name just came into existence. My Splitfire will soon have the same all-black paintjob on the non-translucent side with a small green monkey. There are two clips in the pictures, you can't tell there's one in the gun. The small monkey is going to become my trademark.

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#72886 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by NerfMonkey on 11 February 2006 - 09:16 PM in Modifications

EDIT: Hehe, just joking around a bit man. I'll post some pictures of my 2k later.

#102194 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by NerfMonkey on 14 April 2007 - 12:40 PM in Modifications


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SM500 with a 2k pump that none of you have ever seen (I traded it a longass time ago):

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This thread needs more pictures.

#102595 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by NerfMonkey on 25 April 2007 - 07:08 PM in Modifications

You put some extra image tags in there. Take them out and the pictures will work.

#325502 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by NerfMonkey on 20 January 2013 - 03:44 AM in Modifications

This one's not real impressive but it's the first mod I've done in ~2 years and it came out much cleaner than I expected. 17/32" brassed NF.

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#131635 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by NerfMonkey on 07 December 2007 - 10:45 PM in Modifications

You're really obnoxious CornMan. Stop telling other people off, you didn't post a picture either.

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Big Blast with tribarrel shotgun attachment. My apologies for the blurry picture.

#104078 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by NerfMonkey on 05 May 2007 - 05:29 PM in Modifications

NF knockoff from Dark Shrimp:

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Closeup on the part where it says Nerf on a real NF:

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#72325 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by NerfMonkey on 04 February 2006 - 11:05 PM in Modifications

This is my PC, which is about my nicest looking gun right now. It's been clip modded, though I don't have any extra clips (I plan on buying one or two pretty soon), I just wanted something to do a few days ago. One side is all black, I think it came out too glossy, with the middle yellow flame thing masked off to break up all the darkness. The other side just has a neat blue wallpaper I printed out to stick in there to cover up the ugly banded bladder. I got the idea for this from C's 3k and Splitfire writeups so all the credit for it goes to him.

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#97594 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by NerfMonkey on 02 January 2007 - 10:19 PM in Modifications

My L'nLs (this is each one's fourth mod and the fifth different mod I've tried on them):

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My 2k, just a PVC coupler; nothing special:

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#71504 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by NerfMonkey on 22 January 2006 - 08:03 PM in Modifications

Do you see the white cylindrical thing on the front of the gun? That's a 2k tank. If an SSPB tank was that big we'd all be using those instead of our 2ks.

#270588 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by NerfMonkey on 28 March 2010 - 04:30 PM in Homemades

I don't do much with homemades, but holy shit it's awesome to see you on here YakMan. Stick around a while.

#262665 Xbox Live Recreational Community House ---

Posted by NerfMonkey on 21 January 2010 - 10:08 PM in Off Topic

I'm terrible at games.

#263364 Xbox Live Recreational Community House ---

Posted by NerfMonkey on 26 January 2010 - 10:41 PM in Off Topic

I could have edited this into my last post but want people to notice it. If you send me a friend request make sure you let me know you're from NH. I got a request from a random gamertag today and can only assume it's somebody from here but I'm not sure.

#58419 Dartsmithing Tips Archive

Posted by NerfMonkey on 28 June 2005 - 11:15 PM in Darts and Barrels

My tricks:

1. When I burn the hole in the top of the foam to drop in the slingshot ammo, I always spin the glue gun around the dart for one or two seconds. This gets rid of the string of glue that comes off of the dart and decreases your chances of pulling the glue gun away from a dart that you set down to dry and yanking the dart onto your bare knee and burning the hell out of yourself. This has happened to me and it is NOT GOOD.

Gets rid of that little string of glue.
Reduces the chances of ruining darts by tipping them over.

Increases dart making time, but not enough to notice.
If you spin the gun too close to the foam, you can burn it and screw up the dart.

2. After making a dart, if I have a crater in the end of it, I bite off the foam around the crater to make it flatter.

Increases the quality of the dart tip.
I like chewing foam.

You can accidentally eat the foam when you bite it off.
Increases dart maknig time.
If the dart is not completely dry, you can get glue on your teeth, which tastes bad and burns your mouth.

3. I use a vise to put my darts into while drying. This way I can set the vise to the perfect tightness so that the darts aren't smashed permanently, but will not fall out if I bump them. It can also hold a lot of darts.

Keeps darts upright.
Holds a lot of darts.
Won't hurt the foam (plus if it did, you could cut off the end of the dart).


That's all I've got, but there are probably more I didn't think of.

#114074 Dartsmithing Tips Archive

Posted by NerfMonkey on 01 July 2007 - 10:15 PM in Darts and Barrels

Bpso, was that the white foam or the gray foam? I'm considering buying a few hundred feet.

#66153 Dartsmithing Tips Archive

Posted by NerfMonkey on 20 October 2005 - 03:09 PM in Darts and Barrels

Why do people register, then post one idiotic comment that pisses one or two people off MAX, get banned and we never hear from them again? It doesn't seem like it would be worth the effort to register on a forum you don't like and be an idiot in a two word post, then get banned.

For my most recent darts, I've started putting the foam in 1/2" ID vinyl tubing to straighten it and make it slightly smaller, which seems to work pretty good. They're better in my CPVC modded pump guns it seems and they travel a little more straight for me.

EDIT: Whoops, forgot to put the Pros and Cons. Sorry about that.


Straightens FBR very effectively.
Sounds cool when you yank it out of there.


Makes it smaller (might not be good for someone with a lot of spring guns that you want a tight fit)
It's hard to get the foam in the vinyl.

#77543 Dartsmithing Tips Archive

Posted by NerfMonkey on 25 March 2006 - 03:23 PM in Darts and Barrels

Yes, very bad. It seems perfectly safe, but what you need to understand about the foam we use is that it's spongy and will tear with use, meaning the tack could easily come out and stab someone in the face if you shot a dart enough times or if you didn't make it perfectly.

#61577 Nerfers Nerfing Disease

Posted by NerfMonkey on 10 August 2005 - 12:11 PM in Off Topic

All right, I know nothing at all about computers and/or software...

I downloaded the Windows 2000/XP "no nonsense" version as NerfMonkey and at the black screen that came up when I opened the file, after filling in the fields I could (most), it asked me for my user ID from server. I of course have no idea what this is, so if anyone could tell me how to find out it would be much appreciated. Thanks.

#61583 Nerfers Nerfing Disease

Posted by NerfMonkey on 10 August 2005 - 12:51 PM in Off Topic

Thanks a lot cx, I'll redo it.

#127872 New Nerf Blaster From Hasbro

Posted by NerfMonkey on 28 October 2007 - 07:43 PM in News

Man, it's hard to believe that you could have longshot power in a a NF or Maverick sized pistol! Plus a clip on a pistol! Man, it's gonna be sweet!

It won't be as powerful as a Longshot if it's the size of an NF. A Longshot's plunger tube alone is longer than an uncocked NF.

It looks like a Disk Shot with some extra shit thrown on it. Hopefully it will be a decent gun but I'm not buying one until we know something about them. Thanks for the news.

#134089 New Nerf Blaster From Hasbro

Posted by NerfMonkey on 28 December 2007 - 12:06 AM in News

b4 ne one calls me a noob no im not i just havent been on here for over a year

The quality of your post definitely proves that you aren't a noob. I like your signature too.

#67520 Where To Buy Modding Materials

Posted by NerfMonkey on 12 November 2005 - 12:41 PM in Modifications

Does Lowe's really carry brass? I've checked every time I've been there in the last year and haven't found it. Is it not with the plumbing supplies like PVC and such? I've checked nearly everywhere. If anyone knows where in the store it is (at least where you go), please tell me.

Nice list James. You may also need vinyl tubing for pump relocations and such. And airtank expansions. A tape measure may also be a good thing to have for measuring ranges and lengths of tubing more than 1'. Pipe cutters would make cutting brass MUCH easier than a hacksaw and PVC cutters have been by far my most useful tool. That and a Dremel. Sand paper and files are also helpful, but a Dremel works best for most projects. Foam craft sheet is nice, but not necessary. Paint for your own custom guns, but I usually don't paint mine. Electrical tape and duct tape are also a must.

#78355 Where To Buy Modding Materials

Posted by NerfMonkey on 01 April 2006 - 07:50 PM in Modifications


This is where you can get PETG and a whole lotta other stuff.

He just said that.

#67531 Where To Buy Modding Materials

Posted by NerfMonkey on 12 November 2005 - 02:04 PM in Modifications

Vinyl tubing - Where: Plumbing section of any hardware store with a decent selection of stuff. Price: $0.24 a linear foot here.

Tape measure - Where: Any hardware store, mine have it under the hand tools section I think. Price: I've seen some for $15 and some for $25. Depends on what you want.

Pipe cutters - Where: Again, any hardware store, mine has them semi-near the plumbing section. Price: Small ones, about $10, larger ones (really nice ones), about $20 or $25.

PVC cutters (the clamp kind with two blades, not normal pipe cutters) - Where: A good-size hardware store with the pipe cutters usually. Price: Mine were $30 but totally worth it.

Dremel - Where: A hardware store, most of them have them by the tools section somewhere. Price: The cheapest I've seen was about $30, but I'm sure some run over $100, plus there's the cost of extra bits.

Sand paper - Where: Yet again, your local hardware/home improvement store, but I'm not sure which section, probably the hand tools. Price: Mine was about $10 for about ten sheets of different coarseness and thickness for different jobs, really nice. Came in a little book of "pages" so you could flip to the kind you need.

Files - Where: The hand tools section of the hardware store probably. Price: About $10 I think for mine, which is a very nice one with four different parts each with a different coarseness. You can also buy a little book of them with about five or six, but I'm not sure how much that is.

Foam craft sheet - Where: A craft store like Pat Catan's, Hobby Lobby or Michael's. Price: I got mine cheap, like $2.50 for three large sheets.

Electrical/Duct tape - Where: ANYWHERE. I've seen duct tape at the Ben Franklin up the road, but it sucked. Get it at a hardware store if you want good stuff. Price: About $3-5 for a good-sized roll.

Hope this helps.

#67556 Where To Buy Modding Materials

Posted by NerfMonkey on 12 November 2005 - 11:13 PM in Modifications

I too have found it at my pet store, PetCo. They only have ~3/4" ID, but if they have it, maybe Petsmart or Pet Supplies Plus will have the right sizes. Thanks for the tip ompa.

I know for a fact that Petsmart doesn't carry PETG (just checked there about half an hour ago).

That may be just your own local store though. Some ACE hardwares carry brass, mine doesn't. My Home Depot didn't used to have FBR.

#70944 Where To Buy Modding Materials

Posted by NerfMonkey on 13 January 2006 - 04:32 PM in Modifications

Pumping, Vibrating and Filtering

Sorry, couldn't resist.

This isn't really a modding material, but a digital camera is extremely useful for doing mod writeups and necessary for um...taking pictures.

#67535 Where To Buy Modding Materials

Posted by NerfMonkey on 12 November 2005 - 03:09 PM in Modifications

I too have found it at my pet store, PetCo. They only have ~3/4" ID, but if they have it, maybe Petsmart or Pet Supplies Plus will have the right sizes. Thanks for the tip ompa.

Another very useful tool is an exacto knife or utility knife. Box cutters (a.k.a. razor blades in a sheath) do just as well, but I think the utility knives are much more comfortable and easy to use.

Where: Hardware store, craft store, grocery store maybe, just about anywhere. Price: A good one will cost about $10.

EDIT: If we're calling FBR a modding material, weights will be too.

1/4" or 0.25" slingshot balls/ammo - Where: Dick's, Wal-Mart, pretty much any sporting goods or "all-purpose" store. Price: I get mine for $4 for 250 of them, maybe some are cheaper.

3/0 fishing weights - Where: Again, Wal-Mart, Dick's, lots of places. Price: I think mine are about $3-4 for 30 or 40 of them, but maybe some places like Wal-Mart have them cheaper.

BBs - Where: Dick's, Wal-Mart, sporting goods stores and the like. Price: I get 1500 for about $2.50 at Dick's, but I think they're like 3000 at Wal-Mart for like $5, unless I remember wrong.

#76172 Fall '06 Blasters

Posted by NerfMonkey on 14 March 2006 - 07:44 PM in General Nerf

Oh, an expanding/retracting stock, eh? Sounds intriguing. Thanks for the information.

That picture kicks ass.

#74222 Fall '06 Blasters

Posted by NerfMonkey on 25 February 2006 - 12:14 AM in General Nerf

it's freaking huge, and that means i will find some way to turn it into a godly primary when it comes out

Do you mean with an integration or what? Because size doesn't have anything to do with performance...
Ten points to anyone that didn't think what I just did when reading that.

Thanks OMC, Talio and Groove. This is always the best part when we see pictures of the guns. Hasbro's really pumping out the guns, it's been less than a year since we saw the pics of the Firefly and DTB for the first time and the Crossfire was a nice surprise in between.

Thanks again, it can't be said enough how lucky we are as a community to have you guys.

#202536 Avatars

Posted by NerfMonkey on 11 January 2009 - 12:41 AM in Site Feedback

Oh my fuck. We are not getting any new avatars, stop posting in this thread.

#86091 Longshot Mod

Posted by NerfMonkey on 30 July 2006 - 03:48 PM in Modifications

I love you.

...No, seriously.

99'?! I was expecting maybe 80' even with a new spring. I even have a spare 3B spring lying around! Thank you so much for testing this.

One last question from me: does the 3B spring make the gun hard to cock at all? I imagine it would be about like an NF and 3B put together but maybe the side handles will make it easier.

Thanks again for posting proof of the ranges, that's amazing, really amazing.

#111133 Dcno - Summer '07

Posted by NerfMonkey on 13 June 2007 - 09:27 PM in Nerf Wars

Two more days.

Looking forward to seeing some new faces.


#101539 Dcno - Summer '07

Posted by NerfMonkey on 29 March 2007 - 07:12 PM in Nerf Wars

My August is shot to hell already, that won't work. There's also Apoc in August and I want to go to that; I couldn't go to two wars 5+ hours away in one month. And Steve will be gone for a month starting in June so July's out. I say we have it in June.

#101533 Dcno - Summer '07

Posted by NerfMonkey on 29 March 2007 - 06:51 PM in Nerf Wars

Maybe I missed something but what's wrong with old Wayside? Just convenience for you Steve?

I get out of school on the 9th/10th/11th. I'd prefer if it was after I get out but if not that's fine.

The first one with the huge playground looked good; the rest looked like a lot of open fields, which is totally #0|\/|03|z071(.

#105312 Dcno - Summer '07

Posted by NerfMonkey on 13 May 2007 - 08:09 PM in Nerf Wars

I hope to hell that one day there are wars being held on the same day, in different locations. However, I don't think we've quite reached the point where that is entirely feasible, YET. But, it will be great to have enough people to do that in the future.


ECNO was on the same day as that one in Minnesota. And the Deal war might be on the same day as PANO or CANO.

Anyways, 9th doesn't work for me, 16th does. The 17th doesn't, neither do the 23rd/24th or the 30th/1st.

#105507 Dcno - Summer '07

Posted by NerfMonkey on 14 May 2007 - 06:40 PM in Nerf Wars

Mine's 4:30. But I'll only be doing an hour or two of that both ways, depending on how shitty of a driver I end up being.

#111280 Dcno - Summer '07

Posted by NerfMonkey on 14 June 2007 - 08:03 PM in Nerf Wars

Okay, now a serious post.

My guns and darts are, as Jordan so eloquently put it, fucked. Absolutely fucked in the asshole. My micros are shooting like shit out of all the guns I've tested them with - a Big Blast, singled 2k and quadded 2k. If I can't figure out a way to fix this I'm going to need to borrow some darts. Either that or just go autos and pistols (assuming these darts work in autos and pistols) all day. If nobody's got darts for me to use that's fine, but don't you usually bring about 400 Dean?


#109292 Dcno - Summer '07

Posted by NerfMonkey on 03 June 2007 - 09:31 PM in Nerf Wars

This is the 10th DCNO and the 5th one I'm attending.

That means I'll have gone to 1/2 of them.

Do I get to be a team captain for a round this time? :rolleyes:

#111287 Dcno - Summer '07

Posted by NerfMonkey on 14 June 2007 - 08:19 PM in Nerf Wars

That's a huge relief. I'll still use mine in my Powerclip and NFs - I found out they shoot almost as good as my others in those - but if I want to use any guns that shoot more than 40' I'll use those. Thank you so much.