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#318542 NJW8.5

Posted by hoongfu on 15 July 2012 - 09:49 PM in Nerf Wars

Aww yea, back to old hero-style NJNO stomping grounds. Im glad we are back to Babbage again. I missed this park so much.

#318566 NJW8.5

Posted by hoongfu on 16 July 2012 - 09:34 AM in Nerf Wars

Yeah, after an entire month of grassy fields with moderately sized evenly distributed trees, it will be nice to get back to a muddy field with moderately sized evenly distributed trees.

Looking forward to this. I promise I'll get the squeek out of my gun and the sand out of my vagina for this one.

Oh, and to the potential League players, bring you a-game, the captains are watching.

I heard the last field was an "ocean". But I do remember the swamp in the middle of the field after it rained, I ran straight through it during the VIP rounds to flank you guys.

I will definitely do my worst so I can rig the system. Friendly fire ftw! /sarcasm

#319170 Hopper / RSCB Clip

Posted by hoongfu on 25 July 2012 - 08:38 AM in Darts and Barrels

BabyGhandi has hoppered over 30 quadshots (yes thats right, maybe even more now) and I believe he uses a [k26] in them.

#319193 Nerf Glossary/Jargon File

Posted by hoongfu on 25 July 2012 - 01:48 PM in General Nerf

Optimal/Transition/Chicago barrel - barrel that has two sections; a shorter section with tight fit (normally 2-3" sch40 cpvc) connected to 9-10" of sch80 pvc. Most prominently used by the Rainbow Clan.

OPRV (Over Pressure Release Valve) - Found in most airguns, it releases excess air preventing the air from getting into the tank which potentially damages the tank over time and could cause the tank to rupture.

Checkvalve - a valve that allows air of a certain pressure in one direction only, commonly used in airguns and Ryan McNumbers rainbow pumps to prevent vacuum loading

Ryan McNumbers - Ryan201821

#K or AT#K (2,3,4) - AirTech 2000,3000,4000 respectively. Turreted airguns. 2k being the smallest with a manual rotation mech. 3k being the viewed as the best because of the dump valve size and has an auto rotation mechanism. 4k has the biggest turret and tank but supposedly the dump valve limits the ranges and it also has an auto rotation mechanism.

PAS (Pump Action Shotgun ) - An Ertl brand ball blaster that is adapted to shoot stefans

RFDG / RFSG (Rapid Fire Dart / Shot Gun) - An Ertl brand blaster with a 12 shot turret that shoots megas stock. Most famously used by Forsaken_Angel24 for the Doomsayer mod.

~Updated to reflect proper wording thanks to Langley & Beaver

#319462 First annual Parabolic Toys contest!

Posted by hoongfu on 30 July 2012 - 01:12 PM in Homemades

In that case, I'm entering, but won't ask for a rocket until I start building. Also, how long do the barrels need to be?

8" more or less. More is better though so you have a little more clearance between the fins and the blaster/pump.

#319732 NJW 8.5

Posted by hoongfu on 02 August 2012 - 09:42 PM in General Nerf

That's not fair you did have Hero and his shopping bag of rockets.

MY Rockets!

Man, I'm in the video and Im on my cellphone trying to figure out how to record on my gopro lol.

#319765 Apoc Round Schedule and Signup

Posted by hoongfu on 03 August 2012 - 09:52 AM in Nerf Wars

I would be very surprised if there is enough attendance to run 3 rounds at a time we've never really don't that successfully in the past.

Sitting out is an easy round to run.

#319785 Apoc Round Schedule and Signup

Posted by hoongfu on 03 August 2012 - 11:21 AM in Nerf Wars

YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP. Great thread guys.

So is 4TDM going to be only clan based, or is there going to be a full roster 4 TDM that isn't exclusive?

#319807 NJW 8.5

Posted by hoongfu on 03 August 2012 - 01:40 PM in General Nerf

Clearly the best way to cart around rockets.

I have perfected the way of the rocket.

#320017 NJW9; A post-Apocalyptic war

Posted by hoongfu on 06 August 2012 - 09:17 AM in Nerf Wars

Unfortunately gota spend time with Mrs. Fu this weekend and NJFW10 too sadly.

#320019 Creating a NIC Biography

Posted by hoongfu on 06 August 2012 - 09:33 AM in Off Topic

The Articles section here is a great place to start.

Other items that should be investigated: Mag7, Four horsemen, Sex Dwarves, Canadians, Rainbow Clan, Captain Slug, Stefan (or whatever the username of the guy who invented the stefan), Rise/fall/and more recent resurgence of NJ wars, the SNAP, Rainbow catch, +bow, and Bow powered blasters.

#320155 Philly War 9/1 Smedley Park

Posted by hoongfu on 08 August 2012 - 04:36 PM in Nerf Wars


#320156 2012 Nerf War Schedule

Posted by hoongfu on 08 August 2012 - 04:38 PM in Nerf Wars

[url=http://nerfhaven.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=22971]1st [PA] Philly War[/url]

#320206 Philly War 9/1 Smedley Park

Posted by hoongfu on 09 August 2012 - 08:05 AM in Nerf Wars

Shotgunned titans are fine if they have a stock OPRV. And if Koree or I see that its overpowered we will ask you to put it away.

#320246 Magnetic Holsters for Nitefinders and other small blasters

Posted by hoongfu on 09 August 2012 - 08:11 PM in Modifications

It's the best holster ever! It never falls off if set up properly. I've set it up improperly for 2 wars as for apoc I set it straight and it never failed. The magnets set in alternating order give the holster a perfect release and holstering. And when holstering if you hold the blaster close enough the magnets' attraction is strong enough to pull them together and set the blaster perfectly in the holster. It's the quickest and best no nonsense holster period. Bloody no tampon period.

Btw I'm wearing the black shorts in the picture.

#320268 Magnetic Holsters for Nitefinders and other small blasters

Posted by hoongfu on 09 August 2012 - 11:51 PM in Modifications

China I mean Ebay also sells square magnets which may prove to be a better magnet because of the perfect alternating fit as opposed to "close enough" fit and the circular magnets are a pain to line up and keep them that way until e-putty is applied. Be patient during the eputty application step because if you rush the magnets might clump together and precious time is wasted meaning the eputty to set in more than you want before the magnets are aligned properly making this very difficult. This happened to the 4 magnet section on my NF.

#320284 Magnetic Holsters for Nitefinders and other small blasters

Posted by hoongfu on 10 August 2012 - 09:09 AM in Modifications

I used the hard drive magnets on some blasters a few years ago to allow them to hang from a sheet of steel that I screwed to the wall in my son's room. FYI, Magstrikes just slide all the way to the edge and fall on the floor. Even with three massive (1"x0.5") magnets. I imagine it would be similar on clothing.

You clearly need more magnets! On the serious side did you use 3.5" HD magnets or 2.5" HD magnets (desktop or laptop basically) And modern HD magnets are SUPER weak compared to old school ones.

How far away do you have to keep those from phones/credit cards/etc.?

I normally keep my valuables in the front pockets on my vest.

Protip: A flat surface with little to no slack in the fabric makes a better holster area. The more movement the holster is allowed the less secure the blaster is.

#320289 Magnetic Holsters for Nitefinders and other small blasters

Posted by hoongfu on 10 August 2012 - 11:18 AM in Modifications

This would also be really great for HvZ instead of making integrations.

That is a great idea. You could also have custom integrations that are more forgiving if you mess up and can be adapted easier to each mission.

Time to magnetize my jolts and SSPBs!

#320293 NJW9; A post-Apocalyptic war

Posted by hoongfu on 10 August 2012 - 12:19 PM in Nerf Wars

If the picnic pavilion is occupied, will we stay at Babbage? If not, can we come up with a plan ahead of time? Can anyone bring an easy-up?

Make sure you keep the tarps in your car this time.

#320295 Magnetic Holsters for Nitefinders and other small blasters

Posted by hoongfu on 10 August 2012 - 12:35 PM in Modifications

Would these be big enough?

You would need more magnets to achieve the same strength as the big ones but I think it would be stronger overall. I actually bought those and compared them to the circular ones on my NF. They are a bit smaller but I think they will still be useful. Next time I need more magnets Im going for the bigger ones so I can attempt to magnetize bigger stuff, like the DCIT.

#320457 How do you browse the forums?

Posted by hoongfu on 14 August 2012 - 04:26 PM in Site Feedback

I have the "View New Content" page pinned as an app tab in Chrome.

#320814 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by hoongfu on 21 August 2012 - 11:10 PM in Modifications

Its not every day you get to mod with Gears and Koree. The aftermath:

Posted Image
Obligatory U3 Pose featuring a brass stub in PETG plugged Panther, new hinge style DCIT, Magpul angled fore grip on a McNumbers RBP.

Posted Image
Supah Special Charlie's Angels pose with the same DCIT and 2 panthers modded the same as the previously mentioned one supah clean, supah nice.

#321027 Philly War 9/1 Smedley Park

Posted by hoongfu on 25 August 2012 - 11:09 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey guys, with much regret I am canceling this war. There is not enough people going to justify it, especially with 1/3 of the people coming 3-4 hours away from CT. Hopefully next time we will get more confirmed attendees.

#321310 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by hoongfu on 01 September 2012 - 10:54 PM in Modifications

Koree did this. Its called "Cheaper than Birth Control"

Posted Image

And look what I did immediately after. Its called "Plan B? How about Plan 'N' ".
Posted Image

And then what Koree did to what I did.
Posted Image

#321464 Nerf Podcast

Posted by hoongfu on 08 September 2012 - 02:16 AM in General Nerf

Koree, Ted, and I got together a few hours ago to put together a podcast. We discussed a variety of topics new and current to the NIC, one of them MANL. There will be a post war recap podcast as well.


Enjoy and stick around for the next podcast.

#324292 RESCHEDULED DUE TO WEATHER: War at 'The Grid Code' Indoor Ner

Posted by hoongfu on 09 December 2012 - 03:53 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm totally in but I'd need a ride. Anyone going from the Philly Area or anyone want to sleep over my place before heading over? I'm looking at you Andtheherois, Chops, shandsgator, phree, LT Dan, and anyone I missed. Oh yea you too Langley ;)

#324293 Philadelphia Winter Nerf War Dec 22nd DATE CHANGED TO DEC 22nd!

Posted by hoongfu on 09 December 2012 - 03:58 PM in Nerf Wars

I will be coming to this war... If any one has a stock, or very lightly modded Longshot they are looking to sell, I'll by it for 30 dollars. I need one in fairly good condition, for a friend of mine.

I have two, so you can choose yellow or blue. :)

#324297 Philadelphia Winter Nerf War Dec 22nd DATE CHANGED TO DEC 22nd!

Posted by hoongfu on 09 December 2012 - 04:12 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm game.

#324404 Philadelphia Winter Nerf War Dec 22nd DATE CHANGED TO DEC 22nd!

Posted by hoongfu on 12 December 2012 - 01:34 PM in Nerf Wars


we can get bertucci's

Or Tim's ;)

#324411 Philadelphia Winter Nerf War Dec 22nd DATE CHANGED TO DEC 22nd!

Posted by hoongfu on 12 December 2012 - 04:10 PM in Nerf Wars

But who else will pull drive-bys on Deadshooter with us?!

I'll be there. I've been bleaching my hair lately so I'll have similar silky hair like Ted. You should run you fingers through it a few times to make sure.

#324629 Philadelphia Winter Nerf War Dec 22nd DATE CHANGED TO DEC 22nd!

Posted by hoongfu on 20 December 2012 - 06:28 PM in Nerf Wars

Yep, rain or shine.

Or meteors or blood rain.

#324648 Philadelphia Winter Nerf War Dec 22nd DATE CHANGED TO DEC 22nd!

Posted by hoongfu on 21 December 2012 - 04:45 PM in Nerf Wars

I make it drizzle when I Nerf. Pimping on a budget.

PS Remember the Secret Santa!

Can't wait to taste that Gears drizzle again, been too long.

PS Its white elephant, but bring wrapped gifts regardless of the game name everyone! :D

#325603 RESCHEDULED DUE TO WEATHER: War at 'The Grid Code' Indoor Ner

Posted by hoongfu on 22 January 2013 - 11:17 AM in Nerf Wars

I'll be there pending a ride from LT Dan. Please take my money.

#326382 RESCHEDULED DUE TO WEATHER: War at 'The Grid Code' Indoor Ner

Posted by hoongfu on 05 February 2013 - 05:59 PM in Nerf Wars

Anyone driving out from Jersey who could give him ^ a ride? I would do it, but you'd either have to be willing to be ready to leave by 7 AM or leave on Friday afternoon before the war and spend the night in PA.

Spending it at my place? ;)

2 "private" rooms in the basement, 2 couches, 1 mattress. It could all be yours.

#326871 Gears' Spring Break at Smedley

Posted by hoongfu on 15 February 2013 - 12:17 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll be there. Can't wait!

#327313 Grid Code is now March 2nd

Posted by hoongfu on 25 February 2013 - 03:43 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm going, paid the deposit, still need an invoice for the rest of the payment.

#327584 Grid Code is now March 2nd

Posted by hoongfu on 03 March 2013 - 10:43 PM in Nerf Wars

Thanks Langley for hosting! I definitely enjoyed my time there. And it was great meeting Phree finally!

Here's a "short" video of the last CTF round, in which the team I was on won.

I'll add more videos later.

#327693 Gears' Spring Break at Smedley

Posted by hoongfu on 06 March 2013 - 11:18 AM in Nerf Wars

I want to make it out to this, but it depends on the weather again. I'm less concerned with the highways being clear than the first 2 or so miles from my house, especially if the snow brings down trees or power lines in the street.

You know whose house you can stay over at ;)

And you can wake up EVEN LATER this time since its a local war.

#327791 Gears' Spring Break at Smedley

Posted by hoongfu on 08 March 2013 - 09:45 AM in Nerf Wars

If Koree drives me I'll be there :D

#328098 3D printed Wye on a Snapbow

Posted by hoongfu on 16 March 2013 - 08:51 PM in Darts and Barrels

I agree with Andtheherois, take it to a war, test it yourself, and have people try it out on their blasters. And I agree I wouldn't want a stub in the back, I prefer adding my own.