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Member Since 04 Jan 2007
Offline Last Active Mar 07 2010 05:14 AM

Topics I've Started

Titan Help!

22 August 2007 - 06:19 PM

Yes, I looked at all the mod writeups and searched. So I just modded my new Titan just like ompa, basic AR removal, pump plug, and barrel. The barrel is 18" CPVC. It works fine up to about 15 pumps. If I pump it more, range goes down drastically. I know most people pump plugged Titans 25 pumps or so, right? I don't hear any air leaking while I pump it up, and when I fire it sounds like a big whoosh. Ideas?

Kbarker's Lbb

13 August 2007 - 11:20 PM

So, I got the super-cool Spiderman Dart Tag set, but didn't have anything good to integrate it into. Then I found an LBB at Walgreens, and here is what I've come up with. Still a work in progress, the fishing line I used for the DTG trigger is too stretchy. I arranged the Spidey guns around the main LBB barrel, and they are fired from a keyring that runs down to the handle. They are pumped with a pump from a SM3K, which is much larger than the stock Spidey pumps. It fills both guns in about 5 pumps. I still need to find/make a handle for the pump. I also took the handle off of the SM3K and used it for support in the front. The LBB itself has very simple mods, but it is really powerful. It just has a coupled 1/2" CPVC barrel, 12" long. I'm going to paint it when I get all the bugs worked out.

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My Real Hobby...

25 June 2007 - 12:47 AM

For those who are interested, I just got back from the biggest fighting robot competition in the world. Here is a video of my bots kicking ass. There are 3 of my bots in the video, 12 pounds, 60 pounds, and 120 pounds. The 60 pounder took 2nd place. There are lots more videos on my youtube page.

Petg Barrel Rf20

03 May 2007 - 02:59 PM

I haven't done any Nerf in quite a while because I've been busy with my "real" hobby - combat robotics. Check it out here if you're curious: http://www.putfile.com/kbarker/images
Videos: http://maxhavoc.com/
Anyway, I put reworked an RF20 turret with PETG barrels a while back, but I didn't use enough epoxy on the base, so they all had leaks and the gun sucked. Then I got the brilliant idea to inject Elmer's with a syringe into the back holes of the turret to seal the leaks, and presto, it shoots almost as good as my Magstrike. I couldn't find anything worthwhile to do inside the gun, so I just hot glued the "rapid fire" switch closed and called it good.

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Nitefinder Rifle

12 February 2007 - 01:55 AM

I just finished my prototype of a NF rifle. I call it a rifle since it has the barrel length and plunger size of a large rifle, even though it has a small pistol body. Here it is:

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As you can see, the plunger tube has been replaced with a PETG tube that is twice as long as the stock one. Two NF plungers have been cut up and spliced together to make a very long rod. The regular spring has been replaced by a gigantic spring from McMaster, the same wire thickness as you would normally mod a NF with, but twice as long. This gives the plunger enough air capacity to operate with an 8" barrel. Here it is cocked:

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The barrels are coupled, so I can easily change the barrel length or type. I also made a 3-barrel shotgun attachment, it functions quite well.

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This is just a test model to make sure all the parts can take the force. I forgot to add padding to the plunger head, so it will probably explode soon. That's OK cause I've been planning on making a plunger rod and head from scratch anyway. Once I accomplish this I'll be able to turn any NF into one of these beasts, the only parts I need from the gun is the body and trigger mechanism. The next version will look as good as it works. I really want to add a foregrip, since it is really too powerful to hold like a pistol. Here are more pics for the hell of it. Check out the video here:

NiteFinder Rifle Video

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