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Member Since 27 Dec 2006
Offline Last Active Mar 05 2008 05:58 PM

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Thermal Expansion Tanks?

23 June 2007 - 09:43 AM

I've been lurking around for about six months, and after reading many posts and running many searches, I have a question. I'm a plumber, and thusly deal with pressure systems on a day to day basis. When installing water heaters we often use a thermal expansion tank to regulate changes in water pressure due to temperature canges. I'm curious as to it's usage as a air tank for a homemade nerf gun.

Has anyone tried this? It seems very reasonable given the nature of the tank, it's ability to hold high pressures ( relative to nerf ), and the ease of incoropation ( can be used with copper, brass, and pvc adapters ).

I'm currently working on a design myself and will get back to you guys with results as to it's effectiveness. I makes me wonder what other crap I look at every day that may be usefull.

Also, check out ferguson.com for supplies.

On a side note, thank you all. You guys helped me discover a creative outlet that I really love.