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Lord Ice Wind

Member Since 13 Jun 2006
Offline Last Active Jul 08 2006 02:28 PM

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Nerf Haven Noob Would Like Suggestions

03 July 2006 - 12:10 AM

[font=Tahoma]So here it is my first post on nerhaven after I've been ghosting through this place the last month gathering 411 on mod'ing Nerf Mavericks. I have completed my first mod on a freind's Maverick sidearm using the expanding sticky foam theory and it has worked out rather well, in fact the paint job I put on it isn't half bad either. My own personal Maverick sidearm will be done in the next 3 days after a little range testing putting the mod'ed against the stock. I digress though. I wondering if anyone has any suggestions on mod'ing an Airzone Bazooka. I've done a little preliminary testing with out taking it apart to test its efficacy in a long range role and seeing as how it's lobbing almost baseball mass missle putting in a barrel to fire darts looks like it will turn out well. I wonder though if I should go for megadarts or microdarts and if there is anything I should do in particular to turn it into a long range weapon, or if I should even use the Airzone Bazooka in such a role.
