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Member Since 17 Feb 2006
Offline Last Active Jan 04 2017 04:13 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Georgia War: C.O.S.T.C.O.H. III

21 December 2016 - 12:43 PM

Only one recap post?  Let's fix that.


+ Territories was tons of fun as always (and we did it twice!  woooo)

+ Started cold and warmed up.   You can see my clothing change throughout the day in the COSTCOH album as it got warmer.

+ My old faithful Doomsayer performed great.

+ Had a lot of fun with a Destiny, a Double Dealer, and Dual Superdrums.  Screw all your newfangled homemades XD

+ Got in lots of blowgun time as well

+ Met up with lots of old friends and made some new ones (Vernard is such a fabulous person).  Saw several people I hadn't seen in like 6 years.

+ The Raffle!  I gots me a sonic green Vulcan.

+ Nice meal at Olive Garden complete with tons of awful jokes.


-/+ I gave one guy an old Buzzbee doubleshot, which immediately shattered into several pieces in his hands as he primed it.  Was a hilarious "holy shit" moment.


- About 9 hours of driving total (worth it but still)

- Freeze tag in that format just didn't work with such low ROF.

- My Clip-fed PAS does not like the cold.  Darts had shrunk enough to fall out of the 9/16" barrel on me.

- None of my guns performed worth a shit with my Artifact darts (and I brought 4000 of them!)   I ended up basically playing superstock all day.   Will bring slugs next time.

- People completely ignored the first dart-sweep.   Ended up with a half-dozen people (out of 25) doing all the work.

- Needs mobstacles!  Trees aren't enough!

- I ate a face-full of FDL-2.  That thing is crazy.


COSTCOH 3 was fucking fantastic and made me glad I'm back.  Thank you Chicken for hosting it!   See you all in January (hopefully)!

In Topic: Georgia War: C.O.S.T.C.O.H. III

14 December 2016 - 02:01 AM

Count me in!

In Topic: Zombiestrike Long Shot - actual discussion thread

06 August 2014 - 04:15 AM

The only changes made to the internals are a slightly stronger spring and a copious amount of grease.

The dart door does not seem to be changed at all in spite of the elite dart jamming problems, and I'm almost convinced that the grease is the only reason my elite darts aren't jamming in it right now.

In Topic: My Pump Action Longshot

26 July 2009 - 02:23 PM

Very nice and clean. I can imagine, for me atleast, the foregrip would be very comfy and easy. Nice mod

Ok HOTH, Let's look at the date on the last post, shall we?

"Posted Aug 15 2008, 01:22 PM"

Now let's look at the Code of Conduct:

"Don't post in months-old topics unless you have something significant to add."

See a problem?

In Topic: Pretty And Removable Pump-action Recon Mod

26 July 2009 - 02:32 AM

Very clean and functional. The only thing I don't like is having to sacrifice a another Recon to do it.

As for the name, ParPar makes me chuckle for some reason.