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Member Since 22 Oct 2008
Offline Last Active Oct 11 2009 04:28 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Strikefire Mod

03 October 2009 - 04:04 PM

Hey nerf fans.
I know a lot of you guys know the basic strikefire/ crossfire mod. You drill a hole in the back of the air chamber. I have some other mods you can do for your strikefire/ crossfire. THe first modwill need hot glue or just regular glue. When you open your gun up, you should have an air chamber with the spring behind it. Just take out the piece that holds the dart. Set the other air part aside. If you look toward the top of the barrel, befre it sticks out of the gun, you will see a little hole. Cover that in glue or hot glue. Make sure not to put too much. If you have an extra maverick, take the maverick apart. THen, take the air chamber off and take the part that goes over the air chmber off. It should be black if you have a yellow maverick. Then, at the end of the orange air chamber, the colors are only for the yellow maverick, you will have an O- ring, which is black. GO back to your strikefire/ crossfire gun and take the barrel that also has the O- ring on. Put the O- ring from the maverick on the strikefire/ crossfire where there already is an O- ring. Now, you should have 2 O -rings in the same spot, but not overlapping. Put back your gun and you are ready to roll. THis should increase the ranges by a little. Sorry no pictures. :D

I ttried the maverick o-ring mod (i've already done the AR removal) but the o-ring from my maverick(Yellow) was too big and hung way too loosely on my strikefire. it didn't even fit in the plunger tube. does eeveryone have this problem, or just me? Another okay mod for the strikefire is the penny mod. you take a fewpennies and line them up behind the spring. this creaes less compression space, and increases range a little.

In Topic: How Many Guns Do You Have In Your Arsenal?

21 December 2008 - 07:13 PM

my arsenal:
Maverick- repairs

thats all. i just getting into nerf, so no hate... haha :(
