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Number 1 nerf nut

Member Since 19 Sep 2014
Offline Last Active Jun 23 2016 04:22 PM

Topics I've Started

Can I use E-600 instead of Goop, for securing Petg in 1/2"PVC

25 March 2016 - 11:43 AM

So, I can't find Goop in my area and I want to know if I can use E-600(0) instead, for securing Petg in 1/2"PVC? (has anyone tried this?) 



Thanks ahead N1NN :)

How do I remove My NerfHaven account?

11 July 2015 - 03:12 PM

Hey I want to remove my account here but I have not found a way to do that, so could someone help me out with that?

Thanks in advance.

How many pumps for a BB Air Max 6 tank with a Magstrike pump

16 May 2015 - 02:21 AM

Hi guys I have a Buzz Bee Air Max 6 tank and a spare Magstrike pump to use with it, and I was wondering how many pumps to use. I am guessing 1 or 2 pumps?

Thanks ahead of time from N1NN! :)

nerf blaster rip off list

21 March 2015 - 11:13 PM

Hi guy so I was looking on Ebay.com and I spotted a lot of nerf rip offs. So I thought that I would make a list stating the gun that is ripped off and the price for it. Thanks for looking and I will add more as I see them

Magstrike - $66

Roughcut - $34

Rayven (W/20 USC darts) - $35

FireStrike(Elite) - $19

Stampede - $110 (us seller)

LongStrike/Stampede - $104 (us seller)

Stryfe - $27

Stryfe(mission kit) - $36

That's it please tell me if you find any more guns and I will post them.

You have been watching NB1NN :lol:

Upgraded Maverick trigger spring?

24 November 2014 - 11:17 PM

Hi NumberOneNerfNut here. So I've fixed the seal on my maverick and put in a ace #122(I think) spring for the trigger cut to length, it fires good for the first few shots, and then I have to pull the trigger fast, other wise, the seal on the gun won't match up on the barrel/turret
Thanks for any advise :)
Keep nerfing