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Member Since 19 Dec 2007
Offline Last Active Mar 22 2008 05:55 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Slightly Modded Scout Vs Stock Nite Finder

22 March 2008 - 04:11 PM

I've got a question for you.
What's better, posting a bunch of idiotic threads, or using the search button?

Im only writing these because im incredibly bored and have nothing to do today. so F U!

In Topic: Slightly Modded Scout Vs Stock Nite Finder

22 March 2008 - 04:09 PM

I've got a question for you.
What's better, posting a bunch of idiotic threads, or using the search button?

Im only writing these because im incredibly dumb and need to know. So have a nice day!

In Topic: Recon Vs Lonshot

22 March 2008 - 04:05 PM

All right man that is the fifth topic in almost an hour. if you have a question use the search button in the top right corner of your screen.

The only reason I'm writing these is because I'm really bored. F U

In Topic: Magstrike Or Rf20?

22 March 2008 - 03:02 PM

So I want to buy a rapid fire gun, mainly for indoor wars. Magstrike and RF20 seem like the only good choices though. I really can't decide what to get, since they seem so alike. So if you've tried both, could you tell me some of the pros and cons of each? Since I'm a pretty big noob too, would I end up breaking 1 or the other?


I own both of them and i think You should get the rf20 because it holds more rounds, takes about the same amount of pumps as the ms and it is actually cheaper then the ms (rf20 $27-$30 Ms $30-$35) the ms also occasionally jams and the clip slides down after every burst.

In Topic: Disk Shot Vs Nite Finder?

22 March 2008 - 02:53 PM

Hello I'm new here, and New to (modding) nerf guns, I've played with them since I was young, but I've recently started modding, and stuff. The first gun I've modded was a longshot (which from what I've heard was a bad idea for a newbie) and I was successful, so I think I've got a knack for this.

Now I'm going to make a Nitemav, but I was looking at Nite finders in my local target, and I saw this gun called the Disk shot, I've heard very little about it, and all of the mods I've seen are very similar, I cant really find a review, so I'm wondering what you guys think about it. I might just buy a disk shot, and a Nite finder so that I may try both. but am I just wasting my money?

Which gun has more potential? I'm asking this because I might consider making a 'Disk Mav', because from what I've heard the internals are very similar.

Thanks in advance.

You should get the nite finder. I have modded both and i found that the disk shot was unstable (had mis -fires and low accuracy) when heavily modded, but the nite finder was 10 times as stable.