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Member Since 11 Jun 2012
Offline Last Active Jul 21 2020 11:53 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Air Max 6 Mod Guide

01 September 2013 - 05:28 PM

For the PETG, was it the thick wall or medium wall?

In Topic: Retaliator/Recon carbine

07 August 2013 - 07:54 PM

Do you think the gun will still prime with an aftermarket spring? I know you said it was secure, but cork is not really a "solid" material like PVC if you know what I mean.

In Topic: Air Blaster (Rebel Trooper Blaster Knock-Off) Modification

07 July 2012 - 03:53 PM

We don't have ACE Hardware here. There are places to get springs, but there aren't any ACE stores in Canada.

Sorry Curly, didn't know that you and Gage both lived in Canada.

In Topic: Air Blaster (Rebel Trooper Blaster Knock-Off) Modification

07 July 2012 - 12:49 PM

Just as another helpful hint, you could try to get an ACE #49 spring from the Ace hardware store. Its a bit smaller than a nitefinder spring, but it would fit nicely in that "Air Gun" shell. It's cheap (1.30), and really beefy for a spring its size. Of course, you would need some kind of reinforcement to accomodate for it, but I'm pretty sure it'll be able to squeese alot more range out of that gun than just a nitefinder spring.

In Topic: Help : Suppress CS35 Raider

04 July 2012 - 05:22 PM

You could try to fill the empty space in the barrel section of the Raider.