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Star Wars Galaxies

THE 1337357 game EVER! Or is it???

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#1 GunnedDown



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Posted 07 March 2003 - 11:01 PM

I was searching around a few things today, and I saw a link to an upcoming game entitled, "Star Wars Galaxies". I was very curious, for the description gave it some weird title, like "Ub3r-1337 sup3r sh17 online mega ass multiplayer kickass game", or something crazy like that. I clicked it, and I went toSWG . I was amazed. This may be THE greatest game ever made. It seems like a cross-between the freedom of GTA3, the skill simulation of The Sims, and the FPS uberness of CS and FA, and even Jedi Knight 2, but with better graphics. It's like an entire online community of people. Not only do you get combat, but it's just like, life. You get a job, you get money, you buy shit. It will have uber-expansions too. In the first expansion, they will allow you to purchase vehicles and much, much, much more. I mean, you get to interact with hundereds and thousands of other people. I only see two downsides. You have to have a star-warsy name, and you might have to pay some sort of fee.
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"The occasional hell or damn is ok,
but we do sh*t and F---"

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Posted 07 March 2003 - 11:52 PM

What, do you live on mars? Yeah, galaxies is big news, and it's been this way for several years now. I was very very interested for most of that time until I started to reallize that other people who like star wars are going to be playing as well. I mean seriously, these people are fagging the hell out of it. That combined with the fact that the creators have decided basically to create a massive world populated with a paying populace devoid of powers aside from those neccessary to serve the creators, kind of turned me off of it. I mean, no dark jedi all of a sudden? Wait, you're going to torcher us and make force sensitivity a complete potluck deal? Oh ok, yeah that's fine, here's my money, I'll just make potery and sell beads WEEEEEE!!! Sorry death, but you know it's true.

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#3 Groove


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Posted 08 March 2003 - 10:21 AM

GunnedDown, that's called an "MMORPG" or Massive-Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game. It's like Everquest and Ultima Online. You pay them to play online with other people. It's...been under construction for a while now, I am surprised you haven't heard of it yet. I, for one, am not going to be playing it.

Why you ask? Well, VACC 'bout summed it up, and if I wanna be a Jedi with an arsenal of Matrix moves at my disposal I'll simply play Star Wars: Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast. Secondly, there's another MMORPG coming out by Blizzard called, "World of Warcraft" which I will be playing, because it enables and allows you to do pretty much whatever the fuck you want as almost any species from Warcraft. Male, Female. Orc, Human. Dwarf, Tauren. No Elves though, which kinda turned me off. However, you do get to be a sub-class in the race you choose. I think I might be a human thief...they look pretty dope.
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#4 Dan Cromer

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Posted 08 March 2003 - 08:48 PM

Yeah, I found out about this game about two years ago, and was worried that my old computer couldn't handle it. Then we got a new one, and gave my old one to my grandparents. I was happy.

Turns out they have no use for it, and our old comptuer is now sitting in my room, and I'm using it to type this message. I hope you were moved by my story with absolutely no point. And there were no survivors!
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#5 GunnedDown



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Posted 09 March 2003 - 12:43 PM

Surprisingly, the planned release date is between April 15th, and June 30th. 2003. I think I'll try and apply for the beta later today, maybe I'll get it. Although one month for a beta 3 to be tested doesn't seem like a long time, but Diablo 2's final beta lasted only two weeks! I'm not sure what interests me so much about this game. I like Star Wars, but I think it deals with my fascination of remotely simulated human life and online gaming social interaction (RSHFOGSI).. Okay, that's not really an acroynm, but, uh, the only thing I'm scared about is the monthly fee ;) Hey, wait, my birthday is the 7th! W00! I can probably afford the game via my own cash, and.... yeah...

Oh, but the 15th is tax day.. eugh. My parents will be pissed... like they usually are.
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"The occasional hell or damn is ok,
but we do sh*t and F---"

~Webbster, Foam Improvement.

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#6 Famine



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Posted 09 March 2003 - 02:22 PM

GunnedDown.... SWG has been in beta for several months now, I'm not sure what phase they're in but maybe they're approaching open beta? And I can ensure you that all MMORPG betas are long, painful, and every coders Lovecraftian nightmare dredged into existance from the nether-regions of hell.

I'm not sure why you haven't heard of MMORPG's before (and that's their official acronymn) but if you're into that sort of thing you might want to take a look at Everquest, Asheron's Call (1 or 2), Dark Ages of Camelot, Anarchy Online, or the upcoming Horizons of Istaria. You might not want SWG to be your first experience with an MMORPG Avatar, it seems that it's being developed under the assumption that the player is an experienced/dedicated SW fanatic not to mention that because of the level of role play that's being enforced it might be difficult to get your bearings without resorting to newb-speak (Rez plz!!). Personally, The Horsemen are all about The Shadowbane, of which Death and I are currently Beta testers....... it 0wnz j00... period.

Also, if the fee worries you then definitely avoid SWG. The avg. MMORPG monthly fee is now between $9 and $12 but there are rumors right now that SWG may try to push for a $15 to $20 bracket which only further demonstrates the level of biblical greed that fuels this game from the unholy alliance of Verant and Lucasarts. Both companies are masters of making you pay obscene amounts of money for the most painful and unpleasureable experiences, then making you pay more money again under the pretense that it will now atone for it's past sins... but they never do.

And finally, if you're expecting it to be a cross between GTA3, CS, and Sims..... it's not... at all.... if anything it's more like The Sims meets Morrowind.... in that you have the addictive gameplay and odd social interaction of The Sims with a combat/skill system like Morrowind. Despite what everyone says there's really no ub3r-sk1llz to it.... highest level character usually wins as long as both players aren't incompetant. Seriously though.... before you get yourself hyped up go and pick up a copy of EQ or AC2 and try out the free month trial subscription.... see what you think. MMORPG's are a dangerous thing, they can be alot of fun, but they can also become a serious addiction that negatively impact all aspects of your life. I shit you not.

And yes... Ultima Online did it all first... and probably best...... EQ was just shinier.
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of Mag-7
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#7 Dan Cromer

Dan Cromer


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Posted 09 March 2003 - 09:48 PM

SWG is planning to start beta 3 soon--I get the newsletter.
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