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"silenced" Longshot

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#1 privateer



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Posted 21 August 2007 - 12:07 AM

Yo, guys.

My homemade was too complex to finish before college. So what do I do? Wally World!! Two NFs and an LS later, I began my work.

Anyhoo, many hours and bud lights later, I finished a variant of TIG's LS mod, only with a 9/16" brass barrel and an internal silencer. The LS I trashed last year was of the same design, minus the suppressor, so I can confidently say this mod significantly reduces the noise of the gun.

The actual silencer sits in the bolt. The dart leaving the barrel makes no noise; the noise to be silenced is the plunger slamming home.

I am actually using MORE powerful springs in my current, silenced LS than I was in my un-silenced version, and it is STILL whisper quiet.

Pics tomorrow, sleep now. 930 Jazz rehearsal.

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#2 badger


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Posted 21 August 2007 - 07:02 AM

So where are the pictures to show everyone how you did it? Where is the video to show us how silent it is? I'm calling bullshit.
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#3 privateer



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Posted 21 August 2007 - 07:41 AM

So where are the pictures to show everyone how you did it? Where is the video to show us how silent it is? I'm calling bullshit.

Don't jump to conclusions- I have 6 hours of rehearsal a day. You'll get your pictures, and a detailed explanation/writeup.

If it weren't true, I wouldn't be posting it. I'll have CMDRMACK verify that I'm not shitting you, since he has a fairly established reputation on HAVEN.
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#4 Kid Flash

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Posted 21 August 2007 - 08:26 AM

until i get those videos im not believing it. i dont care about the pictures although they would be nice.
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#5 Dr Moose

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Posted 21 August 2007 - 08:38 AM

You should just make your first post when you have the pics and video ready to go. You may have to wait another day to make your post, but It would save all this frustration of you having to argue with people that it's not BS.
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QUOTE(Forsaken_angel24 @ Apr 29 2008, 01:24 AM) View Post

QUOTE(Kid Flash @ Apr 27 2008, 06:11 PM) View Post

What is the best way to go at removing a stump without any power tools? Thanks ahead of time!

Be a man! Use your hands!

#6 funkyjake



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Posted 21 August 2007 - 09:02 AM

Maybe you should all not be dicks and give him the benefit of the doubt for a day or two and a chance to pony up, eh?
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Posted 21 August 2007 - 10:01 AM

Maybe you should all not be dicks and give him the benefit of the doubt for a day or two and a chance to pony up, eh?

Common sense dictates that if you are going to post about some kind of revolutionary new device or modifications, you'd better do it when you have substantial proof. Until then, resist the urge to invite yourself to be called a bullshitter. It makes this much easier on all of us.
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#8 privateer



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Posted 21 August 2007 - 11:14 AM

Back from rehearsal. BIYAH!!!


My mod is a variant on TIG's mod, with two substantial differences:

1) A piece of 3/8" aluminum pipe is embedded in the bolt.
2) A wad of mousepad makes the seal, rather than a thin strip of craft foam.

When fired, it sounds like a stock LS with air restrictors and a weak spring (I have the BBB/LS combo in at the moment). Ranges are typical.


-3/8" sized pipe that will fit inside the bolt. I used 3/8" aluminum.
-Thick mousepad.
-Barrel, I used brass (K&S 9/16). Aluminum would be just as good, or even a little better.
-19/32" Brass to cut mousepad.
-super glue (not hot glue)

1) Remove AR/install barrel. Time consuming? Oh yes. See TIG's write up.

2) Take 3/8" pipe.

Posted Image

Cut about 1" off the end. Make sure the cut is STRAIGHT. I recommend buying a pair of pipe cutters.

3) Using 19/32" brass, cut hole out of mouse pad. You can also use scissors if you have skillz.

Posted Image

Posted Image

The mousepad segment on top of the aluminum ^^^


Make sure your bolt looks like mine or TIG's before continuing. Dremel? Very yes.

4) Take the aluminum segment and (super) glue it into the bolt FLUSH with the front so that the front of the bolt is a flat surface.

5) Bust out the trusty Victorinox and cut a slit/very small hole in the mousepad segment.

Posted Image

6) Super glue said mouse pad segment on the front of the bolt.

Posted Image


-This mod will suck without a barrel replacement.
-This mod will slow your ROF, makes gun more jam prone.
-This mod will increase range from {shit} to {beastly}
-The dart is pushed into the barrel, NOT the bolt. The suppressor sits in the bolt.

When fired, the gun sounds stock. There is a reduction in noise, as well as the TONE, IE there is no crack when the plunger slams against the back of the bolt.

Nerf on or fuck off, haters. I hope some of you get the herpes.



The noise level is less than that of a Nitefinder. I will post a side-by-side video comparing a suppressed and a non-suppressed LS.


Edited by privateer, 21 August 2007 - 02:41 PM.

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#9 Lynx



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Posted 21 August 2007 - 01:26 PM

Actually that is pretty quiet. A small cough is louder than that and EVEN with camera noise good job on the mod.
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#10 privateer



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Posted 21 August 2007 - 01:36 PM

Thanks. My mic really doesn't do it justice.
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#11 Thom



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Posted 21 August 2007 - 02:59 PM

I remember a recent thread on the Homemades forum where several people claimed that Nerf silencers just couldn't work. Good job on getting yours to; I never would have thought of old mousepads as silencer fodder.
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#12 privateer



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Posted 21 August 2007 - 08:01 PM

A *traditional* silencer on the barrel won't work because a dart leaving the barrel makes no noise. The noise to silence is the plunger hitting the end of the chamber, so it makes sense to put the suppressor as close to the plunger chamber as possible.

A silencer mounted on the barrel WILL NOT WORK. The people you heard from were right in that regard.

Glad you liked it.


Edited by privateer, 22 August 2007 - 09:51 AM.

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#13 Kid Flash

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Posted 21 August 2007 - 08:10 PM

what are the ranges flat with it?
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#14 privateer



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Posted 21 August 2007 - 08:26 PM

Ranges are typical. 80s-90s depending on the dart. No, I didn't measure (I really don't care all that much about ranges).

What matters is that it's accurate, and it is.

It will be excellent in the upcoming Presbyterian College outdoor wars.
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#15 Guest_yourface_*

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Posted 21 August 2007 - 09:26 PM

Actually, I believe Forsakenangel24 made a working barrel silencer for his Titan. I will update this post with a link later.

Edited by yourface, 21 August 2007 - 09:27 PM.

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Posted 21 August 2007 - 09:37 PM

Actually, I believe Forsakenangel24 made a working barrel silencer for his Titan. I will update this post with a link later.

He meant on spring guns. The noise comes from the plunger head's impact with the end of the plunger tube, not from air escaping the barrel.

privateer: Way to be an ass. I was giving you advice that is going to help you, should you take the time to read it.
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#17 ambushbug



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Posted 21 August 2007 - 10:51 PM

Actually, I believe Forsakenangel24 made a working barrel silencer for his Titan. I will update this post with a link later.

He meant on spring guns. The noise comes from the plunger head's impact with the end of the plunger tube, not from air escaping the barrel.

privateer: Way to be an ass. I was giving you advice that is going to help you, should you take the time to read it.

Hey SHA: don't get all riled up. Privateer is being a bit prickly because everyone immediately called him a bullshitter. A call which, I think, he answered - so let him have his victory. I agree with your advice but it is not necesary to have the 'last word'.

Privateer: kudos - though I was willing to take your word for it from the beginning. Not because I'm particularly trusting but because 'silencing' like 'ranges' all seem particularly unquantifiable (in a standardized way) that means that its hardly worth voicing any skepticism (if its not something I could actually test myself anyway).
But seriously: "after drinking many Bud Lights"? Now THAT's something I find hard to believe; that stuff is hardly potable......
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#18 badger


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Posted 21 August 2007 - 11:45 PM

You know what privateer, I was going to swallow my pride and apologize for calling your idea bullshit. My comment was simply what I send to everyone that doesn't post pictures. You don't see Forsaken_Angel24 or CaptainSlug or even Cmdrmack posting a mod without the pictures already prepared. It was simply a piece of advice.

Then you decided to be a childish little bitch and reduce your maturity level to that of a kindergartener.

First off, make your own reputation. Don't milk off of Cmdrmack. Just because you know him doesn't mean I'll trust you. I've been to wars with Forsaken, CS, and several other well known members of the forums. I also talk to them from time to time. Does that mean I can post a mod topic with no pictures or data on how it is constructed in the first post of the new topic and instantly be trusted just because I know these people? NO! As of this moment, your LS could shoot further than anyone elses before you and I'll still think you are an immature asshole that is full of shit.

Secondly, you show yourself to be really juvenile insulting everyone that doubted you. This goes back to reputation. As I see it, you have no reputation whatsoever. "Warning--He's brutally stupid!" Wow, how long did it take you to think that one up? Also, your comment towards SHA is far from accurate. There are alot of people that do like him. I had problems in the past with him, but I realized that he is as fed up with sophomoric fuckers, like yourself, as I am. SHA made a very valid point in his statement to you.

Now to critique your modification topic itself.

Don't post ranges unless you measure them. You may not care about them, but others do. If you don't have accurate measurements, then don't post any numbers at all.

You also stated that the mod slows down the rate of fire of the LS and makes it more prone to jamming. That comment makes me believe that this mod is alot less useful than you imply. Sure, no one can really hear the gun firing, but to decrease the ROF, for one thing, takes away from the gun's versatility. The jamming issue makes it sound more like a mod to avoid than to try out. The last thing I want to happen in the middle of a firefight is for the gun to jam. These are two big problems that outweigh the little benefit of making the gun quieter.

In closing, learn to take some criticism, grow the fuck up, and be smart about posting. You do realize that all of this asinine bullshit that you caused could have been avoided if you had simply waited to post your mod until you had the time to put up the pictures and the video with the writeup. You tried to make Dr. Moose, SHA, and myself look like the bad guys by insulting us with your ever so witty comments, but in the end, people that see this topic will realize who the problem causer really is in this thread.
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As Carbon once said,

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#19 MithMorchaint



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Posted 22 August 2007 - 08:34 AM

I, for one, rather like the mod. It is creative and a different take on silencers. I have actually been trying to come up with a way to quiet down my modified longshot, and this has given me some ideas and inspiration. Well done.

And seriously guys, is this worth calling names over?
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#20 privateer



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Posted 22 August 2007 - 11:29 AM

The non-stock barrel DOES make the gun more prone to jamming with poorly made dart. Any LS barrel replacement will do this. I flared the back end of the barrel to create a "loading ramp" of sorts.

The gun won't jam if you make decent stefans, but using the "streamline" darts can be an issue because the rubber will hang up on the barrel rim.

Edited by privateer, 22 August 2007 - 11:36 AM.

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#21 Pineapple


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Posted 22 August 2007 - 11:43 AM

It's a smart modification for the Longshot. Unique, somewhat practical, and it does fill a concern that other modifiers of Longshots have pondered about for a solution.

It's also a smart-ass way of presenting it.

We've knocked off members who couldn't contain it enough to be a well-rounded member of NerfHaven. We've given up people who've done pretty good things to their Nerf weaponry, but were shitheads in the process. We don't intend to change that trend.

So I agree that we should chalk this one up as a learning experience, and move on.

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-Piney- of White Dog Hobbies Armory

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It's to bad you live in hawaii I bet there are not many wars there.Wait what am I saying<b> you live in hawaii you lucky bastard.</b>

#22 Cmdrmack



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Posted 23 August 2007 - 05:37 PM

The video really doesn't do justice to the noise reduction. I've seen this thing in person and I can attest that it really does sounds like a stock Longshot, ARs and all. As far as power goes, I've only seen it fired across a dorm room, but it seems to be about on par with my Longshot, which is stock spring plus NF spring. I'm looking forward to seeing it in action this year.

In other news, yeah privateer, Badger and Shadow Hunter Alpha have a point. It's not just merit that earns respect, it's also being a decent human being. The Bigger Salvo and Video Directory are not respect winning achievements, the way I treat people is what earned my respect. A gentler, more patient attitude will probably help you out with earning respect here. Criticisms here are not a personal attack, they're genuine attempts to help. It may be harsh sometimes, but they are designed to make you a better member.

On that note, I'd like to reiterate that this is a good mod, a good write-up, and the video will be added to the directory. Good job my friend.
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QUOTE(Predalien_Ro @ Apr 7 2008, 10:24 PM) View Post

Oompa: FECES!? Who in their right mind would try that shit!?

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#23 angrscottishkid



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Posted 09 September 2007 - 11:34 AM

There's actually an easier way to do this without messing up the rof, I did it a while ago.
1. cut about 3/4 inch of a crayola marker
2.cut it verticly(sp?) on one side only
3. put some hot glue on the outside of it
4.use pliers to push it where the ar used to be, so it covers that little hole.
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In the words of colonel Sanders, I'm to drunk to chase this chicken.

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