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#1 freakymist



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Posted 27 January 2003 - 05:33 PM

Hey first off Im am slowly becoming a nerfer, right now i am into extreme soaking basically the same concept of nerf only with super soakers. I have made on shitty homemade nerf gun which really sux but hey it was a start. anyways thats my intro...

Well what I really made this post for is about the recent post script on the main page of nerfhaven.com I am opening a online soaker group and I was hoping if you could give me the code for that script. I am using an invision board like you guys so the script should be indenticle...

thanx in advance,
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#2 cxwq



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Posted 27 January 2003 - 06:21 PM

Welcome to the Nerf community!

I dl'd a script to do it. Unfortunately the script has a bug in it and is not open source so I can't give you the version I'm using. I can, however, point you to the place I got the script and I can try to remember what I did to fix it. Heck, maybe they fixed it themselves.

Latest Topics Exporter
Version 2.0

Towards the bottom of the script, in the 'while($ibr_result = mysql_fetch_array($ibr_query))' block, there was a database element that was referred to using the "$ibf_" table prefix instead of the required "$ibr_" variable prefix. Find it and make that one change and you should be golden. Other than that I just changed the formatting a bit.
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#3 superadaquabat



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Posted 28 January 2003 - 01:46 AM

Do you modify super soakers and such??? That so cool!!! I looked up extreeme soaking on google, and i only got porn. Could you give me a link?
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#4 freakymist



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Posted 28 January 2003 - 04:18 PM

hehe I run a pretty large soaker site, alot of the things on my site were inspired by nerfonline...SSCL-Soaking To The Limits

I personally don't mod soakers actually I'm against it, unlike nerf guns modding soakers us alot harder and is very risky I broke alot of my soakers trying to mod em. but we do have wbls (water balloon launchers)which are basically huge homemade nerf guns or spud guns. I nerf because in the winter you can't play with soakers so nerf is close enough plus nerf is a blast too :D
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#5 Vassili



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Posted 28 January 2003 - 04:56 PM

Modding super soakers is even better than modding Nerf guns. There is a lot more skill involved. There isn't really a big site with pics of mods though. I've done some mods...CPS 10,000, CPS 4100 20x with frozen check valve and 3 layers of bike tubes, XP 310 shotgun balloon, and took some filters out of my 1700. Never made a WBL though.
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#6 Zero Talent

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Posted 28 January 2003 - 10:06 PM

Water Balloon Launcher you say? Does this require anything complicated, like an air-actuated piston launching system, or barrel lubrication (To prevent tearing)?
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#7 freakymist



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Posted 28 January 2003 - 10:21 PM

We use some thing such as plastic bags(as lubiricators) behind the balloons so not as much pressure hits the balloon so it does not pop. got to http://sscl.cjb.net Articles>WBLS it has pics and stuff mine shoots water balloons 70 yards :D
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#8 Vassili



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Posted 29 January 2003 - 01:29 PM

Hey mist are the EES guns air or CPS? BTW SSCL has come a really long way it looks nice.
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#9 freakymist



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Posted 29 January 2003 - 04:04 PM

EES guns are probaly piston powered but the EES Turbine might be a CPS :D
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#10 IronRhino



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Posted 29 January 2003 - 11:27 PM

Ahh... My SS days. They made me get back into Nerf. Vassili used to have a swingin clan, but we disbanded. Nerf is cooler and SS are like "Oh no, I got hit with water" Instead of "F*ck that hurt."
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#11 freakymist



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Posted 30 January 2003 - 04:17 PM

hahah ironrhino is more like ahh fuck that hurts...20 min later...ouch its not as numb anymore!! when you get shot with a wbl those things are way more powerful then homemade or modified nerf guns!! But I digress you shouldn't rate how fun something is by how much it hurts...thats just dumb...
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#12 IronRhino



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Posted 30 January 2003 - 10:22 PM

hahah ironrhino is more like ahh fuck that hurts...20 min later...ouch its not as numb anymore!! when you get shot with a wbl those things are way more powerful then homemade or modified nerf guns!! But I digress you shouldn't rate how fun something is by how much it hurts...thats just dumb...

Calm down. Its not that big of a diffrence. SS is harder to reload. I used to be at Aquatica and stuff. Soakings cool, but my commander left and I've turned my guns into nerf guns.
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#13 DarkCow



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Posted 31 January 2003 - 07:23 PM

Nice launcher designs there. I wondr if they could be applied toward a new nerfing idea of mine........
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#14 freakymist



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Posted 31 January 2003 - 11:00 PM

hehe for I am reducing the size of the pipe on that launcher to make it a nerf gun! It will have a 1"diameter air chamber and a 1/2" barrell hehe...
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#15 freakymist



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Posted 12 April 2003 - 08:23 PM

Oh in case anyone was wondering the group i was talking about has opened and can be found at http://sscentral.net <_<
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#16 Black Blade

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Posted 13 April 2003 - 07:39 AM

Thats cool I didn't think you could make homemade waterguns.
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#17 freakymist



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Posted 13 April 2003 - 10:39 AM

Yeah I finished my first homemade watergun last weekend it's awesome <_<
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