1. Finding for myself that Mavs really suck for outdoors,
2. A secondary with several ready shots would be nice.
3. A mod that leaks doesn't matter if the gun puts out enough air.
Thinking about where the seal is bad on a Mav led to a turret design, which I thought would go well on a SNAP...because it doesn't matter if it leaks, as the SNAP puts out plenty of air. So, here's my proof of concept turret:
The barrel disk has half couplers on it, glued down. The back is just a stub of 1/2" PVC for attachment ot the gun.
The concept is prety simple. The leakiest part of any turret is the interface between the gun and the barrel disk. So, I coated that entire area with foam craft sheet, to minimize the leaks. I made the squared out of hardboard, something that is easily workable, but very stiff.
Here's the exploded view:
And, I tossed it on the SNAP-1 with a few dogbone barrels:
It's a beautiful day with no breeze, so I got to do outdoor range tests...and I was pretty surprised.
It definitely loses range, but not as badly as I had thought. Since my goal for this is a springer sidearm, I could use a smaller SNAP body and still get the kind of range I'm hoping for.
Now, the biggest thing: improvements to be made. And there's plenty.
1. I'll be swapping the hardboard for some manner of plastic, as it's just cleaner to cut.
2. Epoxy. This thing wouldn't last 5 minutes in a war, as it's all held with just hot glue.
3. Additional support. The center screw will lend itself for this perfectly.
4. Straight cuts on my couplers. My couplers weren't cut straight, so my barrels aren't straight. There's ways around that, for the second version.
5. More barrels. This design will work for as many barrels as you want, for air or spring, I'd imagine. A 3" square worked well for the math of centering everything. It also allows you a good way to center up the barrels for each turn without an indexing system.
6. An indexing system. A round turret would demand it.
7. And the holy grail, an auto-rotate system.
Edited by Carbon, 15 July 2007 - 04:31 PM.