Posted 30 June 2007 - 04:55 PM
For me it was a really rewarding day, some of the rounds were amongst my best and others were amongst my worst but it was great to Nerf with people that I enjoy being around.
Groove, OMC, Darkshrimp, Tailbone, Rambo, and all the guys from NY - thanks for making the drive to be here. I hope you all enjoyed it and I'm anxious to hear your feedback.
LCM - The Nerf Journal shall record this as the first Deal War where you tied us in Deathmatch rounds. Either you guys have really stepped up your game, we've gotten lax, or OMC is just that much of a bad ass that his team always wins. Wait... his team was kind of like the gazelles being circled by predators. Scratch the whole 'OMC must be a bad ass' thing, I don't know what I was thinking.
- Death's questionably necessary acrobatics.
- Hosing down 3 in a row with my Longshot.
- The Umbrella Gun (it's just fascinating).
- Getting man handled by Evil, Groove, and I think Tailbone during the Hostage/Capture/Zombie/Werewolves vs. Vampires rounds.
- Meeting the Wee-est Man
of Mag-7
East Coast Nerf 2009: Quid pro quo, douchebags!
Posted 30 June 2007 - 05:21 PM
I have to give the Horsemen a lot of credit for pulling off an event like this so well; we tried a lot of new things and we played a lot of different types of rounds. As a group its best we do these things so we know what we can and can't do in the future, and what we need to polish and what we like.
Great job guys. You held a great event at a great field and we can't wait to come back for Apoc in August.
I don't really have any outstanding moments to share but here's my attempt:
- Vacc and I trading headshots in the first few rounds.
- Splitting the LCM vs Horsemen rounds 2-2 on the day.
Other than that I did awful at DEAL (which seems to be a trend for me at this park), I hope I can turn it around in August.
Thanks to everyone. Many of you guys I don't see enough so even when I play terrible it's always worth the trip.
Posted 30 June 2007 - 05:33 PM
1: Groove, howy, mantis, cdr (I think that's his handle) and I putting it down in the Manage-quatre. That was a very satisfying win.
2: Trading shots with matt, hersch, groove, and just about everyone all day long.
3: Taking out 4 guys ( I won't name names cause honestly I can't) and dodging several shots in one rush with my longshot.
4: Getting to talk to all the guys I never see and wish I could nerf with more often.
5: GETTING OUR FUCKING CLAN TOGETHER FOR A WAR!!! yeah, it was nice to have a full horsemen roster.
Keep this thread active guys, let's get some feedback.
Posted 30 June 2007 - 06:36 PM
Different styled rounds on different terrains are always nice. It's a great to get out of the woods every once in a while. I particularly liked the purgatory pistol round. I would be surprised if any of the attendees even had a so-so time. Deal is a great park to play at because the terrain can be rather varied (sans hills of course).
The LCM got some good pointers for Apoc, so look for details on that in the next two weeks or so.
Thanks to the Horsemen for putting on yet another great Deal war.
<a href="http://www.albinobla.../flash/posting" target="_blank">Posting and You</a>
Posted 30 June 2007 - 06:56 PM
-Meeting more Horsemen.
-Playing at Deal
Doesn't look like much now, but I'll get the stats up in an hour or so and the pictures whenever I get them.
Edited by RAMBO, 30 June 2007 - 06:57 PM.
Posted 30 June 2007 - 06:56 PM
That was the third war I've been to, and they just keep getting better, and better.
Posted 30 June 2007 - 07:02 PM
Today's personal highlights:
-Manage à Quatre round with VACC, Mantis, Howie, and CD-R. We rocked the shit out of that round and it was a very satisfying win.
-Gunslinger's Heaven. I was in heaven. It was me and Kuhlie, OMC, Dark Shrimp and Tailbone down to the nitty gritty. I got about 8 hits that round, and it was probably one of the most intense pistol rounds I've ever experienced.
-The last deathmatch in Resurrection Forest. "The Crabs," as it became known (the last round before OMC left for the day) because our team left others feeling itchy and irritable afterwords. We also rocked the shit out of that round.
-Exchanging several good shots against Tailbone, Famine, VACC, OMC, and Dark Shrimp all day long.
-Sudden Death during the Manage à Quatre round. Awesome.
-Death holding off our entire team during "The Crabs" round. That shit was crazy.
-Getting a triple hit during the Nerf Quake round.
Everyone did extremely well today, I was really satisfied with the way everyone (and my guns, too) performed. Props to the Horsemen for hosting a great war. I really enjoyed the new scenarios and wish that we tried out some other ones. There was no exaggeration in the intensity forewarning for this war, I'm feeling it right now. Can't wait for next year's Deal.
"Too close for missiles, I'm switchin' to guns"
Posted 30 June 2007 - 09:33 PM
-Robbie and I during the pistol round: Robbie racked up several kills with my CPVC'ed crossfire.
-Getting a couple of shots on people with my Titan.
-The round where we split into two squads and had to get our primaries. Meeting up iwith our squad and pushing the opposing team into the open field and picking them off.
Like I said, this was definitely one of my favorite wars. I hope to see some of you soon for the Long Island Nerfing.
Posted 30 June 2007 - 10:09 PM
As for highlights I really liked
-The first round of two-team deathmatch that we had at the second location. I ended up doing well and getting a bunch of kills.
- The second round in the forest. Although we ended up losing I think that our whole team played well.
-The last round of death match. I was the only one on our team who wasn’t using a Longshot and I ended up getting a lot of nice shots.
This was an all out great war and I can't wait until the next one.
PS: I’m Matt for any one who was wondering, the only one who was using a maxshot out of Z80’s group.
Posted 30 June 2007 - 10:44 PM
Highlights from my old-ass point-of-view:
- My first shot of the day was a perfectly placed headshot on Death. I wish I had a picture of the stunned look he had.
- In a flurry to stay in during Round one, hitting Famine's LS barrel, then another guy in the hip while running backwards before VACC(?) took me out.
- Realizing that the LS sucks!
- Round 3---My team seemed to be playing Lanard and not Nerf...8 MaxShots on one team and we owned all!
- Team Gimpy in Gunslinger's Heaven. Well, we sucked, but I got to take some great photos.
- Learning that I got more hits on Death when he had his Manta Ray than when he didn't. Six hits total for the day from me.
- Feeling beaten down and sore, but very happy.
- Running for my life and shooting backwards during Nerf quake. Giving up on the running after the other team got their cache of guns.
Now for the photos, with some commentary. If I fuck up your name, oh well, I'll fix it when you let me know. I'm old and senile fuckers! The only rounds that I have photos from are Gunslinger's Heaven and Hostage, with one or two from the last round of the day.
Here is the link to the album for Deal War 2007
Now for the best shots of the day.

We were told we were early, so Evil came prepared. (Picture taken at 10:15am)

I want to live! Shoot VACC!

Groove: What do you want to do today Tyler?--Tyler: Try to take over the world!


The Four Horsemen group shot....1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6? 6=4? Whatever.

Is it me, or does it look like he is licking his MaxShot?

If you look above her head and slightly to the right, you can see someone's really bad attempt at shooting her. I'll blow up this photo tomorrow to show a better view of it.

Matt captures Tyler. See Matt, you did good today.

Famine has the right idea to use Death as a shield. Everyone has been shooting at Death all day. He'll survive this for sure.
This last photo is the best shot of the entire war, although the outcome wasn't at all. As I know it, Death jumped into the air to avoid a shot, then shot at his target while in the air and missed, then when he got up, OMC nailed him and ran away laughing.

Very well played everyone. I'll see you all soon at Apoc.
Edited by badger, 01 July 2007 - 05:31 PM.
"The moment you can no longer see the fun in running around like a little child is the moment you begin to die."
Roses are FF0000
Violets are 0000FF
Posted 01 July 2007 - 12:14 AM
Posted 01 July 2007 - 02:59 AM
- Gunslinger Heaven. EVERYONE LIKED IT!!!!!! I've been shoving this war down people's throats for years without a bite. I think the moral of this Deal war is if it doesn't work, try it in the grove. This may work with women too, further analysis is required.
Posted 01 July 2007 - 06:27 AM
That being said, here are the highlights:
-Shooting Groove twice in the first rounds. I normally don't shoot my west coast travel companions, but the shots were too good to pass up.
-Having the best pistol round of my life! In Gunslinger, I had 4 revives, successfully taking out Rambo, Death, Vacc, and Ted (cheap shot, but it worked).
-Wrecking shit in my last round. I was 8/10 for my last volley. My last two kills were Jake and Bill, each with one shot NF's. I had to just walk away with my two lives left in amazement and pack up to go home. I contemplated retirement on the way back...
-Seeing absolutely EVERYONE making at least one amazing shot. My favorites were Al and the umbrella gun, Vacc decimating with his LS (like he stated above), Joe with Manta Ray, Groove doing his normal "point at something, and hitting it" routine. Those are just the standouts, but I know there were plenty more, especially in the gunslinger round.
The only low spot of the day was getting embarrassed in the 4 team matchup. It was like my team was a herd of wildebeests circled by lions, tigers, and cheetahs. If you've watched Animal Planet, you know the gazelles never win.
Other than that, I had an awesome time. However, I developed a major concern for Apoc at Deal; MOBILITY. First, to move about half the number of people we will have at Apoc was a chore, but not too much of a pain in the ass. Second, once the 50+ people are moved, getting rounds started will be a hassle. A Sand Castle Conclave sounds like a good idea to me. I'm pushing for a set "home base" or something like that for the day.
Now I'm off to find a suitable VEHICLE for Apoc. No way can I make it thorough that war without one.
Pictures from Rosie's Camera can be found here.
Posted 01 July 2007 - 05:29 PM

"The moment you can no longer see the fun in running around like a little child is the moment you begin to die."
Roses are FF0000
Violets are 0000FF
Posted 01 July 2007 - 07:41 PM
-Actually nerfing with Groove, OMC, and EVIL ANGEL on the same team.
-The "crabs" round has to be one of my favorite rounds of all time.
-Even though it really doesn't matter who wins Tailbone and I won Gunslinger Heaven which was awesome.
-Playing rounds other than deathmatch. It was nice doing something different for a change. The Hostage/zombie was really fun, and I think it worked well too. Also how can you hate a game where everybody wins? Quake was an interesting idea, but it sucked. It was lame how squads could totally skip the whole crucifix thing and just go around.
-this wasn't at the round but it is worth mentioning. Groove's telling of a David Blaine Spoof is one of the funniest things I have ever seen.
Definitely the best shot was from Kuhlschrank. In the second resurrection forest round tyler ran across the path into an alcove to get a better angle on the opposing team. He did not see that Evil Angel was already in the alcove. I yelled "watch out for Evil Angel" Kuhlschrank immediately turned around and shot Evil Angel before he could get a shot off.
Posted 02 July 2007 - 03:34 PM
My favorite moment in the war was the ten-minute standoff during the Quake war in which Jake, the Wave, and I held our ground against ten or more opponents laying down heavy fire. I blocked upwards of eighteen darts with the Manta Ray as even more flew heavy past the three of us. Ten minutes, we held, waiting for backup, before Tyler managed a shot through the brush and under my Ray. It was a standoff, to be sure, but god-DAMN if that shit wasn't intense as all hell.
Posted 03 July 2007 - 08:01 PM
-Actually nerfing with Groove, OMC, and EVIL ANGEL on the same team.
Posted 03 July 2007 - 09:58 PM
Posted 04 July 2007 - 08:34 AM
You guys didn't win the second resurrection forest round. The crabs destroyed you.
The crabs? The cluster fucks standing on opposite ends of a narrow path more like. Regardless, I was referring to the final round of the day, but now I recall the teams were readjusted because hearsch had left halfway through the round you're referring to.
Posted 08 July 2007 - 12:55 AM
of Mag-7
East Coast Nerf 2009: Quid pro quo, douchebags!
Posted 09 July 2007 - 05:21 PM
As far as stats go, I guess I'll put them up later even though it was just me and Evil.
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