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Mass War '07

July 21st

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#1 Fenixharth



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Posted 29 June 2007 - 12:21 PM

Ok my friends this is the one we have been looking forward too, up here, for a while now. We are going to be running a game in melrose/malden mass at the Pinbanks Park On JULY 21st. We are hopeing for a large turn out and abunch of fun games.

Things you will need to bring:
-Water (dehydration is a danger durring the summer, but most of you know that)
-food or money for food.

I want to get a good head count of who's comeing to this so we can make plans for how many people are comeing so if you are interested in comeing or if you are sure just post and I'll start the list!

1087 Main St
Malden, MA 02148

Player List (12):
Me, and 8+ friends
Team slaya and 2 friends

Here's the info for the field:
Here are some pictures of the differant playing areas to hopefully get some of you folks to come that might be on the edge about it.

Here is the entrance:

Posted Image

Here is the main Battleground: Death Valley (the one they we let us play in how much we want and the best in my oppion)

Posted Image

Secondary Battleground: The Hill


Edited by Fenixharth, 19 July 2007 - 09:33 PM.

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#2 Mantis



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Posted 29 June 2007 - 01:04 PM

Good job finding an awesome field, from the pictures it looks ideal. Hope things goes well with the war.
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#3 sourskttles772



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Posted 29 June 2007 - 01:49 PM

What state is this in?
One man Clan:
I saw the Crossbow re-release on the shelf at my local Target, but I didn't want to tell anyone because I wanted them all to myself. I hid them all behind Dora the Explorer toys....

#4 Team Slaya

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Posted 29 June 2007 - 03:08 PM

Considering the title is "Mass War '07", I'd assume that it's in MASSachusetts. Not a flame, just a reality check.

The last war didn't have any turnout from the random nerfers who expressed interest, like Nerfer34 and Shralla. I'd at least like you to post and say that you aren't coming, rather than just not coming. I'd REALLY like for the other members who aren't part of the usual MA crew to try and come to one of these games, they're really awesome.

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#5 Shralla



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Posted 01 July 2007 - 11:54 PM

Sorry about that. I got bombarded with a bunch of stuff last minute, including work and girlfriend. I'm going to ask for the 21st off tomorrow, and I'll be sure to say if I can't come this time.
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#6 One Man Clan

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Posted 02 July 2007 - 05:43 AM

Here's the deal. I'm a Harry Potter Nerd. The 21st would be the day I would receive Book 7 from Amazon. The question is, can it wait to be read? I am not sure just yet, because I am DYING to finish the damn series already. I will think about it and make a decision after Armageddon.

In the mean time, you wouldn't consider pushing the date back, would you? If you pushed it back a week, I would conflict with the LI war I would also like to attend. I really do want to make it up there for this, I just have to figure out what the best plan is an let you know.
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#7 nerfer34



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Posted 02 July 2007 - 10:27 AM

Here's the deal. I'm a Harry Potter Nerd. The 21st would be the day I would receive Book 7 from Amazon. The question is, can it wait to be read? I am not sure just yet, because I am DYING to finish the damn series already. I will think about it and make a decision after Armageddon.

That's the only book that I will read. I'm addicted to it.

TS, the 21st is my brothers b-day, but that shouldn't conflict with anything. I'd REALLY like to get out there. If I had my license, I'd be there immediately. but I'm not sure, if I have a ride.

Has anyone heard from euphemism?

I'll try my best to get out there. It's about a 45 minute ride one way. The problem is my parents won't want to spend 45 there, 45 minutes back and then to pick me up 45 there and back on my younger brothers birthday.
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<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->God Damn it Groove, you stole my kill.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->-OMC

#8 Fenixharth



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Posted 02 July 2007 - 12:37 PM

Well there is a movie theater nearby they could go to, and there are a number of resturants they could go to after-wards.
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#9 nerfer34



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Posted 02 July 2007 - 01:42 PM

Ya I was debating that but if you know 11-12 year olds, they are ver picky on what they want to do....

I think at this point my only chance is to get a ride with someone else.

If OMC goes he MIGHT be able to take me.

I guess I'll just have to wait it out for a bit.

Also, does this place tend to eat up a lot of darts?(do darts get lost easily)?

And lets say if someone shoots at you, can you pick up there ammo and shoot it later?
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<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->God Damn it Groove, you stole my kill.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->-OMC

#10 Team Slaya

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Posted 02 July 2007 - 03:47 PM

Yeah nerfer, it shouldn't be a problem. Plus, the reason you make darts is to use/lose them in a war, no? That's the way I see it, so if I lose darts in a war I don't really worry about it. But you will lose some.

I haven't heard from euph in months. I'm sure that Milton's 5 or so nerfers are still alive, I just dunno if they browse the forums anymore. I hope they do, because another 5 would be great.

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#11 nerfer34



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Posted 02 July 2007 - 06:35 PM

Well I have to make stefans because I use indoor darts. How many do you think I should make? I hope I can make this war.
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<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->God Damn it Groove, you stole my kill.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->-OMC

#12 Fireshot



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Posted 02 July 2007 - 08:44 PM

I'll try to go. Certain circumstances may have me up North for the 21st, but its quite the if. If I can go I may bring some people. (1-5, unless I can get a larger vehicle)
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#13 Shralla



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Posted 05 July 2007 - 02:15 AM

Would you mind terribly if I posted this over at NerfHQ?
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#14 Team Slaya

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Posted 05 July 2007 - 10:24 AM

I know that I'm bringing upwards of 350 darts. The melrose crew always has this HUGE bag of assorted darts, some of which are good, some aren't. If OMC comes he usually brings a few 100. I'd say to make a few for yourself, I dunno, as many as you're willing to make.

Fireshot, that'd be awesome if you could come.

And Shralla, I was eventually gonna post this on the HQ, but if you'll do it that'd be great.

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#15 euphemism



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Posted 08 July 2007 - 12:33 AM

Yeah nerfer, it shouldn't be a problem. Plus, the reason you make darts is to use/lose them in a war, no? That's the way I see it, so if I lose darts in a war I don't really worry about it. But you will lose some.

I haven't heard from euph in months. I'm sure that Milton's 5 or so nerfers are still alive, I just dunno if they browse the forums anymore. I hope they do, because another 5 would be great.


I'm alive bitches!!! As far as nerf in milton, well who knows.

Here's the deal. The centerpiece of our little nerf collective went to college (RIT) and propagated nerf there but alas I was not up to keeping nerf going, at least during the school year. Soooo, it didn't keep going. Now there's nothing keeping it from going now really it's just hard to start it up again.

BUT! That is referring to random local small wars, as far as organized wars, we can get people. Also it's summer so Eric is in town making the people gathering more effective.

HOWEVER! Everyone here is lazy.

ALTHOUGH! if we can find a ride there and back then we shall come with some people.

NONETHELESS! Actually I'm out of counterpoints.

EVEN SO! I will continue this annoying post.

YET! I won't.
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#16 Rambo


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Posted 09 July 2007 - 05:18 PM

I will be in Lake George, but I may be able to coordinate with OMC to make it, so put me as maybe.
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#17 Fireshot



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Posted 10 July 2007 - 09:39 PM

I won't be able to go anymore.
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#18 Fenixharth



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Posted 17 July 2007 - 12:45 PM

Well guys since the day is drawing rear who do we have comeing?
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#19 One Man Clan

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Posted 17 July 2007 - 02:30 PM

Dark Shrimp and I will be coming up. My ankle is still pretty sore from spraining it at BCNO, so my mobility will be limited. I HIGHLY doubt I will be bringing Rambo. I'm just not about to drive out of my way with a bum ankle this time around. It's not the end of the world if he misses a war.

What's the head count look like?
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#20 Shralla



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Posted 17 July 2007 - 06:35 PM


I am once more forced to back out of the war. Turns out Melrose is further from me than I thought it was, and I'm not getting enough hours at work to cover my gas expenses as-is.

Sorry guys. I'd like to go, but my bank account says no. B)
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#21 Fenixharth



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Posted 17 July 2007 - 08:15 PM

we are looking at like hopefully 20 people give or take 5 but yea hopefully you give 5...
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#22 Fenixharth



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Posted 18 July 2007 - 10:28 PM

Ok kids, sorry about the double post but we may or maynot have a problem...

It apears as though it may rain saturday and pretty much all weekend so we may have to call it off.
Mind you this isn't an offical calling off but if the report doesn't look better by thursday afternoon/night I'm going to have to call it. Sorry Hersh but hopefully you didn't have to pay for that hotel yet...
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#23 TED


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Posted 18 July 2007 - 11:37 PM

I just checked the forecast for Melrose and it says that on saturday t will be partly cloudy with a high of 77 degrees. Even if there is rain we can't nerf?
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#24 Fenixharth



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Posted 19 July 2007 - 12:32 AM

I just checked the forecast for Melrose and it says that on saturday t will be partly cloudy with a high of 77 degrees. Even if there is rain we can't nerf?

Well you see the area that we pay it would be to dangerous to play in if it were raining so yea... no worth risking several rambo instances.
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#25 nerfer34



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Posted 19 July 2007 - 10:17 AM

So when is the war now?
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<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->God Damn it Groove, you stole my kill.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->-OMC

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