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Nerf Online Returns

yes i am cheating on you nerfhaven

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#1 taita cakes

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Posted 21 September 2003 - 07:18 AM

Well its finnaly back, in my personal opinion nerf-online was always top dog in the nerf community, they manned there site and there forum was probably the largest and most comprohensive and i am pleased to see its return... unfortunately due to staffing problem (yeah wateva) the forums will not see an immidiate future unless popular demand demands it be re-opened ... yes i know that sounded increadibly stupid...

also upon enquiring about this plastic coated metal (which my dad guesstimated to be 3/4 inch) but it was rusted out in the inside, i asked about taking it off him (as he was chucking it out to the tip) and my dad asked me why, i said nerf and he was still looking funny at me.... after it finnally colected in his mind he said that he owned all this 1/2 and 3/4 inch pvc and he mentioned owning brass curtain rod althoug not being able to remember the size... he said it probably wouldnt suit nerf and i thought to myself couldnt you make a certain type of stefan to fit WHATEVER barrell you are using, i mean FBR comes in like 100 sizes right???
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Posted 21 September 2003 - 08:02 AM

Well its finnaly back, in my personal opinion nerf-online was always top dog in the nerf community, they manned there site and there forum was probably the largest and most comprohensive and i am pleased to see its return... unfortunately due to staffing problem (yeah wateva) the forums will not see an immidiate future unless popular demand demands it be re-opened ... yes i know that sounded increadibly stupid...

No's been back for a little whle now, and Hal has expressed to me the fact that he does not desire to reopen any forums (though popular demand I'm sure would alter that). Regardless, what always made NO the biggest and best, in my not-so-humble opinion, was the people staffing it, and the community it spawned. Yes, the site was always beautiful and easy to asccess, and the man that made way for that is still around (though hal seems to want us to believe he's taking a hands off approach, but the other contributors are all on to their own things now. I'd love to help the guy out, but I barely find time to be here when I'm needed. As for Spoon, I think ditto would be an understatement, and Cxwq is STILL the hardest working an in nerf just running this thang. SO, my point is, NO is a great nerf tradition, and I hope it succeeds, but it's not going to be the same beast it once was. Anyway, I think we've all run that topic into the ground.

Yes, FBR does come in a wide variety of sizes, but remember, interchangability with the other nerfers' weapons in your area is vital. I mean, if you came to armaggedon or apoc using some crazy size, you'd simply be out of ammo in about 10 minutes. Good luck dude.

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#3 Alexthebeast



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Posted 21 September 2003 - 10:12 AM

it's not going to be the same beast it once was.

Yep, now iut has Larry Chen, not me :D
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#4 Puddle of Foam

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Posted 21 September 2003 - 10:23 AM

The new archived NO is stupid, yet somewhat useful for n00bs. The forums ARE NEVER coming back, though. :D
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Do you have the papers...?
No, but I have a big [BLEEP] gun. That's good enough for me!
-Fallout 2

If anyone was wondering, I'm RoboNerfer from NO. And I'm U.n.c.u.T.! on NerfHQ.

#5 Grinch



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Posted 21 September 2003 - 11:34 AM

The new archived NO is stupid, yet somewhat useful for n00bs. The forums ARE NEVER coming back, though. ;)

You got that right. Looking at the new NO, it somewhat saddens me, because in reality, it's really a completely different site, with a classic name. The whole Times New Roman theme is gone, and the NO-ish pictures are gone, the site is kaput. It seems now that the site is just there, but back then, it was always improving, getting better--there was even a time that Hal tried to host is on his middle school's server.

I talked to Hal yesterday on AIM.

Nedsmaster: So, whose this Larry Chen guy?
halbergman: Oh, Larry, he's my business partner.
Nedsmaster: Are the forums gonna come back?
halbergman: Nope.

So there you have it. It's just gone, and nothing can re-create it.
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#6 taita cakes

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Posted 22 September 2003 - 02:06 AM

i always felt NO was home thuogh, and it spawned a large number of crappy try-hard sites like hte one i am now posting on [no offence] but is this view rite??? what was home to you guys? could we all abandone sites like these and transfer the most important info back to NO??? i feel that we have lost one hell of a site, its like losing hotmail and having to use shitty AOL or your actual ISP
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#7 cxwq



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Posted 22 September 2003 - 11:44 AM

Nothing is ever as good as your fond memories from the past.

Ever rent a movie you saw 10 years ago and thought was really cool? Chances are you learn that you've changed, or it wasn't what you thought it was, or... something.

NO could come back with exactly the same admins, look-n-feel, forum code, and even posts, and it wouldn't be the same.

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<meta name="cxwq" content="mostly water">

#8 Sandman



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Posted 22 September 2003 - 05:11 PM

i always felt NO was home thuogh, and it spawned a large number of crappy try-hard sites like hte one i am now posting on [no offence] but is this view rite??? what was home to you guys? could we all abandone sites like these and transfer the most important info back to NO??? i feel that we have lost one hell of a site, its like losing hotmail and having to use shitty AOL or your actual ISP

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#9 JSkater



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Posted 22 September 2003 - 06:17 PM

i always felt NO was home thuogh, and it spawned a large number of crappy try-hard sites like hte one i am now posting on [no offence] but is this view rite??? what was home to you guys? could we all abandone sites like these and transfer the most important info back to NO??? i feel that we have lost one hell of a site, its like losing hotmail and having to use shitty AOL or your actual ISP

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#10 taita cakes

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Posted 22 September 2003 - 09:49 PM

you really love ebaums dont you guys?
cant blame you...
well anyway i was just saying that NO was home and THE FORUM, was this right?
and since its unfortunate demise i felt that nerfhq had the back up forums and picked up the the pieces off the floor [well actually i thought that nerfhaven did a good job until i found nerfhq] is there another nerfhq out there... bigger and better than all the nerf sites we've seen so far...
you better not "what" this 'coz it seems to make sense... :ph34r:
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#11 ItalionStallion



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Posted 22 September 2003 - 10:22 PM

I dont remember taita_cakes frim NO. Did you have a different username there?
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#12 taita cakes

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Posted 22 September 2003 - 10:55 PM

i think i was probably taitjb or taitaz, some form of my name [tait]....
but yeah i wasnt really sure what exactly i was known as...

newaz back to the matter at hand if im an aussie nerfer who has to find tikme between a vce and state level basketball to nerf with friends, will it REALLY matter if i dont have an interchangeable amount of ammo for my homeade...?...?...?
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#13 VACC


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Posted 23 September 2003 - 11:22 AM

This fucker is really starting to get on my nerves. I'm really sick of people telling me that NO was the original, and the creater of this fucking community. I'm sick of people telling me how hardcore and old-shool they are because they are fucking pining for a site from 2 god damned years ago. I like Hal, we're friends, but he did not start this shabang and I never felt like his site was really home. Hal was the whipping boy on the list-serve. I used to mute him on a regular basis for plugging his then undermanned, and relatively unpopular nerf site, NerfOnline.

So then, you might imagine that I feel the same way about the list-serve that you feel about NO. Well you'd be wrong. I hate it when other former listserve members tell me how sweet it was, and that we should post archives. It was just as retarded as any of these sites, people just remember it in a better light. Kev is right, nothing will live up to what you imagine NO used to be, so just chill out with it. And the next person who calls my fucking boards lesser to this god damned memory, or that noob-rich environment is gonna get a size 12 steel toe administration right up their god-damned rectum. Dig?

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#14 Spoon



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Posted 23 September 2003 - 01:06 PM

I'm sorry, would you mind clarifying the whole "steel toe in the rectum" thing please?

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Posted 23 September 2003 - 02:49 PM

Vacc...that really made my day...
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#16 taita cakes

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Posted 24 September 2003 - 01:19 AM

ouch..... i guess its that time of the month....
well really i was just pimpin NO so it would return but i was shocked to find when i was using small nerf sites that big major sites like this and nerfhq... all i really wanted to no was that was there a major site just as big as this if not better that my n00bish search skills have failed to find... and now iknow... thank you and good night.... ill be here all week....

and simply put ... stick it ...
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Oh Kentucky, you are so fuggin awesome...

#17 Puddle of Foam

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Posted 24 September 2003 - 11:02 AM

The new archived NO is stupid, yet somewhat useful for n00bs. The forums ARE NEVER coming back, though.  :D

You got that right. Looking at the new NO, it somewhat saddens me, because in reality, it's really a completely different site, with a classic name. The whole Times New Roman theme is gone, and the NO-ish pictures are gone, the site is kaput. It seems now that the site is just there, but back then, it was always improving, getting better--there was even a time that Hal tried to host is on his middle school's server.

I talked to Hal yesterday on AIM.

Nedsmaster: So, whose this Larry Chen guy?
halbergman: Oh, Larry, he's my business partner.
Nedsmaster: Are the forums gonna come back?
halbergman: Nope.

So there you have it. It's just gone, and nothing can re-create it.

When the fuck did NO have Times New Roman?!
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Do you have the papers...?
No, but I have a big [BLEEP] gun. That's good enough for me!
-Fallout 2

If anyone was wondering, I'm RoboNerfer from NO. And I'm U.n.c.u.T.! on NerfHQ.

#18 taita cakes

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Posted 24 September 2003 - 11:59 PM

i wasnt on it from the start but i never knew anythigna bout that...
maybe mr grinch has been smoking some wierd shit again... :D
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Oh Kentucky, you are so fuggin awesome...

#19 Puddle of Foam

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Posted 25 September 2003 - 12:16 PM

Why do I always think of the song "Owner of A Lonely Heart" when I think of NO? O.o
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Do you have the papers...?
No, but I have a big [BLEEP] gun. That's good enough for me!
-Fallout 2

If anyone was wondering, I'm RoboNerfer from NO. And I'm U.n.c.u.T.! on NerfHQ.

#20 superadaquabat



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Posted 25 September 2003 - 09:38 PM

Why do I always think of the song "Owner of A Lonely Heart" when I think of NO? O.o

Thats funny, I always think of goo gone.

Anyhow, i don't quite get the point of the new nerf online. Wasn't all that stuff there before? Now it just has new graphics, which don't look all that great. Oh, and the buy nerf guns links work. Oh no, wait, only the ball blaster works. Some things never change I sapose. I mean he didn't write any new article or change anything of substance. Did he?
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