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Nj Spring War:

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#51 cxwq



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Posted 28 January 2003 - 02:32 PM

Only if simultaneously enrolled in Physics I. :D
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#52 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 28 January 2003 - 02:39 PM

I say we have the war at Tindall Park. Seriously, I'm pretty damn tired of Mill Creek at the moment and I think the LCM needs to suck it up and travel to a bigger war for once. We had home turf advantages at Apoc and at Reckoning, and frankly I think that most of the attendees to both wouldn't mind a change of scenery. Frankly, if some of us can't make it that's tough shit. Not to be mean or anything but the way we host wars isn't right. Everyone should have to travel once in a while.

Plus Tindall would be easier on Hersh, GunnedDown, and this other nerfer I've been talking to. I know the LCM went up for Gnomefest but, that's the only time we've ever traveled. So in conclusion, I say have it at Tindall and if some of us can't make it oh well. I'll drive who I can and maybe some parents will help out.
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#53 Mantis



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Posted 28 January 2003 - 02:46 PM

Jesus, my DSL goes down for one night and look what happens.
Anywho, I wouldnt have a problem with playing at the LGLF place (when the hell did you guys pick up 5 new guys??), as long as we can all get there. The shindig could pull the weeman and one other up, but Evil, it would be better if we can con your mom into driving us, then we could take you and three more up, as opposed to you and one. But yeah, I think Tindall could be cool for a war, but you guys should survery it and stuff, check out which days it has the least amount of people (saturday or sunday), and most of all, train your n00bs.
The idea of using the mini golf place...that doesnt sound to good. Though it would be fun, I dont think it is a good plan, since that stuff could be broken easily, especially with some 20 goons running around shooting each other.
And finally, when is the Pomps gonna be around again? I dont wanna play favorites...but the whole LCM had a crush on him after our first war :D
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#54 GunnedDown



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Posted 28 January 2003 - 03:12 PM

Tindall park would be fantabulous. I vote for Tindall Park! Evil, why did you suggest May? Why not Spring Break in april around easter?
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#55 Evil


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Posted 28 January 2003 - 03:17 PM

Tindall park would be fantabulous. I vote for Tindall Park! Evil, why did you suggest May? Why not Spring Break in april around easter?

Because I won't be able to drive until May 12th, 2003.

And Mantis, what we could do, is have Shindig and me drive the 5 we can. And then get a willing parent to drive the remaining members or something. So my mom could take some, and the other parent could take those left. If we can manage, it'll be badass.
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#56 Langley


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Posted 28 January 2003 - 03:21 PM

Okay, after talking to people from each group, the best date in May would appear to be sunday the 18th. It looks like (not absolutely sure on this yet) fred and the horsemen will be done with their exams by the 15th, and the LCM's junior prom will be on saterday the 17th. The problem with this is that we don't really have a decent rain date. The next sunday afterward would be smack in the middle of Memorial Day weekend, with heavy traffic and plenty of people with family gatherings and so forth. So unless the LCM goes with two less (and I'm not sugesting they do), I guess the rain date is the first weekend in June. (two weeks later)
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#57 Evil


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Posted 28 January 2003 - 04:18 PM

A rain date two weeks later sounds good to me. Right now it's looking like this war is shaping up pretty nicely. Different terrain couldn't hurt, and I'm pretty sure that most of the LCM (if not all) can/should be in attendance come May 18th.
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#58 Langley


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Posted 29 January 2003 - 09:53 PM

The Directons Page has been added to LGLF.tk . LCM: Note the information at the bottom for parents.
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#59 One Man Clan

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Posted 05 February 2003 - 01:20 PM

Well I know i still have finals until May 20th, but that won't stop me from attending. I can't wait to get in some more action. Hopefully I will know more as the semester goes on.
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#60 Evil


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Posted 13 February 2003 - 06:34 AM

So the war is on for May 18th, 2003 at the LGLF home field, Tindall Park in Middletown. Correct?
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#61 The Fred

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Posted 14 February 2003 - 01:13 PM


Yeah, May 18th in Middletown sounds great. During my spring break (March 15-22), we'll get a permit settled (I don't know how many people are coming yet, but the fee is pretty small so it's no big deal to get it just in case) and we're open to input from you or anyone else as to specific details (specific wars, setups, etc). Anyone who wants to can reach me at Fredgnj@aol.com and I'll get back to you.

The Fred
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#62 VACC


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Posted 14 February 2003 - 11:09 PM

Any chance we could get some pics of the park? Maybe one of you can borrow a digital camera and give us and idea of what we got here. No big deal if you can't, I'm just curious.

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#63 Langley


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Posted 15 February 2003 - 12:20 AM

Go to www.lglf.tk and then click on photos in the nav bar. Then click on gnomefest. all of those pictures are of Tindall. We'll take a few that better illustrate the area if you want.
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#64 VACC


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Posted 15 February 2003 - 12:20 PM

Fuck, it's just a fucking forest isn't it? What's with you people and the god damn woods? I just don't get it, oh well.

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#65 Langley


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Posted 15 February 2003 - 10:57 PM

Well, those pictures don't really dEffeminatet the Obstacle Coarse that the high school uses. It has a bunch of cool looking wooden crap that can be used for cover, for an elevated vantage point, or to swing around on like the little fairy that you are. There's also a construction site across the street behind the high school. What stage of construction and weather or not we'll be able to use it without getting kicked out remains to be seen, but it's there. Tindall Park also has elevation. There are plenty of hills, and if I remember correctly, warlock set up a little embattlement on a hill from a tree trunk and a little burrow thing. Finally, there's a bridge. And its not some little pice-of-crap bridge over some ditch in the woods in toms river either. No, its an actual bridge, that you would have to use to cross over a real live stream.
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#66 Langley


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Posted 17 February 2003 - 01:16 PM

Fuck, it's just a fucking forest isn't it? What's with you people and the god damn woods? I just don't get it, oh well.


If not forest, then what sort of environment do you usually nerf in anyway?
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#67 Famine



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Posted 17 February 2003 - 01:27 PM

Completely bare-ass open, level, fields!!! As far as the eye can see!!! No cover, nothing to hide behind or dodge around... no where to run. It's just you, your opponent, and the better aim versus the better dodge.... that's hardcore mother fucker.
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#68 Foos Boy

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Posted 17 February 2003 - 02:25 PM

Alright all you punks.. listen up.. It's Heef. This is about the upcoming fest, war, nerf outting, whatever you want to call it and then think your witty cause it sounds cool. Its gonna happen at Tindal, whether you like it or not. Our place kicks, its got massive amounts of space; we barely only played in about half of it. We have several distinct areas, from the 2 obstacle courses (a wide path down the middle of it), to the hilltop, to the weaving trails inbetween and all throughout tindal that are massively fun. We even have past the bridge where we didnt even touch. Ur place is cool, i had fun, but its too far away.. we need a good fight down here, like with people gunning other people down from sun roofs. Plus by May I'll have my lisence, even though that has nothing to do with this i just wanted to tell everyone that.

Alright.. enough of this bickering on the web site, I'm out.

Heef :huh:
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#69 VACC


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Posted 17 February 2003 - 03:31 PM

Bickering? Ok, let me lay this down for you.
1. we were discussing the park, if it's really as great as you say you don't need to be so defensive, now do you?
2. You've never been to our parks, and you likely never will be.
3. We decided on Tindel or whatever the fuck it's called about a week ago.
4. Shut the fuck up, I'm closing this thread.

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