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I Have A Nerf Gun That Shoots Almost 400'

Dont believe me? I can prove it! Video Inside!

65 replies to this topic

#51 meiser5



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Posted 15 November 2006 - 06:58 PM

Sweet Jesus...

Like Groove said before, we are arguing over numbers people! Why don't we leave this thread be until Echo shows us a moderatly plausable video of the gun and can, oh yes, and the getting shot part... Back on subject...

And we can then see what we think, in the mean time, let us stop acting like a bunch of kindergarteners arguing over who has the biggest collection of Yugio Cards...

Meiser--- :D
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#52 NiteWalker



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Posted 15 November 2006 - 07:11 PM

Dudes, you guys are taking these forums a bit too seriously... I mean c'mon! I don't think Nerfer was ACTUALLY betting(unless he made a deal with you or something). I mean it's not even a bet. If your gun didn't shoot 300 ft. its not like you would give him 50 bucks? Who cares about your 300 ft.+ gun anyways? Get back to life and stop charging someone for a bet that might have been just an expression(again unless you made some kind of deal). Nerfer has made 2 "bets" that I think aren't serious. I also think you made that video just to charge him. And if he doesn't pay what are you going to do? Sue him? Try to kick him off the boards(though I don't think the mods really care)? Anyways, this whole betting thing is just plain stupid if you ask me. About the mod itself, I wouldn't care less if it shot 1000 ft with 100 pumps. I believe your joy in this is to boast about your ranges that are quite useless. Also, I think my idea of "Joy in modding" is different. I like to build something that makes it better and USEFUL. I like to make it easier for myself to win in battles. I like to impress myself with the function the makes a gun useful and also try to incorporate looks in the gun.
Your view(under my impression anyways) is:
-Want to get a gun to show-off(even if its useless)
-Make a gun to hurt someone
-Collect money from "bets"
-Boost your board-ego

Sorry for my little "speech" in a useless topic, but I just had to say something... forgive me if I offended anyone.
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#53 echo104b



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Posted 15 November 2006 - 08:29 PM

ok. Update.

I tried to make the shooting the can video. first two shots missed. and the third shot snapped the Trigger. SO there is currently no footage of the sodacan. sorry. I did purchase a new Big Blast and replaced the trigger with just enough daylight to take the stomache shot. at the moment, Youtube doesnt like my computer. so i shall be late posting the video of it.

and BTW, it's been about 28 hours since i was shot. It STILL hurts like a bitch.

and i'm doing all this for my personal amusement. i couldnt care less if you all flame me. I find this whole battle between the believers and the non believers amusing. :P

Believers, keep up the support. non believers, keep throwing out the challenges :P
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#54 TED


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Posted 15 November 2006 - 09:04 PM

ok. Update.

I tried to make the shooting the can video. first two shots missed. and the third shot snapped the Trigger. SO there is currently no footage of the sodacan. sorry. I did purchase a new Big Blast and replaced the trigger with just enough daylight to take the stomache shot. at the moment, Youtube doesnt like my computer. so i shall be late posting the video of it.

and BTW, it's been about 28 hours since i was shot. It STILL hurts like a bitch.

and i'm doing all this for my personal amusement. i couldnt care less if you all flame me. I find this whole battle between the believers and the non believers amusing. :P

Believers, keep up the support. non believers, keep throwing out the challenges :P

All I heard from that was "King in the castle. King in the castle. I have a chair."
I want you to mark the dart with a sharpie then shoot it then walk and get it. All this should be on screen also the mark should be on the side and should be a scribble so it would be hard to replicate.
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#55 meiser5



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Posted 15 November 2006 - 09:12 PM

Geez, I thought Television Editing Class was boring, I might get some use out of it after all...

How about you post the movie, I will download it, break it down and see how many clips are in it, If it is one continuous data stream, it is a untouched plausible copy. But if it contains any irregular patterns, I will know it is a fake right then and there. I look foward to seeing this so called "proof".

Meiser--- :P
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#56 echo104b



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Posted 15 November 2006 - 09:23 PM

It's not that you tube doesnt like me. my internet connection is a pain in the ass. i cant upload it anywhere. I've tried Google, Putfile, Youtube, My internet is just timing out after a few mins.

it does this sometimes. my ISP is a pain in the ass.

I'll have it up tomorrow evening. I gaurantee it. :P
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#57 funkyjake



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Posted 16 November 2006 - 03:53 PM

Instead of having to try your damnedest to somehow get the traveling dart on film, why not have a guy with the camera stand about where your dart will land? That way you'll have footage of a dart plopping down, and then the guy with the camera can walk to you, instead of the other way around.
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#58 MFRnync



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Posted 19 November 2006 - 06:30 PM

Am I the only person here who finds this more than a little ridicullos? Not the three hundred some odd feet of range, I cant say I know for certain you actually acheived that much distance, what I can say is that I dont really care weather or not you did. The fact that so many of you do is pathetic. If this guy is playing it fast and loose he certainly wouldnt be the first person on the internet to do so :rolleyes:. If hes on the up and up more power to him, except it would be the most impracitcal nerf mod I've ever seen. If you trully did acheive close to 400 feet with a slightly angled shot I shutter to think about the pain and possible injury that thing might cause at close range. My second issue with this mod is that, though it may provide excellent range, what the hell are you going to hit at 300 ft? As a avid shooter I can tell you that I neraly always employ a scope at 100 yards or more and sometimes at ranges less than that. A nerf gun with little or no sighting system let alone a telescopic sight is is the equivillent to to me blindfiring with a firearm from that distance. I might scare the shit out of somebody but chances are I wont hit the broad side of a barn. Frankly even if all you claim is true, you havent accomplished a thing. Any of us could slap a pvc barrel on a paintball gun and send a dart soaring a couple hundred feet, get over yourself.
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carpe scrotum- grab life by the balls, sustaining member of the always outnumbered but never outgunned toy gun modifiers guild.

#59 NerfMonkey



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Posted 19 November 2006 - 06:57 PM

Way to post in a dead thread without even reading it.

It was stated multiple times that this was done for proof of concept alone; I've kept quiet and watched all the idiots fight so far but this is just too much to handle. Either read the thread and then post, or shut the fuck up and stay out of it.
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SexD Warves

#60 General Cole

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Posted 19 November 2006 - 07:07 PM

All he is doing is getting the Blast Bazooka banned from all wars around the country. Let him do it, if he has put all of his time into the gun and it gets banned from wars, thats his problem, so if you (echo) ever want to use it in a big war keep it up bud. I don't doubt the vid, but with all of ridiculous shots that he might take at someone 300 feet away would just be wasting darts. I am not saying angled shots are bad, I almost pulled off a ridiculus shot on spoon from Spoon at a 45 degree angle, and I popped Falcon with a way angled shot. They can be useful, but that can also drive you into the ground (look for the boy in blue shirt that gets driven backward until he is almost in the splits (thats me)) by getting you used to aiming up, not down. Sorry for this, I wan't this thread to die, but I had to get it out somewhere in this thread.
We should stop calling out/making fun of/pissing GC off. He's actually contributed and is available for trade. He's a better than average member no doubt. Got your back Cole.

You know what... I know it's kinda late... but Props Cole.

#61 The Large Moose

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Posted 19 November 2006 - 10:13 PM

Elf AVec and maverickxx you both piss me off.

Echo I'll makke you a deal over PMs.

Another thing to add, did anyone else realize how accurate the dart was?

Funny, hhuh?

While traveling 400 feet it lands in the same path as shot.

I can make a video like this saying my NF shoots 400 feet.

Like OMC says you can robably make a 20 foot airtank and have the thing shoot 1000' but it doesn't matter.

If it wasn't windy as stated in the first place the velocity would make the dart very accurate. It wasn't RIGHT where the gun shot either, it was a few feet to the right, but a properly weighted dart and a heavily pumped airtank could create such a result. Why are you being such an ass about it, after he posted a video about it to prove himself.

If he edited it who the fuck cares. Just ignore it, but don't be an immature asscactus about it and start posting up a storm about how he's a liar and other crap because you made him a bet and he puts out "proof" that he wins. Hell, take it to PM's if you must, but posting such comments makes you look like an immature child that doesn't know when he's lost the fight. If theres one thing I come out of this thread knowing, it's that you made yourself look like a dumbass.

I'm sorry to flame. I rarely do. Hell, I rarely post on this forum, I just needed to let this out; because I seriously need to go take a raincheck after reading a few of these posts.

That is all.


Edited by The Large Moose, 19 November 2006 - 10:15 PM.

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When I insert a dick, nothing happens. Wierd.

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#62 Sqiggs89



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Posted 20 November 2006 - 10:18 PM

Nice work, I pretty much believe you. Mostly because when people post a 200ft' NF and say that everyone is calling BS and the person doesn't even make an ATTEMPT to prove it. You actaully took the time to do this, so I give you that for atleast doing it.

392' is still not practical because could probably could not shoot someone from that far. But hey you've got braging rights.

Also it's easy to tell there is no wind simply because none of your shirts are blowing. Hence I say no wind!
You've got quite some gun there, and I hope you don't blow it up!

Good work, sorry I'm late posting this, but I think for the most part I contributed.
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Been a while.

#63 moubeus5018



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Posted 22 November 2006 - 10:19 PM


I agree, totally imposible and impractical, but sweet friggen job man! I belive it myself, but here are a few suggestions to convert a few nonbelivers.

It would be totally easy to prove your claim if you do the following: As previously stated, on the video, use a sharpie to make a scribble on the dart, load, pump and fire. Then have ppl at 50' intervals to watch for the incomming dart. Lay a tape messure on the spaces to prove the width. Donot add in anything, no beginning info, not mid video commentary, no after video interview, just one straight film so they cannot say you eddited it.

Im gunna go ahead and say it RIP gun, we will miss the.
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#64 DX-Robert


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Posted 22 November 2006 - 11:29 PM

This really should have died already. As stated countless times before, who cares? Who are you going to hit from 400ft out? For all I care, it could have 4,000ft of range. If it were accurate enough to actually nail someone from such great distances, that would be a matter worth caring about.

I'm surprised that this topic has warranted flaming. It's among the most pointless use of flaming I've ever seen. We can never know the absolute truth about whether the gun cleared the mark or not, so why do you even bother to try and force one decision over another? Those who believe the proof do have the right to try and persuade. Those who don't have the right to try and dissuade. However, once it wanders from intellectual argument to personal attack, the line is crossed. Flaming is never justified for anything. Those with no sense of restraint, those who always have to be right, and those who need to pump their egos are a primary reason why society is going down the crapper before it is even flushed. This topic is a perfect example of what not to say in what started out as a valid argument. It is shocking to see how difficult it can be for some people to remain civil and keep their posts somewhat formal. I've seen little children with better behavior.

Personally, I would have tested this with as many variables as possible removed. That means a closed, controlled environment with at least prosumer-level cameras, well marked intervals, and exact measurements of the firing angle. That would also mean that the trial would have to be run many times to siphon out the variables that could lead to a bias or holes in the proof. When conducted like a true experiment, the resulting proof could bear much more scientific weight.

Since there were so many variables possible, the range test that was conducted cannot be proved or disproved absolutely without doubt. You've got a hung jury here, and cannot fairly come to a decision that everyone must accept. Therefore this case should be tossed out of court. Please let it die on its own, as having a topic closed by an admin would demonstrate how this community cannot conduct itself in a mature manner. However, I do think that this topic needs to be physically closed and people need to move on.
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#65 Substance Abuse

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Posted 22 November 2006 - 11:36 PM

Ok everyone has what they want to say said? Good now someone needs to seriously lock this because even though this provides so much laughter(to me) I think it really should have been closed after the 2ND page.
QUOTE(Brass @ Jul 6 2007, 10:30 PM) View Post

QUOTE(keef @ Jul 6 2007, 09:29 PM) View Post

Yeah, I'm in the same case as Substance Abuse...
Brass, ask your mother.

She said your dad owes her three dollars.

#66 Pineapple


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Posted 23 November 2006 - 12:21 AM

I think that this topic has been left open, in part atleast, because the mods find it amusing. :P

Yes, I did. And it was amusing.

But now it's getting irritating. Especially when you think it's going to fade away and it gets regurgitated like that pizza and beer I had last night.

Echo104b and Nerfer 34, do your settlement out of court.

Ideally, in a discussion forum, everyone should be able to make more or less ONE comment or observation about what they think/feel, with the exception of Echo104b, who needs to answer inquiries or statements made for or against him. You can tell the ones who got really immersed in the topic by how many times they decided to post here.

Oh yeah, nerfer_34 too, because he decided to throw a bet on the table about it.

I made several bets with several members regarding things, usually claims of building something with no photographic proof. I offer a free modded NF, they put their user membership on the line. No one came through. I ought to begin to collect my debt. Heads up, people.

Beacuse it's a holiday, and I want to enjoy it without seeing this updated any further.

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-Piney- of White Dog Hobbies Armory

<!--quoteo(post=209846:date=Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM:name=boom)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(boom @ Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM) View Post</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
It's to bad you live in hawaii I bet there are not many wars there.Wait what am I saying<b> you live in hawaii you lucky bastard.</b>

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