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Wow, I Made A Dart That Gains Lift!

I created a flying dart...hence the name

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Posted 28 August 2003 - 07:29 PM

I just made a micro dart with wings. I took one of my regular red micro darts, and taped on a pair of wings. Each wing is about 1/2 inch wide and fly very far, and hit very fast. These work best in my max shot and surprisingly my blowgun. I wouldnt be surprised if i could make 150 feet with my max shot using this dart.
Sorry i dont have pics.
Its really simple though cut out a small wing a bit shorter than a dart and 1/2 inch wide, then make another, then tape them 1/2 inch apart and put them on your dart, and wallah! These things are great, they go very fast. You could probobally make a stefan version, but i havnt tried yet.

If any of you decide to make these, tell me how they worked for you.
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#2 Vassili



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Posted 28 August 2003 - 11:20 PM

How do they fit in a barrel if they have wings?
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#3 Sandman



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Posted 29 August 2003 - 12:20 AM

I wouldnt be surprised if i could make 150 feet with my max shot using this dart.


Sorry i dont have pics.

I wonder how closely these two statements really correspond...
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Posted 29 August 2003 - 03:31 PM

the wings are each 1/2 inch wide and easily fold around the dart, and sandman, Im sorry i dont have a digital camera, but even if i didnt, if you read the post at all its easily possible, why dont you try what i did and see for yourself... but its just sience, its partially aerodynamic(its not because of the suction cup), and has aerodynamic wings. Its form of propulsion is the air produced from the max shot, pushing it out of the barrel, in which the wings expand making the dart go farther because it gains lift. Even though the wings are small, because of the speed in which the dart is going, its going to go farther than it would at a slower speed.

But if you dont believe me, I really dont care, because its not hurting me at all, and shows a lack of understanding if you still dont realize after this explanation...

no offence
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#5 Grinch



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Posted 29 August 2003 - 04:13 PM

That's a great discovery, THIRST, but personally, a dart that changes it's course throughout flight doesn't seem too practical.
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#6 Zero Talent

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Posted 29 August 2003 - 05:25 PM

the wings are each 1/2 inch wide and easily fold around the dart, and sandman, Im sorry i dont have a digital camera, but even if i didnt, if you read the post at all its easily possible, why dont you try what i did and see for yourself... but its just sience, its partially aerodynamic(its not because of the suction cup), and has aerodynamic wings. Its form of propulsion is the air produced from the max shot, pushing it out of the barrel, in which the wings expand making the dart go farther because it gains lift. Even though the wings are small, because of the speed in which the dart is going, its going to go farther than it would at a slower speed.

But if you dont believe me, I really dont care, because its not hurting me at all, and shows a lack of understanding if you still dont realize after this explanation...

no offence

Well, this is all we really need; Compare the ranges you get with these darts to those without the wings. Using multiple darts of both types, fire 10 rounds of winged and 10 rounds of normal at an angle parallel the ground on a grassy field, measure the distances of each shot with a 50 or 100 foot tape measure, record them, and take an average for each. Use the same gun and number of pumps for both types of darts (standardize it all). That should only take you about 20 minutes at most, if you just leave the measuring tape out after measuring the first shot, especially with the extra darts. A small 2D paint diagram would help, too... And what material and shape are these wings? Delta, and foam? Rectangular and Balsa? Sorry if I missed that in a previous post.

Most kids here just want some substance, that's all. A solid statement of how [much] and why the dart is better.
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#7 Sandman



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Posted 29 August 2003 - 05:48 PM


It's not like I don't believe you. It's just that I don't think some people realize how far distances like 150 ft really are, and there has always been a lot of people bragging about their guns shooting outrageously far and not having anything to back it up. No offense intended by this or my original post at all, just making a jest at something I've seen before.
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#8 Formerly Sane

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Posted 30 August 2003 - 11:32 AM

Okay, a piece of paper about 1 1/4" by 1 3/4". I tape it on top of a dart and fold the wings down as I put it in a barrel. Mine didn't work so well but do I have the right idea?
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Posted 30 August 2003 - 11:58 AM

Sort of... the wing itsef is actually two different peices of paper. The width of EACH wing is 1/2 inch or maybe a bit more, however you like. The length of A wing is a bit shorter than the dart itself. Than you get tape and tape them together leaving 1/2 inch inbetween the wings so the tape holds onto the dart as well as the wings. These darts work better only with higher powered guns because the higher the power, the farther the art will go because its extended range will be increased. The gun needs to have an exceptional velocity for best results.

(remember to make the wings in the shape of f-14 wings or something so it actually works)

EDIT: ill put a writeup on my dart on a site im going to create with pics of some of my guns. Ill tell you guys when its up and ready :lol: oh and ZERO, they are delta style wings out of paper
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