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Bbb Slight Problem

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#1 six-five-two



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Posted 25 September 2006 - 07:28 PM

I just removed the air restrictors out of the BBB (reissue) and did a coupler mod. On the side orange thingy when you cock the gun back (before the nubs) it seems to be worn down, it looks like something is grinding the plastic. Here is a picture of where the problem is... this is just a picture I found from the mod directory and circled the piece. My digital camera isnt working at the moment... The bumps (not the nubs) on the orange piece are wearing down, it looks like something sanded it down. Is this a problem? This only seems to be happening on the left side, but the right is starting to get bad aswell. Also, the cocking nub pieces seem to be off.. did I put the gun back together wrong or something?

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#2 General Cole

General Cole


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Posted 25 September 2006 - 07:54 PM

I do believe that you didn't put it together correctly. I bought a used one and it wasn't worn down.
We should stop calling out/making fun of/pissing GC off. He's actually contributed and is available for trade. He's a better than average member no doubt. Got your back Cole.

You know what... I know it's kinda late... but Props Cole.

#3 Lukeinator



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Posted 26 September 2006 - 05:00 PM

That shouldn't be the problem, but it might be. So don't count it out.

Also make sure that the orange thingy with the spring on it (it's to the left of your circle) is in there. If it isn't, your BBB will definitely not cock.
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#4 Jergling



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Posted 28 September 2006 - 03:56 PM

your fine, the nubs dont really matter, it's supposed to look like a real arrow being pulled back. It's all cosmetic, ignore it
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Save the NOOB, now declared an indangered species by the department of the redundancy department!

#5 Lancaster



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Posted 28 September 2006 - 05:22 PM

your fine, the nubs dont really matter, it's supposed to look like a real arrow being pulled back. It's all cosmetic, ignore it

Wrong. Those pieces are a main component of the cocking mechanism.

I would be willing to bet that you put it together wrong. Did you put the pressure chamber in correctly? There are nubs forming a cross on it, you could have put it in the wrong way.
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#6 six-five-two



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Posted 28 September 2006 - 05:31 PM

I think I fixed it, when I was pulling it back both of those nubs went inwards instead of before when it was only one side.
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#7 Grenado



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Posted 28 September 2006 - 06:34 PM

I have a question about my BBB also. I did a coupler mod on it and it will cock, but when the trigger gets pulled, nothing happens and it won't slide together.
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#8 six-five-two



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Posted 05 December 2006 - 08:12 PM

I know this is old but I didn't want to make another topic.

It has been a few months since I posted this thread. I sharpied the side of the BBB so if it scrapes against the side, the sharpie mark will wear off. And now it is starting to. It is still pressed to the side. My friend recently bought a BBB and did a barrel mod to it and he is having the same problem. I am afraid to use the BBB now because it may break...

So why is it still scrapeing against the side?
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