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Sdno: Wrapup

Next time we stretch...

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#1 neonerfer



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Posted 16 August 2003 - 10:07 PM

Well I thought it was great, the location simply tickles my fancy. Tickles...What, a man can't say tickles? No, I suppose he can't, can he? The number of people was perfect for the location, any more than 12 can get a little hectic because it's kinda hard to keep track of 6 people with that much cover. Many thanks to all attendees, we had a great crowd. Everyone was really well behaved, made my job a hell of a lot easier. Except Toj, he's a dirty little diaper assed kid, I tell ya ;) . The laser sight worked perfectly when my barrel was straight, for the last war, I finally secured my barrel better, and it was shooting with in 2 inches of the red dot. I'm going to reinforce my crossbow, and brace the barrel with extensions from the frame of the gun itself. Thanks for Kevin and Julie for driving down, as well as Evan and his dad. Many, many thanks to Andrew(sandypants) for coming to nerf with us immediately after he flew in. That's some dedication there. I can't wait to see all the great pictures that Julie took.

Now for the highlights:

-Toj's camping spot. He hid in a little nook that four large rocks made. Rocks surrounded the area, making it harder to access, and his team surrounded him. He'd pop out, pick someone off, then drop back down the reload. He only got hit a couple of times, and that took some seriously orchestrated rushing on the entire teams part. Toj took 4/5 of my lives that roun, he kicked ass.
-Kevin's AT3k was great, he had the best ROF in almost all the wars, and with that kind of range, he was the ultimate trooper for the location. If you shot at him and missed, you were screwed.
-Me accidentally nailing mark in the side of the face. I aimed for his chest, I swear!
-Mark vs 4 others. He ran around like crazy with his single barreled AT3k, with one life left. He ran past all, without getting hit, then leaped accross the creek. He then ended up running into the creek, and getting nailed by four different darts, simulataneously.
-My laser sight with pressure switch next to trigger. It was just too cool for school.
-The fiesta next to us, with their jammin spanish polka music. The audio quality was amazing, synthesized fuzz, baby(Andrew know's what's up!)!
-Toj pouring his water bottle all over me, then me retaliating with the rest of my gatorade. He then proceeded to emtpy 1.5 water bottles over his head, and I think Julie got some good pics.
-My dart getting stuck in a tree, got a pic of it.
-Andrew nailing me in the TOE during the last war of the day, the one hit war. My shoe was the only thing exposed, and his dart just lazily smacked my toe.
-Toj being so gentle with my flags.
-Me and Waylo hiding behind the enemy, taking tons of pot shots, and still missing. Waylo retreating, Kevin following, then me missing from 15' away. He charged me, and realizing I had left my sidearm back at the regrouping area. I almost got out of there alive, then Kevin shot at me, and it ricochetted off my butt then bounced hard off a rock.

Anyways, I'm sure I forgot alot of great stuff, that's just what I remember most. Everyone else have fun? What were the highlights for you?
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#2 jon



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Posted 16 August 2003 - 10:53 PM

well im finaly back on the internet i just moved and we finaly got it. well i sounds like it was fun. i couldnt go because its my moms b day tomaro and i just made it though the fist week of band camp and also im going to have a second week of non stop 12 hour days. ya im really on a tite scedual. also with all my other plans i dont think im going to be posting for a while but im glad to hear that you al had a good experience. except for toj not behaving himself. that little shit can such a neusence. well i know swear that i going to be at the next nerf war! you all know this and you have it in writing now i will be at the next war!
also forgive the spelling
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#3 ShatteredDreams



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Posted 16 August 2003 - 11:31 PM

except for toj not behaving himself. that little shit can such a neusence.

Nuisance? ppffffftttt that doesn't describe me, I'm that little voice in your head that tells you "cmon one shot won't hurt....", but seriously dude, I had one friggin question for you at band, and you go ballistic, wtf? Sheesh you even take it here, calm down kiddy.

Highlights of the war:

1 That camping spot in the rocks (I think I got like 1/2 the hits on your team,)
2 Everyone's darts almost hitting me and then veering away, except for Kevins, I got hit by him EVERY time
3 The standoff between me and Kevin in the last war (not really standoff I guess, he was behind a tree and I was 20 ft up on a rock....)
4 My shower, after getting soaked in gatorade, I got 3 (not 1.5...) bottles emptied on my head.
5 It was the perfect amount of people...
6 Mark attacking me with a sword at the end
7 "Should I try this time?" ;)
8 Waylo bombarding me with a wildfire, in the war I camped, I think all my hits were from him...

There were somemore but I'm to lazy to remember em, hope to see the pics soon *hint hint* ;)
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#4 neonerfer



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Posted 16 August 2003 - 11:44 PM

Oh, I didn't know Jon was serious. Ease up on him, we all love Toj, no matter how annoying he may be. ;) I was just kidding around, without him, the wars would be boring as hell. The car rides would be nice, but wars would suck...

More highlights:

Toj selling candy out of our car window.

//Toj rolls down window.
"Excuse me, Sir, would you like to buy a *english accent* milkey way?"
"Thank you, Sir."
//Toj rolls up window.

It was simply classic, can't forget Toj sticking his head out the window on the freeway, now can we?

My mom: "Toj, roll your window up, it's hurting my ears."
Toj: "Oh, don't worry Mrs. Ewald, just roll yours down, it will equalize the pressure."

Good times indeed.
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#5 superadaquabat



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Posted 17 August 2003 - 12:56 AM

These are the memories I'll cherish for years and share with my kids

-Leaving late
-Loads of miserable traffic
-getting there at around two when lunch started
-getting totally killed by waylo many times
-getting killed more by waylo's wildfire while chasing mark
-getting smacked in the face by waylo
-missing the sandy one from about 5 feet
-lossing about 85% of my darts

But hey, it was still totally superad! I got a good shot in on my dad. My guns all stayed together. I did better than usual the second war. And had a totally fun time standing behind tree waiting for waylo to kill me! It was indeed a perfect amount of people, and the location is awesomeness, although it did eat most of my darts. It would've totally sucked for sure if toj wasn't there, i probably would have left ealry. Can't wait for the next one! Oh yah, another plus was that i remember the day this time and showed up, that was pretty cool.
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Happiness is a foam gun.

#6 irealyhatepozers



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Posted 17 August 2003 - 10:20 AM

DUUUUDE, Steeeeevie, NICE ASS dude, nice ass, nice ass war.
it was sweet, my wf pwned everyone, but i just realized i never won a single war... strange, asianess is failing me, but yea i got all the hits on toj when he was camping. uh... yea i was hungry for most of the war, and steve.... i drank your water ;) haha, sorry coudln't resist, and i wish i had an AT, i would have pwned. oh well my sf was good enough, and my first hit was a hs on mark, once again, haha yea thats all i have to say, do it next year, cya
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#7 neonerfer



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Posted 17 August 2003 - 12:16 PM

Well I had another water in my secret undisclosed location. Much better than the water that I spat in.
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#8 cxwq



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Posted 17 August 2003 - 11:08 PM

That was a damn fine war.


Consistently able to disappear despite wearing bright red shirt: Drew
Runs at full speed down a slope consisting of massive boulders while dodging your shots: Mark
Just when you realize you left yourself open from x angle, materializes from thin air to take advantage of it: Neonerfer
loser-school valedictorian (got 4 of the last 5 hits on me): Brandon
Always seperated from his team but usually manages to survive 3-on-1: Cam
Charges in with a PC/RF20 and nails a couple of people who thought they were nice and safe: Waylo, Sandman (tie)
Runs away before the surviving enemy are able to recover and shoot them: Waylo, Sandman (tie)
Impossible acts of rock climbing while holding nerf equipment and avoiding detection: Superadaquabat
Consistently picks people off from 30-40' with a pistol: Toj
Takes kick-ass pictures of the war while people use her as human shield and darts miss her by inches: Julie

Mad Props!

Neonerfer for pulling this war together and picking a sweet location.
Sandman for making it to the war despite sleep deprivation and flying in to SD that morning.
Sandman for being extremely cool.
Julie for coming all the way down to Escondido with me just to take pictures and laugh at Toj.
Neonerfer for explaing Nerf to the park rangers reeeealy slooooowly so they'd understand it wasn't paintball.
Hasbro/Lanard for supplying us with excellent toys that don't piss off park rangers.
BC Cafe for that fucking huge omlette with pancakes on the side that nobody under 400 lbs could possibly eat at one time.
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#9 Sandman



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Posted 17 August 2003 - 11:16 PM

Great war, I was glad I could come, even if it was only for the last 2 or 3 hours of it! Okay, onto my highlights:

+ Getting to the SDNO to find out from the park ranger up front that Nerfing is indeed quite illegal, and that if the park people could ever figure out where them Nerfers are located, they'll run them off in a heartbeat.
+ Getting to the war mid-battle, watching the chaos from a distance.
+ Meeting some new faces, namely Cxwq and Julie, as well as seeing some older ones.
+ Finding out that I was pretty much the only kid there with PVC pipe for barrels and factory darts for ammunition. Props to C for letting me borrow his tree-gun for a round. B)
+ Getting absolutely owned by Superadaquabat's dad multiple times.
+ Rushing the opposite team with my PC.
+ Shooting Steve in the foot with the Unholy Stefan.
+ Witnessing a H2H battle between a foam sword and a flag stand.
+ Watching that same flag stand turn into a blowgun. (How many uses could one come up with for a PVC pipe frame?)
+ Fearing Waylo and his Wildfire.
+ C introducing me to this concept called "brass" (I hear it's pretty popular some places... :lol: )
+ Post-war pictures when everyone (namely me) was sweating like dogs.

Major props to Steve for putting this together. I really hope I'll be able to come down to California sometime in the near future!
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#10 ShatteredDreams



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Posted 18 August 2003 - 01:35 AM

Pictures are up! All 161 of them.

Awesome pics! (Specially me in "shower time..." :lol: ) hope to have another SDNO just to see the kinda pics that come out B) Would anyone like to buy that milkway?
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"Diplomats are just as esential to starting a war, as soldiers are to finishing it."- Will Rogers.

#11 neonerfer



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Posted 18 August 2003 - 01:49 AM

Yeah Julie, those pictures are great. Check your email, I sent you a bunch of captions.
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#12 Sandman



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Posted 18 August 2003 - 02:00 AM

Awesome job, Julie! I updated my follow-up post, if anyone cares... ^_^
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#13 neonerfer



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Posted 18 August 2003 - 11:57 AM

Heh, I like your post sandman. Reminds me of those books I used to read that had certain pictures instead of wars. And you could make it play sounds too. I still read those... ^_^
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"Do not question that which is. Question that which will never be."

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