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Kapowwe Airsoft Nades

Possibly Nerf Usage?

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#1 King Of Butt Land

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Posted 04 September 2006 - 04:57 PM

Lateley my quest for a one hundred percent reilable effective nerf grenade has been pissing me off (RaWrZ to ubernades). I thought these may work if filled with shotgun stefans. The various acids used in these may corrode the darts though. I plan on ordering a few up and testing them out.

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A war-like setting/invitational would be better...

#2 Flaming Hilt

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Posted 04 September 2006 - 05:05 PM


If the darts deteriorate, you could try clear-coating them or find something else to coat them in that would not deteriorate.


Edited by Flaming Hilt, 04 September 2006 - 05:05 PM.

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#3 Carbon



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Posted 04 September 2006 - 06:35 PM

My guess is that they wouldn't work very well for darts. The grenade casings seem to split, rather than explode. Since the airsoft BBs are hard and small, they can be forced out of a small opening. I doubt that small foam chunks would work as well. At least those things use citric acid, rather than vinegar.

It's a neat triggering system...maybe this could be used in the long talked about "vinegar homemade".

Edited by Carbon, 04 September 2006 - 06:36 PM.

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#4 Flaming Hilt

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Posted 04 September 2006 - 07:17 PM

[Hijacking the thread]

maybe this could be used in the long talked about "vinegar homemade".

I can see how we could use the propulsion, although we'd have to somehow get it to trigger faster. How many times is a target lined up 3 seconds after you pull the trigger?
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#5 Carbon



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Posted 04 September 2006 - 07:38 PM

[Hijacking the thread]

maybe this could be used in the long talked about "vinegar homemade".

I can see how we could use the propulsion, although we'd have to somehow get it to trigger faster. How many times is a target lined up 3 seconds after you pull the trigger?

I was more thinking of a way that you could use to charge an air tank...three seconds (maybe five for a larger tank) is a lot easier than pumping twenty or thirty times. Trigger as normal what whatever kind of valve you like.
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#6 z80



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Posted 04 September 2006 - 07:42 PM

How about you ferment some alcohol using yeast, and have the co2 build up in the air tank! ;)
It would affect your accuracy a lot though, I mean seriously, who can shoot nerf guns strait when they're drunk?
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#7 mkg91 0

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Posted 04 September 2006 - 09:01 PM

sorry for being off topic but just had a though about the western toy repeating rifle dart shooter. if you were to kinda reem out the shells of the dart holde you could probably use trimmed micro steffans. again sorry for beon off topic.
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#8 NinjZ



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Posted 05 September 2006 - 07:54 AM

I team mate owns a few of these grenades. I'm almost posative the grenades will not fire small stefans far enough to be practical. Also of note, they arent totally reliable and arent 100% reusable. New parts need to be bought after every 1-3 uses.
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#9 elf avec gun

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Posted 05 September 2006 - 07:23 PM

...And on top of all the other reasons: Am I the only one who looked at the price? $8.00?!!! Per pop subtracted from the average teens annual income= a very broke me.

But anywho... the site explains how the 'naid works and obviously the size is too small so why dont we make our own? Nerf scale. all we need is a basic chem reaction that creates gas (most chem reactions do) and gas = pressure. Also the reacton must involve easly obtainable ingredients. But bakeing soda vinager fizzes and that would mean that the 'naid would be a foam spewing bubbly mess. So any other suggestions?

Awhile ago someone came up withe the idea to have it be pump pressurized, I think that this is a relitivly feasable idea. And you could make it be like a german style grenade (as of WWII) where it has a handle for ease of throwing and in our case the pump shaft. But the problem arises on how the foam peices would be released. Suggestions to this one would also be nice..
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#10 bigpinecone



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Posted 23 September 2006 - 11:31 AM

i was thinking that you could just use one of those airsoft grenades, and use small foam beads the size of an airsoft bb
think it would work?
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#11 General Cole

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Posted 23 September 2006 - 12:15 PM

Possibly foam covered BBs?
We should stop calling out/making fun of/pissing GC off. He's actually contributed and is available for trade. He's a better than average member no doubt. Got your back Cole.

You know what... I know it's kinda late... but Props Cole.

#12 LastManAlive



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Posted 23 September 2006 - 02:45 PM

That just takes the since in making it away.

I am going to go with the gas homemade airsoft grenade format.

Gas inlet on a GBB in a PVC pipe with 2 containers on the side of the PVC that would go off on impact to the ground. The only thing I would have to do to make it safe, is pad the end caps to avoid injury if it goes off in the air and lands on someone. It would require more gas than ussual on a GBB, but gas is pretty accessable around me. I can get a tank for 10 bucks...and I have had it for a year now, filled my gun up )50 shots per spray) roughly 30 times, and I have yet to run out. So I vote premade gas rather than a system that makes the gas and then releases. Either that, or just use a frickin airsoft grenade. We will have eye protection on anyways, so who would care? I plan to use smoke grenades next war I go to also, so I will see how effective one of these homemade airsfot grenades are and determine if it is plausable to project a nerf dart with gas.
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#13 IceAnubis



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Posted 24 September 2006 - 01:51 PM

Personally, I don't see why the grenade can't just be used as-is. It might work with 3/8 short stefans, though. Airsoft pellets seem to be just fine for Nerf, in my experience. I am going to mount an airsoft grenade launcher to Getsurei's lower weaver rail... 8D

Someone should buy some of these and try them as they are in a normal war. Maybe I will.

Good find,

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