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2006 Spano/no Spam Recap

You guys rock!

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#1 Carrtoon



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Posted 29 July 2006 - 08:38 PM

My first nerf war was picture perfect. All accept the fact that most of my guns were virtually useless! They are too complex or too heavy to work well. I also totally rotted at the war. I had a few good shots, but that was it. I've definately learned a few things, and I thank the great bunch of guys there for it. Keep the guns simple! My Xbow totally rocked until the shoe goo wasn't strong enough to keep the coupler on. Janga's RZB was totally awesome, as well as Flaming Hilt's homemade.

Janga, it was a pleasure speaking with you all the way to the war. You're arsenal was astounding and I'll be seeing you at college!

Sam, thanks for the great, well organized war! You did a excellent job and I was very pleased with my first experience!

Lastly, I'd like to thank the whole group of guys for the great time, and I hope to shoot you all again soon!


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And yes, you have a nice ass, Janga! :) (inside joke!)
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#2 NerfMonkey



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Posted 29 July 2006 - 08:52 PM

Looks hott. Nine seems like the perfect turnout for a smallish place like that.

Carrtoon: the more you get pwned, the better you'll get. :)

I want details: sweet dodges, sweet shots, crazy moments, standoffs, etc.

Oh, and Flaming: did you wear sandals all day? That seems like shitty footwear to run around in. Nice pistol! I don't remember you posting that so it's new to me. Looks good.

Edited by NerfMonkey, 29 July 2006 - 08:55 PM.

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#3 Flaming Hilt

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Posted 29 July 2006 - 10:44 PM

Cartoon, don't sweat it. We all sucked our first time around. You were pretty good given the status of your guns.

Yeah, nine people was pretty good for the playground but if we'd used the whole park, more wouldn't have been a bad thing. But for the areas we played in, 9-10 (one person... (E/Ian?) left early) was pretty good.

Yes, I wore my sandals the whole time. I actually never had any problems. Tevas (as opposed to slip-ons) are good to run in... except now I have tan lines on my feet. And... they (my feet) are dirty. But other than that...

That's one of my favorite pistols except the holster kept falling apart (one washer is too big for a screw... just needs some super glue or a smaller washer) so I mostly used a 2k (fits in waist pocket) or a NF (fits in lower cargo pocket) instead. The trigger is also a little touchy. I also would have used my homemade more often except most of my darts were too big so reloading was a pain. Just need to make smaller darts!

I can't recall too many particularily sweet moves. Except for that one time when I got the flag and Carrtoon started chasing after me... running twice as fast as I was... and owned me... that was pretty funny.
Amisdt the playground, Janga had two really nice shots on me when I was sneaking around. I thought I was hidden, but... *regards welt on right hand...*
Also, Blue Shirt Man (as a nickname... that's what we referred to him as) was frickin amazing with his dual NFs. He knew how to sneak around and wait 'till just the right moment for a good shot, but then he had two shots and quick reloads and knew how to use them.
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#4 Carrtoon



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Posted 30 July 2006 - 12:11 AM

Haha! Good times!

One of my favorite moments was when I was chasing Janga, who had the flag, and I shot him with my xbow with about one foot to capture. He dropped it and I was left alone to defend it. The flags were left where the carrier was shot, so I had no chance. I was out of ammo and go pwned. Another was at the very start of a round. I had my xbow again and ran up behind a tree. Flaming Hilt didn't see me and I shot him as he did a jumping jack from about 30' away. Man, I love that xbow! Halfway through the shoe goo didn't hold the coupler on. :)
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#5 sam



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Posted 30 July 2006 - 08:44 AM

Yeah it was pretty sweet. Thanks for coming.
Thing to add:
-My little brother pwned all of Flaming Hilt's Clan in the pistol round
-First round we played involved Janga making a run at the flag and and jumping over the table and getting shot by three people and knocking all of over guns off and on to the ground
-Elf_Avec_Gun is a mooch
-My seaking up and shooting Janga point blank with my SS2, while he was counting in. I swear I didn't hear you.
- Blue Shirt Man/Brett, is a freaking Ninja with his two NFs, and proves it's not the size of the gun it's how you use it

I think that's all I have to say at the moment.
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#6 Flaming Hilt

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Posted 30 July 2006 - 01:02 PM

I had my xbow again and ran up behind a tree. Flaming Hilt didn't see me and I shot him as he did a jumping jack from about 30' away.

Haha yes! I remember that! I was trying to do the midair splits to get the dart to go between my legs, but it was too nice a shot to dodge.

My little brother pwned all of Flaming Hilt's Clan in the pistol round.

Yea, that was great. I bet if nobody rushed it could have been us four vs. him and he would have still pwned us. It's too bad he had to go, he and Blue Shirt Man would have made an awesome team. Otherwise, I think I'm going to work on our pistols a little... usually we use them for backup and don't play pistol rounds -- but of course, that's no excuse.
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" Beneath this mask there is more than flesh, Mr. Creedy. Beneath this mask there is an idea...
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#7 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 30 July 2006 - 01:44 PM

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What the hell did he do to his RZB? How does it work what are the ranges? It looks like completely new guts inside the remainder of a cut down RZB shell. Sounds like you guys had alot of fun. I wish I could get some locals around the area to do a war. Black wrath was the only one who had any kind of pull in these parts and it seems he has abandonned the sport.

Edited by Forsaken_angel24, 30 July 2006 - 01:46 PM.

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I don't get my kicks out of you,
I don't feel the way I used to do.
I know its bad,
After what we had,
But I’m just not the angel you knew.

#8 Carrtoon



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Posted 30 July 2006 - 01:55 PM

Haha! Janga's guns are sweet! I'm sure he'll explain the gun when he gets on. I won't spoil it for him.

Janga, my friend Justin, and myself arrived late to the war. Like an hour and thirty minutes late. Too bad we missed the pistol round...
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When beauty breaks the spell of pain
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#9 elf avec gun

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Posted 30 July 2006 - 02:48 PM

Ok so first off can someone define "mooch" for me?

It was really fun! I Will be hosting "Ragnorok" in the middle of August. It should be a slightly less sucky drive for Janga and Carrtoon.

As for Janga's sweet Razorbeast it is crazy good I have a welt the size of a quarter on my elbow, and someone else in my clan in the neck and it looks like hicky :P

It was so hot out and we were all drenched in sweat about half way through it.

Yes I think we all learned alot about our guns and mods. And I personally learned that someone dualwielding two nightfinders WILL seriously kick the ass of someone with a single shot "longrange" gun

One funny thing that I remember is how Carrtoon was crawling through this childsize hole and I came up behind him and shot him in the ass :P

One of the things I liked was how none of us had the forsight to bring a screwdriver or some superglue.

Carrtoon I would like to say congrats on your ability to actually find the supertarget soas to get a Longshot.
You have some amazing ideas for the modding of nerf guns you just have to
simplify some of the stuff down a little bit..... and..... use more glue. ;)
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#10 Carrtoon



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Posted 30 July 2006 - 03:44 PM

Hehe. If you guys had kept driving for a few miles, you would have seen it! They had longshots, titans, and BBBs. As to the next nerf war, I think the 16-21 are the only dates that may work for me. I go to California the 8th and go to school the 22nd. I'd love to come though!
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#11 sam



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Posted 30 July 2006 - 05:05 PM

Mooch- someone who uses other peoples guns we he could use his own, that he brought with to use in the war.

About the Dual NFs, It really showed my how important it is to be comfortable with the gun you use.

About the War thingy- Kinda a dumb name but whatever. If you keep it on a saturday, the 19th works good for me I think. Other wise 20-22, may also work. Otherwise I'm booked for the rest of august.

I was think about doing something in the winter, Indoors, at a paintball place possibly. On the website It says it would cost $30, per person with a minimum of 16 people, but thats including paintball stuff, so possibly much cheaper.
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#12 nerfer34



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Posted 30 July 2006 - 05:24 PM

HAHA I've nerfed in an indoor paintball place. It was AWESOME! You couldn't imagine how much fun it was. And I didn't lose many darts either.
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<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->God Damn it Groove, you stole my kill.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->-OMC

#13 elf avec gun

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Posted 30 July 2006 - 07:17 PM

Jerk! I only brought 2 guns and one of them wasnt working. The other one I had promised to let my friend use. I have other guns but they are all in the mod/ fixing shop. What was I suposed to do run around with a stick and lob rocks and woodchips at all of you???

Whats dull about Ragnarök? Its the Scandinavien version of apocolypse, armagedon, dooms day ect.

Edited by elf_avec_gun, 13 November 2006 - 01:12 AM.

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#14 sam



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Posted 30 July 2006 - 08:39 PM

Ok whatever. It's not my fault your guns didn't work, also I let you know that I wouldn't be lending out my guns, and to make sure to bring pistols. But Whatever.

Oh you may want to check the length on the BBB barrel, i'd say 6" is all you need, and yours at least looked a lot longer. That may have been one of the contributing factors to your gun not working.

As for the name. I just dont think it sounds cool. It has nothing to do with it actually being cool or not.

Janga, I may have figured out how to get your breech the way you want it. The larger PVC of PVC is what needs to be moveable. The your sch. 80 is glued to the air ouput thingy and you cut a hold in it. Then you cut a hole a little farther back in the 1" PVC, so when you move the bigger PVC forward the holes match up and you can just drop a dart in, move the big pvc back and fire. Hopefully you understood that, or at least firgured something like that out.
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#15 elf avec gun

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Posted 30 July 2006 - 09:40 PM

Oh you may want to check the length on the BBB barrel, i'd say 6" is all you need, and yours at least looked a lot longer. That may have been one of the contributing factors to your gun not working.

My barrel is a little short actually, according to Boltsniper's formula It just looks really long because of the breach. You shouldnt go by how long it is supposed to look. Just take a glance at how long Janga's RZB is, I don't hear you complaining about that. The reason that my BBB wasn't working was because it was leaking air because the breach didn't slide all the way back due to the fact that some superglue had dried on the nub that the barrel slides back onto.

As for the name. I just dont think it sounds cool.

Perhaps you are mispronouncing it; don't chew it like an American tourist; flip the Rs and speak it purely.
Also I wouldn't go around insulting peoples name ideas Mr. "SPANO: Saint Paul Annual Nerf Outing" (Oh yea thats real naming genius man) :P
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"It's hard to imagine a more specific subset of nerd than our community. One day we shall be studied by a single sociologist whom the other sociologists will mock incessantly." ~VACC

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#16 NerfMonkey



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Posted 31 July 2006 - 12:29 AM

Hey elf: I wouldn't go around calling people you will be seeing again jerks, especially in public. I already dislike you and I've never even met you. Unless you know sam in real life through other things than Nerf, I wouldn't be a bitch to him. Show some damn respect for the people that helped plan a great war for your sorry ass. I can tell you from experience it WILL be awkward if there's just the slightest problem between you and anyone you will Nerf with, no matter how small it is. And insulting someone isn't a small thing.

PS: your Scandinavian apocalypse sounds stupid and is a crappy name. I didn't bother to read any of your big explanation about it, but it sounds stupid and, again, is quite a crappy name. I'm not even sure if you were suggesting that as a war name, because again, I didn't read your post, but if you were how about you just call this war the Minnesota Nerf-Out? It's short and can be abbreviated easily.

Sorry to be off topic in your thread guys, I just thought that needed to be said. Just say something and I'll get rid of this post.
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#17 baghead



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Posted 31 July 2006 - 12:39 AM

I go to California the 8th ...

Cartoon: What part of CA, and For how Long? If it's not to far out of the way, perhaps My Clan And Falcon's can work something out involving a meet-up skermish.

Back On Topic, Looks like you guys had a good time, I'd do just about anything to nerf at a playground like that.

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Don't call it a comeback, I never left.

#18 elf avec gun

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Posted 31 July 2006 - 11:21 AM

Hey elf: I wouldn't go around calling people you will be seeing again jerks [], especially in public. I already [love] you and I've never even met you. Unless you know sam in real life through other things than Nerf, I wouldn't be a [too mean] to him. [Just please] show [a little] respect for the people that helped plan a great war for you [and your friends]. I can tell you from experience it WILL be awkward if there's just the slightest problem between you and anyone you will Nerf with, no matter how small it is. And insulting someone isn't a [very nice] thing [to do].

PS: your Scandinavian apocalypse sounds [so] s[weet] and is a [fantastic] name. I [spent alot of time] read[ing] a[ll] of your [very informative] explanation about it, but it sounds s[weet] and, again, is quite a [fantastic] name. I'm not even sure [how] you were [able to come up with such a sweet name for] a war, because again, I [spent time] read[ing] your [very informative] post, but if [I were] you [I would] just call this war the Minnesota Nerf-Out[.] It's short and can be abbreviated easily. [But you can call it whatever you want to because it is your war]

Sorry to be off topic in your thread guys, I just thought that needed to be said. Just say something and I'll get rid of this post.

Thats so sweet, I love you too nerfmonkey.
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#19 sam



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Posted 01 August 2006 - 05:39 PM

Come on guys lets grow up and get back on topic. So what would you guys have changed about the war? I anything I needed to do better?
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#20 Flaming Hilt

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Posted 01 August 2006 - 06:20 PM

It would have been nice if everybody had showed up (I am NOT pointing fingers), but I guess some things just can't be helped.

Otherwise I think you did a very nice job; I can't think of anything I would have changed except for perhaps the heat. : o)

(Despite what Elf says, I think the location was fine)
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" Beneath this mask there is more than flesh, Mr. Creedy. Beneath this mask there is an idea...
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#21 elf avec gun

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Posted 01 August 2006 - 09:49 PM

What? I didnt say anything about the location being bad. Infact I really enjoyed the playground. I am just saying that for the next one we should do it in a location that is more convienient for the majority of the people. And I kind felt bad for Janga and Carrtoon for having to drive all that way.
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#22 sam



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Posted 01 August 2006 - 10:56 PM

Hilt: Well heat shouldn't be a problem if we play indoors in the winter. I've talked to my people since the war, and they were bummed they missed out, next time I think we'll start later, around 12, and play later.
As far as location, yeah it sucks that it's far from Carrtoon and Janga, but they had fun so hopefully it was worth it. Also there were two locations we didn't even use that we could have, not to mention my aunt volunteering to let us use her house and surrounding acres in Hudson, WI, which is only a 1/2 an hour east, and other locations that I haven't even scouted out yet
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#23 Carrtoon



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Posted 01 August 2006 - 11:04 PM

Hell yes it was worth it! I'd have driven twice that far to nerf with you guys again! Not sure if I can make it on the 21st, though. We'll see. My dad is really cracking down on my nerf activity...
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#24 Pineapple


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Posted 01 August 2006 - 11:38 PM

Still think that it is stupid? :P

Truthfully, "Ya".

Dude; call your war what you want, and if everyone craps on the title of it, then just roll with the punch. It's not about the name, it's about the action. You can name the war all the baddest, meanest, bloodiest name you could conjure up...and if it sucks, no tough-sounding name will save it. So no worries and have fun.

Sounds like some people really broke in to good ol' fashioned Nerfing action!

Carrtoon. Welcome to being a "real" Nerfer. All the rapid loading, and high velocity pistol stuff is noble, even envious, but you found out in a bad way that when the shit hits the fan hard, sometimes your PVCd / brassed/ PETGd plain-Jane whatever will be the one that saves yer butt, without the gimmickry. But don't stop experimenting/ creating! Just make them a heck of a lot more durable, and if you can, make em pretty too. B)

Good to know that Janga is still out there Nerfing, and what the hell is that musket/RZB/Sand People rifle thing? And it gave WELTS? Cool!

Yeah, sounds like this was a great way for many of you to get together and duke it out with foam. Also a great learning expereince about what to bring to a Nerf outing, and NEVER assume that someone else is bringing it. stuff like Tools, Water, Eye protection, Restroom locations, Provisions (eating). Acronym= TWERP.

But..."ya"...good war Sam, silly name elf...don't be bothered, Janga's still Nerfing, Carrtoon rocks, the end.

Good Nerfing, chaps.

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-Piney- of White Dog Hobbies Armory

<!--quoteo(post=209846:date=Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM:name=boom)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(boom @ Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM) View Post</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
It's to bad you live in hawaii I bet there are not many wars there.Wait what am I saying<b> you live in hawaii you lucky bastard.</b>

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