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Apoc: Reactions

the title says it all

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#1 Howard



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Posted 10 August 2003 - 05:31 PM

I'll give a good post when im not sweating.. I just wanted to start this puppy up, and say it fucking rocked.
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#2 Mantis



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Posted 10 August 2003 - 05:36 PM

I concur, the rockage was unimaginable.
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Personal LCM Summer Tune-Up Stats:
Shots Fired: 2.1 x 10^4
Fun had: 97%

#3 Evil


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Posted 10 August 2003 - 05:47 PM

No doubt, a good war is a war which leaves me feeling like I'm half dead. I'm just about on the verge of a coma. Very badass guys, thanks to everyone for turning out. We should have pics and a video up soon at the LCM site.
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#4 Howard



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Posted 10 August 2003 - 05:52 PM

Ok, so i'm bored now, and iono, so i'll just give my reactions.

This morning at around 9, Vacc told us the bad news about his work, and we were very upset that he, or any of the 5.. 4 horsemen couldn't attend. So we got there early to meet Talio, who left at an ungodly hour this morning. Evil and I did however find Hersh there, with guns laid out, and ready for battle. That was cool. Then everyone gradually showed up.. EARLY! It was crazy. We actually started on time, and it showed that everyone made the effort to be there, and not to stroll in fashionably late.

There were 20 in attendance, and even though that doesn't sound like a lot, or the usual healthy amount for a Large Scale Nerf War, It was still a crapload of people.

We had a few team on team death matches, 3 ctf matches which the LCM won *chuckle*, and 2 glorious siege chaos matches. Let me tell you.. Siege is by far, one of the funnest things i've done in a long while. Even though the defendders get torn apart, it's just.. iono.. very enjoyable. And when Shindig gets shot, it angries up the blood, and he starts doing better.. *ahem*

It was decided upon that I would always be on the flagging taped team, which was good. I made a crotchless flagging tape thong, and throughout the day, it gained a crotch in addition to bracelets and a tie. When we broke for lunch, it was too much of a pain to take it off, so I left it on, and off we went. When I went inside at Roy Rogers, I immediately got several dirty looks, and some laughs. However, being the sexy boy that I am, I got some "Take me now" looks from a somewhat attractive cashier.

Some of my highlights:
Hot Pink Flagging Tape Thong
The girl at Roys Eyeing up my hot ass
Getting shot in the ass point blank from Hersh's ClusterFuck
Shooting Shindig in the face during Siege
Poking David's poop with a stick.. with David

Overall, I had a great time at Apoc. I'm pretty sure that all the other attendees did as well, but we'll find out soon enough here. For a war of its length, and size, I thought i'd just come home and crawl right into bed, but I'm all set for a night out on the town.

We got some video footage, and a good amount of pictures which you can expect up when we do a little spring cleaning, and get some free time. Thats all for now.. If anything else hits me, I'll say some more.
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#5 Mantis



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Posted 10 August 2003 - 05:57 PM

Some of MY highlights
Getting shot by Gunndown (I knew he had it in him)
Constantly forgetting who was on my team
Wondering why the Shindig was being so uptight about seige
The final shootout that involved me, Howard, and Pencap vs the entire other team of about 7.
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Personal LCM Summer Tune-Up Stats:
Shots Fired: 2.1 x 10^4
Fun had: 97%

#6 GunnedDown



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Posted 10 August 2003 - 06:23 PM

Dudes... that was fucking iNSANE!


Yeah I actually got a few hits. Like 5 minutes into play I hit Warlock right in the neck... and then the Wee Wee hit me in the hand... little monkey stole all my darts too!

Warlock was obsessed with my ultimator. I think it made him wish he had a bigger penis.

The Twins owned. One of them had akimbo single barrel AT2k's, and the other, Proxy Server. Suprisingly both of them owned.

The LGLF were cool. I'm glad to say that they are all straight.

Talio rocked! Even though he ended up borrowing everyone else's guns I must say that he was a great player. During siege he shot me in the leg under the slide!

I had good lunch at wendy's with Shindig and Refridgerator.

I met the WeeWee .... er.. Shindig's little-est brother... hehehe

WeeWee: Hey! What's this!
Evil: Iono..
WeeWee: It's poop!
Evil: Huh?
WeeWee: Look its poop!
WeeWee: It's Dave's shit! He shit here!

Getting a hit on Warlock
Hitting people with my PC
The bayonet and Kuhlschrank getting uber-pissed
Howard's thong... LOL
Howard and Mantis's goggles
Siege 1 - Shindig taking hits.
Siege 2 - Bombing them with the Ultimator.
Jimmy and Nixon running through the woods and coming back to the pavillion screaming and shooting ten minutes after we had ended the round.
Having the catch spring in Sven fail like twenty times. ROFL. once I was strapping on my fagging tape and I stuck it between my legs and it went off and hit WeeWee.
Watching darts bounce off Langley's nephew's head and picking them up.
Hitting trees... if only I hit as many people as trees I'd be godlike. Seriously, in the thick brush I had a clear shot at Warlock and I fired and a branch fell and blocked the dart.
Talio getting stuck in the bushes.
Running blindly through the thick bushes with Talio, Jimmy, and Langley's nephew.
Searching for Fred for like twenty minutes.
Having Fred miss with five shots of a blastfire :D
Claiming the bayonet was a silencer and pointing it at people to shut them up :-D
Seeing Evil's mom and sister in Wendy's with Shindig and Kuhlschrank. Evil has longer hair then both of them... :-o
Flipping off the camera.
Priming my ultimator while it was between my legs.
In CTF, when I ran out of ammo, I picked up the bayonet and smacked pencap with it.

Uhhhh.h.. ....y..y..y..y.y..y.y.yy...y.....y.y.. the end
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#7 Evil


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Posted 10 August 2003 - 06:27 PM

Yea I really had a great time, even if I was rather disappointed that my Horsemen friends couldn't attend. I think they needed a war more than anyone there since they get in what, two serious wars a year?

Oh well I can't really say anything about the war other than it was a really good time. I believe Shindig and myself though were concentrating more on the rest of the crew having fun, since some of you spent quite a few hours in your cars just to Nerf with us.

I don't really have any highlights guys, I'm sorry, today was just really badass overall. We'll have to do it again sometime, like in January? Or at GnomeFest2? Hmmmm... But we really should try and get some of you guys down on an open Sunday for any old war. As long as the weather is nice and none of us have work, we should be set.
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2007 Great American GoreFest Champion (Aug. 4, Apoc)

#8 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 10 August 2003 - 06:33 PM

My highlights:

- Taking three shots to the head. One of which, fired by howard, got behind my sunglasses.
- My crossbow breaking in the second round.
- Making constant shots on people throughout the day. It had to be my best kill/death ratio since Reckoning. :D
- The fact that my CTF team did a whole lot better after I took charge.
- Wendy's at lunch.
- Trying to find Talio when he was lost.
- Hanging out with a great bunch of guys.
- The shot I got on GD right in the armpit.
- Thongboy and Cher.
- The fact that Hersh had more guns than anyone else there.
- Stomping everyone in the LCM vs All deatmatch.
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Shindig of the Lawn Chair Mafia

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#9 Kuhlschrank



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Posted 11 August 2003 - 08:21 AM

Heres my highlights:
- Shindig and one of the twins getting 2 dozen bagels before we started.
- Seeing all these great guys again.
- Capturing the flag to win two rounds of CTF.
- Using Hersh's BBB/1500, GOOD GOD I LOVE THAT GUN!
- Wendy's with Shinny, GD and GD's dad.
- GD's dad saying that he was looking forward to seeing this thing on ESPN in a fw years.
- Shindig's youngest brother holding the Ultimator yelling, "Come here Twins."
- Proxy Server actually kicking ass.
- Poor Shindig getting hit in the head three times over the course of the day.
- Possibly my best war in quite a while.
- An awesome time had by all.
- Shindig saying to the LGLF as they were getting ready to go home," I can't wait til you guys get to set up Gnomefest" He was obviously weary of planning these wars.
- LCM guys looking at Hersh's guns, remarking "There's not enough Tape!"
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+Kuhlschrank+ of the ~Lawnchair Mafia~

#10 LDM



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Posted 11 August 2003 - 10:31 AM

Dudes, it sounded great... Sorry I couldn't come this year, but shit happens. I'll try to stop by at Reckoning: 2004, and if not, maybe APOC: 2004. Yeah.
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#11 Talio


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Posted 11 August 2003 - 10:38 AM

Damn, I have to say, what the hell have I been doing?!! I had so much damn fun yesterday it's rediculous. Thanks to everyone especially Hersh who just let me use any of his guns that I wanted. Shindig, thanks a billion for finding me at the school when I got god awful lost, and the route home which took me an hour less driving time. Ok, my highlights.

-Going prone on the bidge with Kulhschrank just because I felt like it.
-Being back in the woods with Nixon and Jim when hershes gun decided to have a leak when I crusially needed to shoot Howard.
-Nailing Gunned Down during seige and forgeting they could be hit four times.
-Buying the AT3K from Hersh that I should have bought right away.
-Evil just deciding I needed die in the last round and pulling it off, I still say I would have killed him if I had a side arm.
-Evils maxshot vs. my Eagle Eye, this was not a long battle.
-"Talio, that camo works best when your gun has a bright orange airtank."
-"Dude are you in the army?" Sorry man, look at the hair, I laughed inside on this one.
-Lagely being absolutely one of the coolest guys I have ever met.
-Mantis saying so nicely,"It's not that bad." to my Eagle Eye.

Thanks to everyone, I got some great ideas for guns. I had no idea you could do so much with an airtech. When I was talking to the twin that is not Seth (sorry man, I still can't remember your damn screen name) during lunch, I realized what were all the air was going in those things. So I hope to see everyone at Gnomefest in a few weeks and I hope I'll have a decent gun, if nothing else I'll use the Airtech I bought from Hersh.

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#12 Langley


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Posted 11 August 2003 - 10:59 AM

ugnnreff. ::soreness::
I think I broke my clavicus....majorus.

Overall quite the kick-ass war. It was great finally meeting Talio and Gunned. Awesome couple of guys. I wish I could recall details like you guys, but the whole war is one big redbull enhanced blur to me. All I know is that it was possibly the best war I've been to. Period.

::goes to his corner to mend his wounds::
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You can poop in my toilet anytime champ.

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#13 One Man Clan

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Posted 11 August 2003 - 11:37 AM

Dudes I'm in such pain. I will recount my awesome times later...
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#14 Evil


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Posted 11 August 2003 - 02:03 PM

-Evil just deciding I needed die in the last round and pulling it off, I still say I would have killed him if I had a side arm.

Well then, bring a sidearm to GnomeFest2. :D Biotch.
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2007 Great American GoreFest Champion (Aug. 4, Apoc)

#15 Seth



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Posted 11 August 2003 - 02:52 PM

-Evil just deciding I needed die in the last round and pulling it off, I still say I would have killed him if I had a side arm.

Well then, bring a sidearm to GnomeFest2. ;) Biotch.

Biotch! Shut your mouth! I got the last kill on Talio. BUt do bring a sidearm next war.
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#16 Talio


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Posted 11 August 2003 - 03:00 PM

I still don't know how I you killed me, you've got that driven by satan look, while you flamboyantly weild those god damn AT2K's. I swear your the male version of Laura Croft. Maybe you should wear the Flagging tape thong next time.
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#17 Evil


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Posted 11 August 2003 - 03:28 PM

Yea yea Seth, face it, you just cleaned up what was left. ;)

Haha just kiddin.

And about that flagging tape thong, I do believe my boy Howard has that copyrighted or trademarked. Since afterall, he pioneered the look himself yesterday.
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2007 Great American GoreFest Champion (Aug. 4, Apoc)

#18 Warlock



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Posted 11 August 2003 - 03:32 PM

Guys, yesterday was fuckin badass, even if I felt like I was going to pass out from heat exhaustion (sp?). The seige rounds were fun as were every other round that day. Can't wait till the next organized war.
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~§~ Warlock ~§~ Of the Lawn Chair Mafia ~§~

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~"Señor Limpio" by Corrosion Of Conformity

Metal Gear?!

#19 Evil


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Posted 11 August 2003 - 04:52 PM

Check out the quick review I put together at the LCM site if you're interested.
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2007 Great American GoreFest Champion (Aug. 4, Apoc)

#20 Howard



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Posted 11 August 2003 - 10:11 PM

that howard posted
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#21 leftnut



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Posted 12 August 2003 - 09:55 AM

I realy enjoyed my first APOC even though the horsemen didnt make it. Well any way here are my highlights.

-my sm1500 breaking in the 3rd round and having to use my triple shot for the rest fo the day.
-talio shooting up guys on his team
-getting a welt on my chest from being shot by the proxy server
-giving evil angel a welt on his stomach with my 1500
-coming out of the woods and being shot by the twin that was on my team (he had the proxy server at the time and shot me from 5ft away in the finger)
-getting hit by the ultimator in the second round of siege and thinking some one threw a shoe at me
-going to shoot evil and mantis and the barrel of my 1500 falling off
-getting our ass kicked every round in ctf
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"You are obviously a megalomaniacal insecure little boy stroking your faltering ego with your own hairy palm in order to prove your suedo-alpha male status..."
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#22 Evil


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Posted 12 August 2003 - 12:03 PM

-giving evil angel a welt on his stomach with my 1500

Yea that was a really nice welt, but whoever got me in the arm (I'm still not sure), drew blood and left a bruise just above my elbow. Ouchies. ^_^
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2007 Great American GoreFest Champion (Aug. 4, Apoc)

#23 One Man Clan

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Posted 12 August 2003 - 12:07 PM

alright I think I'm healed up enough. Here's my highlights:

-Being the first there and ready to go a good hour before anyone else
-using a different practically every round
-being able to loan out my weapons to those in need, and then having them nail me with them (esp Tyler)
-Roy Rogers, nuff said
-Howard getting a kill on me from a foot away just as I was about to tap him
-Later paying back howard by shooting him in the ass from a foot away
-selling some of my unused arsenal
-Seeing the old guys, and meeting some new ones
-Siege, that totally kicked ass. It was pretty much me losing at 8 people in the woods.

-in battle, every time I would draw someone after me, I had backup in the woods to shoot them. I was the backup once and got shindig right in the chest.

I think my allies and enemies are set for our next battle...
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#24 Mantis



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Posted 12 August 2003 - 12:30 PM

Seige really did kick ass. Too bad the Shindig was all uptighty about it.

I was thinking, and even though its pretty useless as of right now, we should get rid of the tap rule in seige. I got jabbed by the same two people about 6 times when you guys rushed in the second game. Then I just kinda stumbled around trying to get my bearings and then dove back into the game.
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Personal LCM Summer Tune-Up Stats:
Shots Fired: 2.1 x 10^4
Fun had: 97%

#25 leftnut



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Posted 12 August 2003 - 01:32 PM

Yea that tap rule should be gone for siege. I was lucky when they charged though, I just ran and jumped in the tube firing from there.
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"You are obviously a megalomaniacal insecure little boy stroking your faltering ego with your own hairy palm in order to prove your suedo-alpha male status..."
-BadAssReptileFarmer to Talio

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