Posted 29 May 2006 - 09:48 PM
Everybody had a good time, and we got some newbies initiated with the good ol' single barreled Titan...
I enjoyed the location. It was an interesting change. I still prefer the more four-dimensional approach found in places like the Urban Area at Venado and the Grid here in Glendora, but the lengthy semi-wooded gulley was a very interesting way of mixing things up.
Churro's parents are going to KILL me for that massive welt on his face, though. That will be interesting...a freshman comes home from a nerf war his band section leader invited him to with a giant welt next to his eye that will be there at least through thursday. Excuse me...it'll probably just be a flat mark by that time. But Right now, when it's a raised lump about 1/8th of an inch above his normal skin...yeah.
I was quite pleasantly surprised by a cooler full of ice water. Holy crap that was cold...
The Knights enjoyed the return of Pyro and Nightwing, sporting name changes (now ACE and Angel of Death, respectively) and packing quite a punch, considering AoD hasn't warred since December, and ACE hasn't played in 364 days. Yep; the last war he attended was last year's Spring CAFF, the day that the Knights made their first public appearance at a larger-scale war.
They made quite a re-entrance, I daresay, and are eagerly anticipating going to this year's Spring CAFF next month, and then Armageddon this summer. I was only expecting today and then Armageddon, but (as ACE put it) "I forgot how much I enjoy this."
We'll see plenty more of those two before the summer is over.
I know that Seijin got a good amount of photos taken, which I'm sure we can expect to see at some point. I'll contact AoD about the pictures he took and get them up ASAP.
Great day, people! See you in a month!
Posted 29 May 2006 - 10:57 PM
Anyway, the gameplay was intense, with a goodly amount of people per team, and the fact that, while many people were using long range weapons, the situations stopped them from being able to abuse the ranges, making people using mid-range guns immensly more effective (if my own performance was any indication). Also, the fact that we had three very different types of terrain all in the same battlefield made sure that everyone had something they could do:
the hill area made it hard to traverse, but people that got up there (and found cover) were seldom able to be hit, letting them sharpshoot people, even at their base (Sasquatch and ACE/Pyro were particuarly good at this...);
the forrest area had plenty of cover, making rushes through it interesting, though do-able, as Archy (Churro), Pillz, and I demonstrated a few times;
the open area/path was standard style warfare, with worked out quite well when assulting Bag's team's base, and left enough area to attack the playground;
and the playground was... well, a playground... good cover on one side, but from behind, it left you very vunerable.
The first Knights vs. NARF round showed a good bit of what may come at Armageddon, provided that the East Coasters aren't ready for the Knight's stratagies, and the Knights are all placed on a team. Oh, and having Pillz defect to our side was, to say the least, amusing!
The second war was a lot better balanced than the first, but we had a lot of Knights grouping tougether and NARFers grouping tougether, but when the separate groups started working tougether, I saw a lot of neat little tricks being pulled off.
The CTF round was almost as crazy as NARF WC1's, although it ended by a well done rush...
And the 3 hits round really sucked... I lose one life, and end up losing the rest of my teammates during my second life, and get stuck, by myself, facing the entire other team... getting shot 7 times before anyone realized Sasquatch had tappend me out in the beginning.... ouch...
But overall, the war was awesome; Bags, we need to do this more often!
"Headband" - as so named by OMC
"That One Guy in the Pineapple Shirt" -So aptly named by Baghead
Posted 29 May 2006 - 11:17 PM
Still, I wouldn't say we pulled off any "brilliant" tactical maneuvers or anything (except for that kick-ass rush to end the CTF round). We've still got a long ways to go before you can start hideously grinning when you think of 'Geddon, buddy.
Again, great day. No complaints here. I'll even forgive that ice chest incident. If Bags was willing to admit that we'd "won" just so he could dump a cooler full of ice water on me, then I'll take it.
In addition, I'd like to throw out there that a few first-timers left their mark on the place...
Notably, Seijin's fiance, who came to take pictures, but in the end, picked up her hubby's painted maxshot, shouldered the PVC stock, and showed some people who's boss.
Several of the knights who couldn't make it really wish they did, and are planning to do everything they can to not miss CAFF next month.
One of the things I've really enjoyed about some other recaps in the past were the awards, so if anybody's got some ideas, throw them out there.
To start with, Seijin gets the "Where the hell did you com up with that idea?" award, for coming up with the brilliant plan for the final rush that (*thank goodness*) ended the CTF round in a victory.
Forgive me if I get this wrong (I'm horrible at names, and forgot already) but I believe her name was Kristine (maybe it's spelled wrong...god only knows) gets a definite "Most Valuable Newbie" award, although the guy with the blue hair who left around the end of lunch comes in a close second, just because he was a fun target to shoot with a singled titan...
Throw out some more! And lets hear about all those side stories and things that some of us missed that day. Come on, we didn't se ALL the cool stuff that happened yesterday...
Side note: Bags, check your PMs.
Edited by Falcon, 30 May 2006 - 10:18 AM.
Posted 30 May 2006 - 06:06 PM
I also enjoyed laying down on the berm to face the open field to shoot with the squishing and scraping of various body parts. It hurt, but still fun, and I didn't get shot.
I don't know her name, but she left with the group after lunch. Anyways, she get the "Too Skinny to be Shot Award." I swear, must have been 3 or 4 times in one round that I could've hit her if she just weighed more. But whatever.
Posted 31 May 2006 - 04:59 PM
That was Jade. It's like shooting at a Tic-Tac box, I swear. Bags, what are you FEEDING those people?
I don't know... It anit my job to feed them...
anywho, thanks to jenny(cosmo's GF, Codename Wanda) we have some pics!!
Let's pick on the doritard!
man...That's a popular trash can:
In Da Wood
And... He's Ok:
(if anyone wants to post these on Hq, go for it, I'm not about to give up my 666 just yet)
Edited by baghead, 31 May 2006 - 05:06 PM.
Don't call it a comeback, I never left.
Posted 31 May 2006 - 06:38 PM
Posted 31 May 2006 - 10:29 PM
Flacon. Thanks for posting the thread on HQ.
Don't call it a comeback, I never left.
Posted 31 May 2006 - 10:35 PM
You should take a screenshot of that and sig it or something.
Edited by Falcon, 31 May 2006 - 10:35 PM.
Posted 01 June 2006 - 09:21 PM
Trust me though, from what I saw. Alot of them were me and Daniel. Just so you know.
Posted 01 June 2006 - 09:27 PM
When Katie takes pictures, it's mostly me and a few other people in band she knows.
But we wanna see 'em anyway.
Posted 23 June 2006 - 06:02 PM
Wow. There's some good stuff right there. I'm surprised the picture posting limiter-thingy didn't catch that. But whatever. Good stuff! Thanks people!
Posted 23 June 2006 - 06:47 PM
Edited by AnyaSeijin, 23 June 2006 - 06:48 PM.
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