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Memorial Day

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#1 Shotty Master

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Posted 27 May 2006 - 09:00 PM

Yes, the first summer holiday, for some the first big cookout, and yes, one of the top days for alcohol consumption. Fun. But what does Memorial Day really mean to you? Post your thoughts, opinions, and beleifs about this holiday here.

I'll start: I beleive that Mem. Day is one of our most important national holidays. Every second, hundreds of families are without their Mom/Dad/Son/Daughter/spose because every second of every day there are hundreds of United States soldiers spread around the globe, all for us. As much as we take our freedom for granted, we generally fail to even acnowledge the most basic fact there is: Freedom isn't free. So, sometime this weekend, thank a soldier. don't make a big thing out of it necessarily, just shake their hand and thank them. It means something to them.
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#2 AssassinNF



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Posted 27 May 2006 - 09:07 PM

I agree. Memorial Day is a very important holiday to honor our troops.

What our soldiers have done for us all should not be taken for granted. I can't believe that people bash our miliary on the news, and that they don't get the respect that they deserve from alot of people. It sickens me. -_-
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#3 Enigma1313



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Posted 27 May 2006 - 10:21 PM

As it does me. I mean, our guys are over there, defending the very freedom we have to bash their actions overseas. Kind of ironic, is it not? I have a brother who has been to the Middle East 3 Times now, and I've come to realize that my rights came at avery high price, a price that only gets higher each day. So remember, before you go and hate on the military, stop and remember that many servicemen died just so you could have the very freedom to publicly voice your opinion.
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#4 z80



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Posted 27 May 2006 - 10:57 PM

Way aead of you, this weekend I went to the west point graduation with my friend and his family. (His dad was a corporal and had graduated from WP.) The museum was awesome too, they had mp40's, Thompsons, bazookas, colts, lugers, etc. They even had a renault tank. It was so awesome.
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#5 euphemism



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Posted 28 May 2006 - 12:15 AM

I'm not exactly sure how invading an arbitrary country(Iraq) is protecting our freedom but this is not a board for political discussion so I don't want to start one here. Anyway, I do not make a point of celebration memorial day very much, not that I have anything against doing so. I don't really celebrate any holidays a lot, except for fun things as I am mostly a hedonist.

Also, don't anyone go saying I'm not supporting our troops; I support them so much that I want to get them out of Iraq and Afghanistan and back to America and have them not die.

Edited by euphemism, 28 May 2006 - 03:54 PM.

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#6 AssassinNF



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Posted 28 May 2006 - 08:01 PM

Think of it this way: If we pull all of our soldiers out of Iraq now, all of our troops that have died will have died for nothing. We need to get our troops back home, but we need to finish what we started first. They have taken down Hussein, but unless we set up a new democracy over there, someone just as bad will take power and we'll have another 9-11 on our hands.

I don't really celebrate Memorial Day either, except for going to movies and other fun stuff, but it does make me think about our troops.
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#7 Shotty Master

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Posted 28 May 2006 - 08:13 PM

I am not directly affected by memorial day in any way, but my girlfriend's greandpa was a tank driver in Korea and was hit by a pice of his exploding tank. I also had to babysit a little boy yesterday because his dad wasn't home due to being in Iraq.
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