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Poll: Wii or Revolution

By which name will you call Nintendo's newest gaming console set to come out later this year?

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#1 murakumo32



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Posted 27 May 2006 - 05:51 PM

The Nintendo Wii (pronounced 'we') is set to come out this year. I think the name is a little weak though. The original name was rumored to be the Revolution. Revolution is a more bad-ass word than Wii. What do you think?
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#2 Shivon



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Posted 27 May 2006 - 06:00 PM

I actually was originally of that same opinion, but now that I have come to say the new name, Wii, with a lot of enthusiasm. Try saying it like a 4 yearold on a merry go round .WEEEEEEEEEE! I have actually come to like the new name better.
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#3 WratH



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Posted 27 May 2006 - 07:07 PM

It was never going to be called 'Revolution', it was just a codeword. The only name they gave out is the Wii. They thought the 3D mouse type of thing was going to be a 'Revolution', hence the codeword. Just another thing for fanboys to obsess over in my opinion.
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#4 NerfLad78



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Posted 27 May 2006 - 07:47 PM

On G4 the other day I saw a press release featuring some very nice photos of the new Wii. Honestly, it looks more like an XBox 360 clone than anything Nintendo's ever put out.
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#5 Black Wrath

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Posted 27 May 2006 - 08:19 PM

"Wii" is the absolute worst pun ever used by Nintendo.

It's the "Revolution" to me. Always has been, always will be. It's not much of a revolutionary step forward in terms of gaming, does anyone remember Kirby Tilt n' Tumble? Sure, Nintendo pioneered it, but it's not new for this system.

As a side note, Sony and their marketing suck a collective penis.
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#6 puggy



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Posted 28 May 2006 - 07:34 AM

The revolution or Wii will be capable of downloading the other games from older systems. I love the Super Smash Bros. Games but I only have the newer one for gamecube. The old version of it for N64 is teh killer awesomness. Since I have not ever seen it at any of the flea markets or yard sales I go to. The Wii is the only way I can get it.
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#7 nerfer34



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Posted 28 May 2006 - 10:00 AM

I personally don't like GC or N64 or wii or whatever it's called. I only like X-Box, But I have to admit some of the old school Nintendo or N64 games were awesome. Yes Kirby-tilt N' -tumble was a great game, so was Super Smash Bros, mario kart, original Kirby.

If anyone is interested I can sell you some of those old school games. I also have a limited time version that is gold with 2 contrllers of N64.
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#8 ompa



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Posted 28 May 2006 - 08:31 PM

I buy whatever system(s) that I see will best fit me. I have a PSP since I like movies. I have an N64 because it had some absoultely incredible games. I have an Xbox because well, I like Halo. I'll be getting a Wii because I want to try something new.

People should try looking at game systems from a stance of, "which will best fit my wants?", instead of a "I've owned every Sony project since 900BC and I'm getting a PS3" mentality.

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#9 euphemism



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Posted 29 May 2006 - 12:21 AM

I will probably get a revolution, and I hope it kicks tons of ass. I never even really considered getting a 360, it offers no innovation, just more power. And I'm not exactly enthusiastic about the PS3 either. You will not find any fanboyism in my lineage, I just think that th revolution brings the most to the table by leaps and bounds.
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#10 Sage



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Posted 29 May 2006 - 01:00 AM

I got to thinking about it, and I decided to put down that I'll call it Wii as opposed to anything else. Why?

1- it's the official name, and if I call it by anything else, I'll probably confuse way too many people. Not to sound condescending to people that will call it "Revolution", but in a few years, after everybody has long forgotten the codename, if I go into a store looking for "Nintendo Revolution" games, I'm definately going to get a few blank stares from newbie gamestore clerks. (If you don't believe me, think about the "Nintendo Dolphin")

2- I can't go with Your Mom, due to the confusion that may cause within the Black Knights between the SplitTech 2k and the new Nintendo system. (Sasquatch accidentally christened the ST2k "Your Mom" when I was trying to figure out just what the heck to call it, and it kinda stuck)

3- I can think of at least 3 puns to make on the name "Wii", whereas I cannot really think of any on the word "Revolution" (well, not any good ones)


Try saying it like a 4 yearold on a merry go round .WEEEEEEEEEE!

I rest my case.
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#11 Black Wrath

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Posted 29 May 2006 - 06:52 AM

People should try looking at game systems from a stance of, "which will best fit my wants?", instead of a "I've owned every Sony project since 900BC and I'm getting a PS3" mentality.


Sony never released anything of worth, or for a decent price.

Which is why they're going to lose the battle of the next-gen systems.

I'm getting a "Wii" because I like Nintendo, and I think that the system looks interesting. I have no use for an X-Box/X-Box 2 because I really don't like the Halo trilogy; and that's all it has going for it. The PS3 doesn't interest me, and it'd break anyone's bank.

In conclusion, the "Wii" best fits satisfies wants/needs.
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Xx_Black-Wrath_xX of The Canadian Foam Militia

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#12 nerfer34



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Posted 29 May 2006 - 08:51 AM

Ya Wii is the right price and all but I don't like the contollers. They are like a remote control from a tv. I don't know if this system will be based on 9-13 year olds or what. I personallly like competitve games so, I hvae X-BBOX live and an X BOX.( All I play is Halo 2). But like OMPA said do what fits yo best.
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<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->God Damn it Groove, you stole my kill.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->-OMC

#13 Carbon



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Posted 29 May 2006 - 09:30 AM

The controller is what I'm most excited about with this system. It's very true, their controllers tend to be a bit too small for "adult" hands (except for the N64. You needed three hands for that one). However, if they really get the motion sensing done right (as opposed to say, the PowerGlove), then the spacing of controls might not matter as much. Maybe. Anyway, I'm looking forward to a system that has motion sensing as a part of the base system, especially one with a track record of quality gaming like Nintendo. Maybe we'll get some truly unique gaming experiences. Now if they could just get the quality of games to be consistent from all their developers...

As far as the name...all I have to say is "Gonads and Strife". I approve.
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#14 Bungee950



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Posted 31 May 2006 - 03:23 PM

The Wii is possibly what I am looking forward to the most this winter. It looks fun. I'll just leave it at that.

Red Steel looks crazy.
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#15 pinhead52



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Posted 01 June 2006 - 03:34 AM

First of all, let me say that I'm calling it Wii, because it's more fun, and that I'm getting one because I'm a gamer.

Now, on to the argument of which next-gen console will be best. First, we have to look at the current-gen (what was this generation called again?) The Gamecube is fun, with simple controls. It's games usually make better party games, and are fun for all ages. The PS2 tended towards RPGs, and the XBox is the FPS system. Of course there are exceptions to each rule. Now look at them modded. A Gamecube modded is worthless, a PS2 modded connects to the internet, and an XBox modded allows for you to play any game, from any system, with anyone in the world. Ask me details and I'll explain, but the modded box in my living room fulfills all of my gaming needs.

Unfortunately the 360 is too expensive for me, and Halo 3 isn't even out yet (honestly I don't know why Microsoft even bothers trying to make other games). I haven't read enough about the PS3 to make judgement yet, but it's going to be ridiculously expensive too. The Wii is a blatant rip-off of the PS2, but it's going to be cheap (relatively) and probably start out with the most fun launch-titles. As far as the new controller, yeah, it has the capabilities to revolutionize gaming. There will be all kinds of attachments you can add to it, but twenty bucks says most people don't even bother, and will just use it as a wireless controller where your hands aren't bound together. Remember the N64? Does anyone even remember a good game that used all of that controller? Or even the left part of it? I don't.

Rant over.
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#16 ntietz



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Posted 01 June 2006 - 07:27 PM

I will probably use the names 'Wii' and 'Revolution' interchangable, but at this point, I'm also going to call it 'piece of crap,' because, in my opinion at least, Nintendo makes bad consoles, at least in terms of the fun-ness of their games.

Onto which console will be best. I think in terms of capabilities, PS3 will be the best, and since I like the games Sony makes* (hey, Soul Calibur III only was for PS2, so they have something good), I will probably like the games that the PS3 has. However, I am not a fan of the Halo series, mainly because there are better FPSs for the computer, and too many people obsess over Halo, and since it's the only 'good' game for XBox, that eliminates that contender. Now, all I'll say about the 'Wii' is this, "WHY A REMOTE!?" Remotes... aren't for gaming. They're for channel surfing.

*Here, I honestly meant games for the PS2, not games made by Sony, since I haven't really seen games by Sony. Sorry for not typing that correctly.

Edited by ntietz, 02 June 2006 - 02:51 PM.

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#17 Master Yogurt

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Posted 01 June 2006 - 11:20 PM

First off, one of the best games for the N64 used the left side. Mischief Makers. And the point of the N64 wasn't to make people use the whole controller, it was simply to make sure that using both the dpad and control stick was comfortable, which is more than can be said for the Playstation's.

As for the Wii, I think Nintendo's made the best console FPS controller possible. Plus, now lightgun games will work with HDTVs. Most people will use both the Nunchuku and main controller, since both are included and most games will probably use the analogue stick. If your prejudice is against the controller's design, you're pretty close-minded, and if you think that SCIII is better than the original SC you're beyond help. Also, Sony hardly makes many games. SC is Namco.
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#18 ntietz



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Posted 02 June 2006 - 02:50 PM

I never said that SCIII was better than the original, because I haven't played the original. I don't like the controller for the 'Wii' because, in my opinion, a remote is not a game controller. That's just my opinion, it's not prejudice, it just doesn't seem comfortable to me. For example, I have the remote for the PS2, and it isn't very comfortable to use for games.

The way I see it, Nintendo gaming systems have been on the decline. They had something with the N64 (I still play mine, I like mario games), but from there on out... they got worse.
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#19 Team Slaya

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Posted 04 June 2006 - 06:04 PM

Wait. Hold on. Nintendo never makes any good games, in terms of fun-ness... riiiight. The whole reason Nintendo isn't on the streets begging for cash is because they go for entertainment instead of graphics, the reason why X-Brick isn't worth two shits. People are STILL playing Snes and will continue to until the end of time. Why? Because it's games were fun. Just because there is a new way that Nintendo is going about the gaming experience in a whole doesn't mean that it's automatically bad. Get one, play it, and tell me it's bad and I might listen to you.

X-brick isn't the FPS console! The FPS console is the COMPUTER! Hrmmm, lets think now. The X-brick is basically a computer, but with a controller, making it, in FPS terms, inferior to the computer. And, since I agree with the fact that most of the other games for X-brick aren't worth the casing that they're held in, why do people have an X-brick again? Doesn't make much sense to me, which is why I don't have one.

Again, this is just my rant to right some of the (In my head.) wrongs that were said. It all goes to the volume of games that I'd wanna play, for the decent price. This is why I have gamecube and PS2, for I haven't ever been at a loss of a gaming experience, being a casual gamer. I'm definately RPG-oriented, however - which is among the reasons that I got PS2, including DDR :rolleyes:.

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#20 ntietz



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Posted 05 June 2006 - 04:28 PM

I didn't say all Nintendo games are bad, just most of the recent ones, and yes, I agree that the SNES rocked, and the N64 was pretty good also. It just seems like the whole idea with a remote is a bad one though. If people want a remote for FPSs, they should just get a computer.
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