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Titan Indoor Mod Not Going Well...

I hope someone can help me.

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#1 Vyperaeon Omega

Vyperaeon Omega


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Posted 17 May 2006 - 11:01 PM

So today I tried to modify my Titan to shoot a spray of airsoft BBs designed to discourage avian habitation of the phone lines near my house. Unfortunately, my design was not as functional as I would have liked. In light of my failure, I developed an interest in modifying the Titan for indoor, close-quarters use. All existing mods of this weapon I've seen have focused on extreme-range engagement, so I decided to establish a different role for the weapon. The design I came up with uses a foam pool noodle, a cleaned-out Double Shot shell, and the existing threads beneath the rocket barrel. Here it is:
Posted Image
Detail of the "barrel" within the cowling:
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Rear view of the "barrel":
Posted Image
My problem lies in the power output I'm getting. My ranges are between 30 and 60 feet, depending on pumps. With five I get ~40 feet, with 10 ~50, and with 15 or more ~60. I haven't removed the air restrictor yet (no dremel, don't know what else would work), so that's one potential issue. I'm also using stock tagger micros, if that helps. I seek advice on how to improve my design WITHOUT having to go to Home Depot, since the nearest one is quite far away. Any suggestions, observations, and helpful flames would be appreciated. I want to keep the gun's ranges between 50 and 100 feet, but keep it a relatively powerful indoor primary.
EDIT: fixed the pictures and some spelling.

Edited by Vyperaeon Omega, 17 May 2006 - 11:34 PM.

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#2 ompa



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Posted 17 May 2006 - 11:08 PM

To be honest, I required at least 20 pumps to get to the point where the release valve would kick in (before I plugged it anyways). I would definately drill out that air restrictor. Beyond that, you might want a better barrel choice, like maybe just a normal crayola barrel.

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#3 Vyperaeon Omega

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Posted 17 May 2006 - 11:16 PM

I could crayola it I suppose...the main reason for the unorthodox barrel design is that I wanted to improvise materials and hopefully create something functional. I wish I had some PVC or brass, but this was my first mod and I haven't had a chance to buy materials lately. I'd also like to do a pump relocation like the one on Renegade's rocket pistol, but I need to uncover some power tools first...
The reason I didn't pump it to 20 every time is because I would like the weapon to retain a manageable rate of fire. If I could get 60 to 75 feet with under 10 pumps, I'd be very happy. Thanks for the advice by the way, ompa. Time to seek and destroy some Rose Arts...
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#4 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 17 May 2006 - 11:45 PM

Just use a power drill and be very careful. Thats how I was able to get out the air restrictors before I found my dads long lost dremel. I was so excited. It was like the same feeling I got after firing the first gun I modified.
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#5 Vyperaeon Omega

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Posted 18 May 2006 - 01:05 AM

OK, so I'm going to search for a drill tomorrow. Thanks for the tip, angel. In the meantime, I decided to add a little accessory to my modified Titan:
Posted Image
Posted Image

Behold, the Titan Tactical Carbine 36-round ammunition holder! I figured if 1 shot was bad, 36+1 shots would be better. MUCH better. The advantage of using stock ammo is that it sticks to Velcro AND K'nex pegs fit very nicely into the holes in the darts...
So, how does it look? Too much?
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#6 NinjZ



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Posted 18 May 2006 - 01:29 PM

Holly crap! That looks intimidating. Nice use of K-nex.

Edited by NinjZ, 18 May 2006 - 01:29 PM.

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#7 kaiman299



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Posted 18 May 2006 - 03:39 PM

You know, even if that thing doesn't end up getting long ranges, just the pure fear factor should be enough to send 'em running.
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#8 nerfer34



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Posted 18 May 2006 - 04:52 PM

You can't even shoot that thing. There is no air running through the Knexes to propel the darts.
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#9 NerfMonkey



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Posted 18 May 2006 - 05:15 PM

He said it was an AMMO HOLDER. Read his post.

I think it looks nice. This is Nerf, the more overdone the better.
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#10 Vyperaeon Omega

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Posted 18 May 2006 - 05:18 PM

I didn't mean to imply that I could shoot the darts on K'nex pegs...they're only for storage, after all. Obviously solid plastic is incapable of pressurizing and releasing air...I assume the aforementioned intimidation factor would have more to do with the realization that I can reload 36 times without having to mess with pockets or bags. I wouldn't want to be able to shoot the darts off the pegs anyway, at least not all of them...it would be a nice one-time shower of foam, but I would be left with nothing but a backup pistol. I'd rather use a Rapid Fire 20 if I'm going to waste a whole lot of ammo.
By the way, I'm considering attaching a stub of sch40 or sch80 PVC to the threaded inner barrel once I drill out the restrictor, similar to what ompa did in his Titan mod. However, I intend to use a much shorter barrel, perhaps 6 inches of CPVC with a nested crayola. Does that sound like a good idea, or would I be better served with an alternative solution? I definitely want to retain the Titan's ability to shoot colossal foam missiles if at all possible...
EDIT: Damn, NerfMonkey beat me to it...ah well, what he said. New info too:
I would like to eventually paint the gray and black sections of the Titan yellow or orange, then paint the ammo holder ring a combination of yellow, red, and orange. Kind of like a sunset color scheme...I'll post pics if/when I do so. I also rethought the pump relocation; I'd like to attach a strap to that loop on the stock to facilitate one-armed pumping, leaving my other hand free to reload or operate a secondary weapon.

Edited by Vyperaeon Omega, 18 May 2006 - 05:45 PM.

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#11 meiser5



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Posted 19 May 2006 - 10:31 AM

You can't even shoot that thing. There is no air running through the Knexes to propel the darts.

Why dont you read the article before you make a sugestion okay, okay then. <_<
Back on subject, sweet ammo holder. :D
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#12 Sponge Nerfer

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Posted 21 May 2006 - 03:21 PM

On my titan I just added a brass barrel and I get amazing ranges of like 100-150 feet. I see that you want yours for indoor play so I would brass barrel it and then restrict the air restrictors either more or less which would allow you do ajust the range and get the right range you want. Hope it helps!!
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