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Crayola Barrels

Quick Question about the inexpensive alternative

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#1 warx



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Posted 07 May 2006 - 05:18 PM

Hello all.

As you may notice, this is my first post, ever, and it is on the topic of Crayola Barrels. I have made several of these, yet none of them seem to work well at all. When I've attached them to my NF, they decrease range, velocity, and accuarcy, all the while making the gun looking foolish.

They (the Crayolas) also tear up my darts. Granted, I'm using stock micros and Taggers, but it seems that three little plastic edges toward the skinnier end of the marker are causing this problem.

I'm doing something wrong, I figured I'd ask the experts what exactly that was.

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#2 Flaming Hilt

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Posted 07 May 2006 - 05:35 PM

When I first got into Nerfing, I used Crayola's as well. I had the same problems you had. The only one I ever managed to fix was the tearing of the darts problem, and to remedy that I had to buy a drill bit and drill out those ridges.

As for the other issues, the one tip I have is: make sure the barrel is the right way. Crayola brand markers get narrower as you get closer to the tip, and the end is (was, for my darts at least) too tight for darts. The back end is prolly too big. So, just make sure your darts are coming out of the larger end.

When all is said and done, though, just buy brass or something else. I thought I could make a living with markers, and it failed miserably. Plus you can't really do much with markers, and when you get into actual tubing/piping, everything fits inside of everything else very nicely and you can actually build things with it.

Of course, it's all up to you. If you can get Crayola's to work, then go right ahead.

PS: Also, isn't a box of 8 markers like $5.00? Brass is usually around $2.30 for 12." So they cost about the same -- but for performance, brass is the better buy.
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#3 Hamsterdam



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Posted 07 May 2006 - 06:30 PM

Don't use crayola barrels, the ridges are a pain to sand off. I use colorgear markers, which have no ridges, so they dont tear up my darts.
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#4 Team Slaya

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Posted 07 May 2006 - 08:04 PM

Yeah, as said before, you put the darts in the wider end of the crayola, and glue the smaller side to the air output.

With a SM1500, before it died, I used crayolas nested in PVC, for I had no other barrel material. I got pretty good range with it. Same with my lugered NF, before it died (hrmmm, is this a theme?), and It got decent range. Both of em I didn't sand the ridges down, I used both stefans and stocks.

So... yeah, beats me as to why it's giving you troubles.

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#5 Spartan064



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Posted 08 May 2006 - 07:44 AM

Don't use crayola barrels, the ridges are a pain to sand off. I use colorgear markers, which have no ridges, so they dont tear up my darts.

Yeah, So do Rose Art marker cases. Plus they Sort of telescope, very slightly, for a great seal.
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#6 Paloose



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Posted 08 May 2006 - 02:24 PM

Rose Art markers are color gear markers. So I feel that if your going to use crayola barrels, then stick with Rose Art color gear.
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