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Darts To Big.

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#1 yellowalien



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Posted 06 May 2006 - 12:26 PM

OK so ive been building a homemade its a shot gun design and its coming along great im almost done but there is one problem the darts are to tight. Im using 1/2 pvc with 5/8 FBR and the darts are really tight you end up squishing the foam just getting them in the shell. I didnt really think about this being a problem because the FAR uses the same stuff(What do you people do who have FARs?). So is there away to fix this or is it just that my pvc is a little smaller than most?
Ill post pics of the gun once its done should be about 2 weeks.

O and im just curios why none of you have built nerf mortors/rocket launchers somthing that would launch a lot of nerf darts at once? Ive been building spud guns for a while and it would be really easy to make one.
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#2 Flaming Hilt

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Posted 06 May 2006 - 12:33 PM

O and im just curios why none of you have built nerf mortors/rocket launchers somthing that would launch a lot of nerf darts at once?

Takes too much time to reload. Unless you can come up with a good clip for it. Then go ahead and knock yourelf out.

As for the FBR problem, try using smaller FBR or even just a different brand. I used to have problems with casing my brass in PVC. Went to a diffrerent store who had a different provider, and it worked perfectly.
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#3 m15399



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Posted 06 May 2006 - 01:02 PM

Takes too much time to reload. Unless you can come up with a good clip for it.

Not to add to the off topicness, but I doubt that's the reason because it would be pretty easy to make a clip or turret for one (just use large shells).

Yellow, try sanding the PVC into a cone where you stick the darts in.
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#4 Carbon



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Posted 06 May 2006 - 01:46 PM

Im using 1/2 pvc with 5/8 FBR and the darts are really tight you end up squishing the foam just getting them in the shell.

I have the same problem with 5/8" FBR. What it comes down to is that you have to choose your barrel material for the FBR you can get. For me, 21/32" brass fits 5/8" very well.
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#5 yellowalien



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Posted 06 May 2006 - 02:58 PM

Cool thanks a lot ill try to find a diffrent brand of FBR and i did try sanding a cone its just still to tight once i get it
in. I think i might try to make a mortor after this project i have a shell idea that would work. I do under stand the reload time though the only real way for it to work would be to have it hooked to an aircompresser. I was thinking of just a one shot thing if it worked good a smaller version for under a FAR or somthing like a grenade launcher.
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#6 WratH



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Posted 06 May 2006 - 04:33 PM

My 1/2 FBR is too big for cpvc so I jam it in and shoot it through the barrel a few (around 10) times until it goes in easier. Then you should be fine.
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#7 davidbowie



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Posted 06 May 2006 - 05:36 PM

O and im just curios why none of you have built nerf mortors/rocket launchers somthing that would launch a lot of nerf darts at once? Ive been building spud guns for a while and it would be really easy to make one.

It's been done, but it's a spud gun. What's the point?
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#8 Flaming Hilt

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Posted 06 May 2006 - 10:54 PM

the only real way for it to work would be to have it hooked to an aircompresser.

Nope. JaketheSnake did a 12-shot mod with his Titan. I'll see if I can't dig up a pic... I think it's in ItalionStallion's gun cost rating thread. Later.
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#9 GeneralPrimevil



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Posted 07 May 2006 - 07:10 AM

Well let's see here, the Bloody Massive Cannon can shoot up to about 30 darts no prob with a 2" barrel. They go all of about 60' at 80-90psi. It is always hooked up to a 20gal, 5hp air compressor as its chamber holds 1.6gal. Reloading is a bitch since I don't want to spen the $20 (apiece) for camlocks.

As for the dart fit problem, I just add chambers to the breeches of my barrels using the appropriatly sized drill/boring rod. Of course I get rid of the step in the material, but it makes darts just slip right in to a set depth. Awesome...
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#10 davidbowie



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Posted 07 May 2006 - 01:25 PM

General, you don't need no steenkin camlocks. I command you to go to home depot, buy a 2" sliding repair coupling, and build a breech with it. It won't let you down. I realize I'm horrible with diagrams and instructions, but I'm sure you of all people could figure it out. It also helps to have a sliding sleeve farther along the barrel, to stabilize it while allowing the barrel to move when the breech is open. You could even add on a hinge and make it break action.

Posted Image

The idea of an under-barrel shotgun or grenade launcher is good, but you have to keep in mind that a shotgun or grenade launcher would need quite a bit more power than your average dart blaster. How would you power it while still keeping it compact?
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#11 yellowalien



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Posted 12 May 2006 - 09:09 AM

OK problem solved im rebuilding my gun to use giant 3/4 inch FBR it fits great in the 3/4 pvc i have.
Im going to have to make a lot of changes but it will be worth it i think. The only thing is i think its just going to be a one shot reload gun because of the problem of getting a mag around the pump handel plus if would just look plain goofy and with the biger pvc i cant think of an ejector.
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