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Vets Getting Love?

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#1 Starbuck



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Posted 06 May 2006 - 12:07 AM

So I engaged in my first Nerf war in almost a year. It took place inside my friend's church. His dad is the pastor, so we pretty much can go anywhere as long as the place is neat and stuff after we leave. Anyway, I outfitted almost my entire team. Instead of using new stuff, I decided to pull out the real war vets. I used an Arrowstorm with stock Airjet megas since all ammo was to be stock. I was quite surprised to see this thing hold its own until it broke. Some Secret Shot 1s were in use as well as a couple of my Sharpshooter 1s. The only modern weaponry was some assorted Nite Finders and a Firefly.

I was really interested to see if people still used the blasters of yesteryear such SSIIs, Arrowstorms, Eagle Eyes, ect. It seems that people have deviated torwards the newer stuff such as the AirTechs. In my opinion, the older classics have more power and I think most give a very stable platform for upgrades and mods. Maybe I'm a cranky old schooler but I love those veterans of old. Any thoughts?
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Starbuck, The Noid,
Artemis Arms Armory

#2 Falcon


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Posted 06 May 2006 - 12:25 AM

I have a few clan members who I'm sure could use an arrowstorm...

There are two lock 'n loads (okay, well, just one now) that are actively used in my group. If you could one old and one new edition SM 1500 "older" guns, then I've got one of each being used actively.

And you can't count out my crossbow...but you already knew that.

I still love the classics, and always will.
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#3 Kuhlschrank



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Posted 06 May 2006 - 09:17 AM

It's not so much that people have purposefully deviated from the older guns. As time goes on and newer guns come out, these older guns become harder to find. I started nerfing after the new shelled version of the sm1500 came out, so I don't have the arsenal of older guns that I know others have.My crossbow and blastfire are the only guns i own that are older than the airtech line. This is not because I don't like the old guns, but rather that I dont feel like spending time bidding on a 50 dollar lock and load on ebay when i can go out and buy 5-6 nitefinders for a similar price at any local tru or target. In the end, its just easier to use newer guns, and those older guns, though not any worse, just aren't as readily availible as they used to be.
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#4 Flaming Hilt

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Posted 06 May 2006 - 10:56 AM

It's not so much that people have purposefully deviated from the older guns. As time goes on and newer guns come out, these older guns become harder to find.

I sceond that. While I certainly wouldn't mind having, say, a Crossbow (or a SS or an LnL), they're not exactly the easiest things to come across at a realistic price, or even come across at all. The only reason I got my PC for $20 was because someone on Ebay forgot to put "Powerclip" in the title and I got lucky nobody else noticed.

But honestly, why bid on a Crossbow for $50-60 when you can build three homemades that are almost as good for the same price, or:

I dont feel like spending time bidding on a 50 dollar lock and load on ebay when i can go out and buy 5-6 nitefinders for a similar price


Edited by Flaming Hilt, 06 May 2006 - 10:58 AM.

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#5 Starbuck



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Posted 06 May 2006 - 11:23 AM

You bring up excellent points, gentlemen.

Indeed the older guns do put a dent in the wallet. And as more new players join us, the only guns available to them are the newer, modern weaponry.

I honestly was more curious about the people who own the classics and still use them. I've had a couple laugh at me for arming myself with a Sharpshooter 1. I've been Nerfing before there was a Nerf Internet Community, so most of my stuff is the classic guns. I mean don't get me wrong... I love AT2ks, but then again I love old stuff. Perhaps that's why I made this: Sharpshooter 2000.

I suppose I'll be the senile nutcase running around with a Sharpshooter 2 when he's 47 years old.
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Starbuck, The Noid,
Artemis Arms Armory

#6 nerfer34



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Posted 06 May 2006 - 11:27 AM

I have a bunch of "old school" guns- like the LNL, electric eel, EAB, SF, powerstrike etc. I personally think the old guns are better with the exception of the air tech series and the NF.
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#7 Flaming Hilt

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Posted 06 May 2006 - 11:41 AM

I've had a couple laugh at me for arming myself with a Sharpshooter 1.

That's too bad. In my opinion, you can arm yourself with whatever the heck you want, as long as you know how to use it. That kind of thing becomes really evident in my neighborhood wars when somebody wants to try out a new gun (as they all have to use my guns <_<): they're generally not too good for the first couple rounds, but after that they either want a gun switch again or begin to do some major ownaging (okay, bad terminology, but you get the point).

If an SSI is your gun, then an SSI is your gun.
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#8 NerfMonkey



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Posted 06 May 2006 - 11:43 AM

Currently the only gun I use is my Powerclip. I have other classic guns I use sometimes:

SF - being painted, going to be my new sidearm once it's done

Two L'nLs - I don't usually use them

Those are the only guns I ever use, so I'm a fan of the "classics".
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#9 last man standin

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Posted 06 May 2006 - 04:42 PM

Oh yeah, My arrowstorm is my baby!

6 brass barrels of fury! I use it all the time!

That and my (1998) BBB, but I have to say my A-storm has been more reliable. I'm pretty much done buying new guns, so i'm just gonna have to continue pimpin' out my oldies <_<
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#10 pat 1st Lt

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Posted 06 May 2006 - 07:36 PM

Not to brag (Ok, just a bit), but I use mostly my older guns.

I loved my old SSII to death. Maybe that's why she died. Oh well, she served me well for MANY many years.

Crossbow's are old, I guess. To many people they are, anyway.

Lock'N'Loads are old, I suppose.

I love the Arrowstorm! Such a great gun. Fairly old, I suppose. A great gun either way.

Razorbeast (Razorback to some of us oldies) is very good, in my oppinion, when re-chambered to micros, minimized, and when it has had the belt-feeding problems fixed. It's a very good ROF weapon with decent range, and tons of ammo when you have even a couple chains. And when you have a couple hundred shots for your Razorback, it's god-like.

My Sharpshooter 1 is old, and I love it to death. It's such a cool-looking, and easy to hold gun. I just love the feel of it in my hand. I love the feel of cocking it, and it's just so comfortable to shoot.

The Master Blaster is an old ball-gun, and get's an occaisonal use.

The Bow'N'Arrow was the second Nerf gun on the Market, I believe, and is still in use today at most of our wars. Some don't like it because of the whole manual firing thing, but it's easy enough for Laz to use all the time. He's an archer. Pretty good, too. And he's pretty capable of over-coming the stabilization problems. And, with a stronger spring (After reinforcing the hell out of it), it get's ~160 feet. That is insane for a springer, old or new.

And the Blast-a-ball was the first Nerf gun out there in 1989, and still gets used. Mostly for the nostalgia, not the effectivness (Only 1 ball per shot, poor range, no ammo holders, slow reload time).

But, there are older, rarer guns still. Air Pressure Supermaxx 2000 (A Supermaxx 5000: The Larami original) is still in use with us today, Air Pressure Supermaxx 1000 (A six shot pump gun with an auto-rotating drum) is one of my favorite guns, and the Supermaxx 500 is, quite possibly, the best stock gun ever.

The 1000 and 500 are some of (In my oppinion) the greatest stock guns ever. 60 feet stock? Some people don't even see bother to mod them! When I was a kid, the 1000 was my favorite Nerf gun (Even if it was Larami, we still called it Nerf). I could pump out six shots in hlaf the time and twice the distance of the other kids. It was such a great gun. Then, I got into modding, and it got even better.

And the 500? An excellent backup. The best pump pistol, hands down (This statement is excluding home-mades, just because that's cheating: home-mades aren't childrens toys turned into weapons. They're just weapons). Three or four short pumps, and *fwoosh*! You could peg people consistantly at . I loved these guns un-modded. Modded, their my favorite due to two parts awesome, two parts nostalgia, one part coolness, and one-part bragging about how no-one else seems to have them.

So, in conclusion, there are many old guns out there that are still being maintained weekly and feeling the love out here at the {SF3G}'s occaisonal neighborhood wars.

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It gave the site a sort of 'homy' feeling.

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#11 Starbuck



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Posted 07 May 2006 - 09:43 PM

I'm glad to see people using the oldies.

Next time I go to war, I'll probably take my DT3 setup. I almost forgot about it.
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Starbuck, The Noid,
Artemis Arms Armory

#12 Spaztic 75

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Posted 09 May 2006 - 04:39 PM

My 1997 Supermax 1500, my faithful Larami partner. It has withstood the tests of time and it still causes others to shudder in its presence. That, and my SSII, LazerFang, and the ol' BBB. Good welts, good welts.
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#13 ompa



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Posted 09 May 2006 - 08:04 PM

You got a good mod for the sm1000? Oh please do share, I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to keep the rotating mechanism AND make it have sufficiently long barrel(s) to shoot stefans well.

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#14 LordoftheRing434



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Posted 09 May 2006 - 09:31 PM

Oh boy, old guns. I have a few, so here's my list:

SM1500: deceased, still under the knife right now...trying to resurrect.

Splitfire: dead, also unde the knife. Not as hopeful.

Powerclip: with an extra clip. Highly favored.

BBB: love the feel of it. Used often.

SS1: first gun modded. Fairly poor performance however; shoots high and is weak.

LnL: still haven't fully modded it. NF came out and I've been obsessed since.

SM750 x2: one PVC coupler, one crayola. Very nice pistols, not so nice to pump.

BnA x2: A classic, but not war-worthy.

RF20: done in. Dried o-ring. Didn't use that much anyways.

Blastfire: very fidgety. Not used too often.

EaB: not too shabby. I favor my BBB more though.

I do believe that's it. My former clan has many of the same, but a several different including: Ultimator, SS2, Ballzooka, MBZ, and Arrowstorm.

I'm a fan of the oldies. I do agree that they were more powerful (with "Titan-ic" exception), and they were slightly easier to mod. I like to reminisce too.

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#15 AssassinNF



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Posted 12 May 2006 - 04:54 PM

I see alot of older guns in use in wars, and many people still stick to their Crossbows, LNLs, Arrowstorms, PCs, SM1500s, and SM3000s. I use my SM3000 Yellow edition sometime, and one of my friends uses a SM1500 and an SS1. I also own a SS2 with a bad leak, a Wildfire (if you can call that old), and a few old crap guns, like a Rattler and a Ripsaw.

The older guns are so hard to get, and expensive if you actually find one (I'd love to have a Crossbow, but I can't get my hands on one, and I can't afford 60-80 bucks) that it's just not worth it to me.

It's nice to see that they have remaid the PC (Magstrike) and the pistol on the LongShot might be an LNL remake.

I dont feel like spending time bidding on a 50 dollar lock and load on ebay when i can go out and buy 5-6 nitefinders for a similar price

Dayum! I can buy 10 NF's for that much! Or 7 Mavs! ;)
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Probably dead by now, or something.

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