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Unlimited Ammo (fishing Effect)

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#1 Vicious-V



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Posted 12 April 2006 - 11:02 PM

Why have a bunch darts when you can use one dart over and over again?

Attach some sort of fishing reel or measuring tape reel inside of your gun. Get a string with the length of the range of your gun and attach it to the reel. Run the string to the barrel, tie the string to a dart and fire. Then reel it in. I suggest using a measuring tape as they automatically reel in the dart when you press the button. They are also fast.

Pictures coming soon. My webcam is being a beezie right now.
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#2 davidbowie



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Posted 12 April 2006 - 11:13 PM

Step 2:

Watch the fun as enemies equip themselves with baseball gloves!

I think it's a pretty cool idea, but I know from flyfishing that any possible snag will happen, so you'll spend a lot of time unhooking from bushes, trees, etc.

I'm not just putting it down because it's a new concept (this is the kind of stuff I love. See: Foxtails), but I just don't think it would work very well.
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#3 Vicious-V



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Posted 12 April 2006 - 11:16 PM

Yes I thought about that. So I suggest using this only in open areas, or anywhere where there's any obstacles that will catch the string.
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#4 KnightValor



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Posted 12 April 2006 - 11:40 PM

Hmm.... interesting.

Still, if the dart flew back at you fast enough to be worth it, don't you risk it flying behind the reel and hitting you??? Because, I'm pretty sure that'd count as a hit... lol.

Benefits: Don't need alot of ammo, never run out of ammo, don't hand ammo over to enemies...
Drawbacks: Slow down dart?? Alot longer reload time, snags take forever to uncatch, sometimes getting hit by your own dart and being considered (by most rules) dead... inability to use anywhere but big fields... Curved dart?? (resistance from fishing wire coming out might cause the dart to curve towards wherever you have the reel)

Ultimately, I think it would be fun for really long range losing (130+ feet) with your barrel pointing out of a bush... Just camo your dart and you will leave no traces of where you came from, or even a sign that anyone was shot there. ;) Pretty sweet.

However, for practical use, you would need to have a secured location for cover to compensate for reload, and in forts and such you really need the ability to rapid fire if you need to... Otherwise you will simply be charged while reeling in your next shot, forcing you to run or die, and while running you not only leave a good trail of where you are going, but also risk your dart catching on some thorny plant, forcing you to whip out some scissors and cut the string or leave the gun behind.

In selective circumstances, this could be a great strategical tool, but you will ALWAYS need backup ready for worst case scenarios.
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#5 Jabs



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Posted 12 April 2006 - 11:45 PM

I'm sorry, but this idea has so little promise it would be like fishing to get your ass kicked. -Jabs
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#6 Vicious-V



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Posted 12 April 2006 - 11:49 PM

Well unless you had a super fast, lubed reel, then ROF wouldn't be much of a problem...

Also the dart reeling in won't hit you unless your waving around your gun for some reason. It'll just go back in to the barrel.

Slowing down the dart won't be a problem unless your string and reel are tight and slow. But if it's pretty loose then there won't be a difference in range.
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#7 ambushbug



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Posted 13 April 2006 - 12:29 AM

Slowing down the dart won't be a problem unless your string and reel are tight and slow. But if it's pretty loose then there won't be a difference in range.

seems like this would be very difficult to do. Anybody who's been fishing knows that without some decent resistance (usually weight), the line tends to tangle up in the reel or upon leaving it during casting. I imagine your average dart wouldn't be heavy enough to peel line out in a consistent way or without feeling the drag of the monofilament behind it. A heavy dart probably would but then range would suck majorly.

And who wants to wait for their dart to be reeled in while the enemy is peppering you with foam?

In any case, I'm only speculating but I remain to be convinced. Try it and show us some video.
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#8 CaptainSlug


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Posted 13 April 2006 - 03:48 AM

Um, what's so difficult about picking up the darts you've fired or making enough stefans that you won't run out before you have the opportunity pick them up off the ground?

You can't "expend" ammo that can just be retrieved later so all of the kinds of ammo that already exist are unlimited unless you shoot them somewhere where you can't find or get to them.
Even in spite of the technical problems this suggestion makes almost not practical sense what-so-ever. Unless of course someone has duct-taped you to a tree or you move so slowly that it's easier for you to reel in a dart rather than go pick it up.
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The little critters of nature, they don't know that they're ugly. That's very funny, a fly marrying a bumble bee. I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe me. Why didn't you believe me?

#9 skiermon



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Posted 13 April 2006 - 07:28 AM

I'm sorry, but this is one of the worst Nerf ideas I've ever heard. There's a reason mass production was invented. In this case, it's so you can pummel your opponent with a barrage of foam. While you're sitting in your bush, swearing your head off while you try in vain to reel in a nerf dart tangled in some sort of obstruction, somebody's gonna snead up behind you and nail you in the back of the head with a wildfire. Honestly; if you can't make stefans, refill dart packs aren't that expensive. Go buy some, and be an actual competitor in your next nerf war, instead of cannon fodder.
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#10 J cobbers

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Posted 13 April 2006 - 09:57 AM

Interesting idea, but not at all practical. The time taken to reel in a dart plus reloading it would be much longer than the time to simply reload a regular dart. Plus there are problems like your fishing line getting tangled up on any number of things, including itself. What do you do if the dart gets torn off the line? Lastly what is the impact on the flight characteristics of the dart with the extra weight of the fishing line.

I encourage you to experiment with the idea, you might end up with a fun, if impractial nerf blaster when you are done.
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#11 yourmomsanerfer



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Posted 13 April 2006 - 09:58 AM

Ok, quick question; What happens if you miss your target, and your stefan hits a wall or something? I know most of my stefans shatter when they hit something hard enough. Especially if their flying fast enough to pull a string behind it. Not trying to flame or anything just opening up the idea for multiple reels or something... thanks
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#12 DarkSide



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Posted 13 April 2006 - 10:43 AM

Ok, quick question; What happens if you miss your target, and your stefan hits a wall or something? I know most of my stefans shatter when they hit something hard enough. Especially if their flying fast enough to pull a string behind it.

What do you use on the tips of your stefans? I use hot glue, and none of my darts have ever "shattered" when they hit a wall hard.
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#13 Carbon



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Posted 13 April 2006 - 11:31 AM

Ok, quick question; What happens if you miss your target, and your stefan hits a wall or something? I know most of my stefans shatter when they hit something hard enough. Especially if their flying fast enough to pull a string behind it.

What do you use on the tips of your stefans? I use hot glue, and none of my darts have ever "shattered" when they hit a wall hard.

I use hot glue, and shatter stefans quite frequently. A shot from a SNAP from 40 feet at a hard surface will usually crack the top. A shot at 20 feet will shatter the tip and make the weight part company. I imagine that that's the case on any 100'+ gun.

Back to the concept; There's really too many problems to make it practical. A dart carries very little force behind it, as it is pretty light weight. As such, it'll have a time to try and pull out the line, which will get heavier the longer it gets. I could imagine a Titan getting 20 feet with this system. With a frictionless string delivery. Maybe. Once.

I can see this as being fun to screw around with, but I don't see it as being faster than carrying more ammo, even if it worked well at long ranges (which it really couldn't). I've been fishing enough to know how long it takes to reel in your line. Now imagine standing still that long. In a battle.


Beyond that, a technical question: how do you route the line so it will both feed quickly, and not put a hole in your barrel, sapping force?
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#14 GeneralPrimevil



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Posted 13 April 2006 - 03:50 PM

Well, after looking through this thread, time to post my experiences with fishing line, fly fishing with non-ded equipment, and other stuff of the like.

First off, this isn't anything that I haven't tried before. If anyone remembers my "Mr. Literal" thread awhile back, I used to like messing with rubberband guns to make Nerf weaponry. Well, no doubt, I tried to do other things with rubberbands. Now, what I once did, for no particular reason, was make something which could shoot something of good weight (1.5oz) well with a line attached. I found out that jsut one size 32 or whatever green rubberband will, in fact, send that little package of bass bullet sinkers with a line a good 15 feet...heavily angled. There was a good 100+ times as much resistance with the system I was using than any of my casting or spinning reels for pike, walleye, and bass. I mean, this was litterally a spool of replacement kite rope on a nail attached to the side of the gun.

Has anyone here actually tried to cast a topwater bait? Yeah, that's a bitch...anyway, it is possible, either by adding a wooden float or heavier floating line (lead) to the lure/fly. That adds all of, oh, a tenth of an ounce to another tenth of an ounce? So now there is still the weight of a 3/0 split shot, or less? Use a spinning reel. Not casting, since they are more expensive and involve 'thumbing' which is a bitch with so little weight on the end of a line. Then again, I've only been using one for two seasons...

So, take a KISS, get a spinning reel, flip the bar, shoot. Seriously. It will, in fact, barely hamper distance, if it does. I know it sounds ludacrous, but experience really does override theories.

I have a fealing no one will believe me...time to go do homework, then try and add a line to a Stefan or two and shoot them out of my SOBR...
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#15 DarkSide



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Posted 13 April 2006 - 08:04 PM

Ok, quick question; What happens if you miss your target, and your stefan hits a wall or something? I know most of my stefans shatter when they hit something hard enough. Especially if their flying fast enough to pull a string behind it.

What do you use on the tips of your stefans? I use hot glue, and none of my darts have ever "shattered" when they hit a wall hard.

I use hot glue, and shatter stefans quite frequently. A shot from a SNAP from 40 feet at a hard surface will usually crack the top. A shot at 20 feet will shatter the tip and make the weight part company. I imagine that that's the case on any 100'+ gun.

Really? I've shot at my metal garage door with my modded titan from ten feet away, and the hot glue didn't shatter. The tip starts to come off my stefans after many shots, though.

Edited by DarkSide, 13 April 2006 - 08:05 PM.

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#16 Pineapple


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Posted 13 April 2006 - 08:53 PM

Use a spinning reel. Not casting, since they are more expensive and involve 'thumbing' which is a bitch with so little weight on the end of a line. Then again, I've only been using one for two seasons...

So, take a KISS, get a spinning reel, flip the bar, shoot. Seriously. It will, in fact, barely hamper distance, if it does. I know it sounds ludacrous, but experience really does override theories.

...and my experience with spinning reels (almost exclusively) says it won't work. Period.

I use spinning reels in my salt-water fishing from shore, boats, and from ocean kayaks. I fish with line weights from 2 lb test (almost as thin as human hair) to 40 lb. test. On my ultralight rigs, running 2 lb test line, I still need at least 1/8 to 1/6 ounce to get the lures out 15 - 30 yards (45 - 90 feet). And that's whipping it with a purpose-made 7 foot spinning rod. The heavier the line, the more weight you need to add to the end to get it to fly.

A stefan, even with 3 3/0 lead shot, weighs less than 1/4 ounce. Add the foam that gives air resistance, and the line peeling off the reel, even with the bail bar flipped out of the way, and you'd get maybe 20 - 30 FEET. At best. Maybe if you shot it out of a homemade it would go a little farther, but with 2 lb test the way it is, it'd snap the line anyway.

It's amusing at best, but in my book, fairly off the hook (no pun intended) to want to even think that such a novelty would help with firepower.

Sometimes I wonder who is actually out there Nerfing, and who's spending an inordinate amount of time fantasizing at their computers. Get out in the nice, fresh air and play a little. Too much time in front of the computer is bad for you.

Has anyone here actually tried to cast a topwater bait? Yeah, that's a bitch...anyway, it is possible, either by adding a wooden float or heavier floating line (lead) to the lure/fly. That adds all of, oh, a tenth of an ounce to another tenth of an ounce?

My primary spinning rig runs 25 lb test line off of a 8 foot Shakespeare UglyStik and Abu Garcia AG4R reel, and I throw lures that are up to 4 ounces (quarter-pounder baby!), a foot long (gotta look like a fish, might as well make it a biggie!) up to 90-100 yards. Yes, 300 feet.

Does it work for me?

Posted Image

Yeah, it does.

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-Piney- of White Dog Hobbies Armory

<!--quoteo(post=209846:date=Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM:name=boom)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(boom @ Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM) View Post</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
It's to bad you live in hawaii I bet there are not many wars there.Wait what am I saying<b> you live in hawaii you lucky bastard.</b>

#17 NerfLad78



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Posted 13 April 2006 - 09:13 PM

Hey you look nothing like I imagined you! Oh well, you're still cool, and awesome fish for 300 feet of line. I'm not sure this whole idea of realing in your darts is practical. I just carry about 20 or so, and then pick up the ones that my friends shoot back. I guess if you're a 5niper, or a sharpshooter, this would work, unless of course someone saw you and rushed. Über fast firing guns definately beat long range ones which carry one dart that takes a while to reload. Do it if you please, but it's just not my style.
Please don't let this become a fishing thread (No offense to anyone here).

EDIT: Didn't really read all of Piney's post, but after review, he's right.

Edited by NerfLad78, 13 April 2006 - 09:17 PM.

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#18 NirvanaScorpion



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Posted 13 April 2006 - 10:09 PM

Yeah, to see the foxtail idea wasnt contested, just questioned a bit, this is a good idea but would it be effective in a war? And if not...thewn why would you use it other then fool around with your gun....wait nevermind -_- I like the idea but people are right, what about snags and unhooking? Dontget me wrong, again, i like the idea.
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#19 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 13 April 2006 - 10:29 PM

This has to be the dumbest thing since some random douchebag suggested firing a grappling hook out of a titan. I try not to flame people but this idea is so incredibly moronic.

First of all darts get worn out. What happens when you show up to a war with your unique unlimited ammo design consisting of a dart on a string and you fire it and someone steps on it? You end up reeling in this flaccid dart and go home crying because your one dart is broken and doesnt fire anymore. Also after firing a dart several times it weakens the structure of the foam. Especially after being fired out of 100+ guns.

A string will aslo weigh the thing down meaning you get less distance. Unless you planned on trapping/tangling people with several of these things, it is a huge waste of time. Also if you want a dart on string then buy a pop gun with a cork dart tied to a string and leave the kiddish ideas to those guns.
I cannot beleive this thread has lasted 2 pages.

Where is the Viking? He would have squashed this long ago.

Nice fish Pineapple!

Edited by Forsaken_angel24, 13 April 2006 - 10:29 PM.

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I don't get my kicks out of you,
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After what we had,
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#20 KnightValor



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Posted 13 April 2006 - 11:00 PM

I try not to flame people

Well, that's obvious. -_-

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#21 ompa



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Posted 13 April 2006 - 11:11 PM

Alright, KnightValor, please stop making sarcastic comments. I think I've seen at least three today, and that's three too many. Unless you have something useful to say, please do refrain from posting.

Hey Piney, what if instead of going off of a reel, you just wrapped the line around a cone with the tapered end pointing in line with the barrel, so when the dart leaves the barrel, the line is simply drawn straight off, instead of having to go with a reel?

Given, I don't think I'd ever try it, nor do I think it would be practical, but at least it's getting some interesting posting. I mean, I don't think there's any other way I would have seen Piney talk about his fishing habits.

The thread will be left open, for now.

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#22 KnightValor



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Posted 14 April 2006 - 12:22 AM

Alright, KnightValor, please stop making sarcastic comments. I think I've seen at least three today, and that's three too many. Unless you have something useful to say, please do refrain from posting.


Okay, sorry. Most boards I go to are run on sarcasm to lighten up the mood with humor.

(Hopefully this doesn't count as a meaningless post?)

Anyway, if you read all the posts you will see that it hardly impedes the dart's distance. That's good... We may have been wrong about that. But nevertheless, the benefit to drawbacks is very, very small. As in VERY small.

This is a good test idea, and I guess a good strategist could use it very specially, but...

What's the real scenario when using it would be worth all the risks of snagging, tangling, breaking, slowing down velocity, or curving the dart from the pull of the string?

Good expiriment, I'll give you that, though! -_-
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#23 boltsniper



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Posted 14 April 2006 - 12:49 AM

To regurgitate what Piney said:

Wire/string creates a phenominal amount of drag which is proportional to its length. Add that to the weight and friction caused by the string a standard dart jsut isn`t going to have the energy to maintain a good range. As has been said I foresee maybe 30 feet out of a gun capable of 70 feet.
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#24 Maverick Master

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Posted 14 April 2006 - 06:30 AM

1:a lot
Now do you get the point this is just never going to work so just don't even try. Thats all.
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