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Poll: To ban or not to ban (Shwifty), that is the question. (146 member(s) have cast votes)

To ban or not to ban (Shwifty), that is the question.

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#1 cxwq



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Posted 16 March 2006 - 10:41 PM

Amuse me.
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#2 ompa



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Posted 16 March 2006 - 10:47 PM

Eh, I'll probably be the only one to do this.

We all have our weird quirks, and the occasional act(s) of stupidity. I vote to leave him.

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#3 LordoftheRing434



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Posted 16 March 2006 - 11:09 PM

Yes, we do have our quirks and occasional "sessions", but this has happened more than once. He's posted about a mystical Nerf warehouse stocked with PCs, and now he's talking about making his blasters devices of pain and sorrow.

Frankly, I think he's a psychotic 12-year-old with belligerent tendencies. Modifying toys to induce pain on your friends? I'm surprised he has friends...or he doesn't and that's why he goes on this rampage.

My first inclination was that he's kind of a passive troll. He's been working his way around the forums, slipping us the anthrax of posts here and there. Of course, I've explained the two major occurrances.

My vote? Stop it while it's going on now. Maybe a shorter suspension will give him some time to ponder the boards and just how we roll. He hasn't really done that by now, but a suspension could give him a reason to do so.

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And when he gets to Heaven, to St. Peter he will tell, "One more soldier reporting sir, I've served my time in hell."

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#4 AirApache



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Posted 16 March 2006 - 11:19 PM

I'd just like to say, remember that policy we held with Hitler for awhile? That's called appeasement.
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#5 Talio


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Posted 16 March 2006 - 11:31 PM

Merely the fact that the question has to be raised of whether a person should be banned or not should automatically result in a banning. That's just me though. I'll be over here sharpening my axe.

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#6 Pineapple


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Posted 17 March 2006 - 12:01 AM

Hitler? Appeasement?

This isn't a democracy. Neither is it a democratic republic.

It's cxwq and VACC's turf. Their frickin' world, if we may. He can suspend any member if we smell bad (which I wouldn't doubt would include many of us). They don't need any good reason. Act up and it's curtains.

Frankly, I'm impressed with the amount of restraint cx and the admins have in tolerance of forum rule violations, feigned ignorance and "speling" errors, redundancy of questions without so much as a half-hearted effort at a search, and users demanding to be spoon-fed information that they could fetch themselves in a heartbeat if they actually tried to look for it.

It's understandable that every extended break from school (in this case it's spring break in many areas, at least it is here) there is a migration of really bored teens who decide to amuse themselves by crapping up discussion boards, or turning them into pseudo-chat rooms. Sorry, but to the established order, "Homie don't play that".

Dude's been here almost a year and a half, I think that is plenty of time to learn things. Heck, many new forum users get it from their first post.

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-Piney- of White Dog Hobbies Armory

<!--quoteo(post=209846:date=Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM:name=boom)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(boom @ Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM) View Post</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
It's to bad you live in hawaii I bet there are not many wars there.Wait what am I saying<b> you live in hawaii you lucky bastard.</b>

#7 Black Wrath

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Posted 17 March 2006 - 12:21 AM

Off with his head!
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Posted 17 March 2006 - 02:08 AM

This is irrelivent, but i just coated chapstick in plastidip.

I think that post right there would justify my answer. He has done nothing but ask questions for his entire stay (even though thats what most people do). It seems that if you wanted a new, contributing, member, he's not the one. And that wherehouse thing.....
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#9 GeneralPrimevil



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Posted 17 March 2006 - 09:15 AM

He's been here awhile. Unless he is a slow learner, he's a dumbass, or really, an asshat. He seems to be getting stupider every day (def.-: "asshat"), so I say kick 'em.
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#10 Death


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Posted 17 March 2006 - 09:25 AM

Merely the fact that the question has to be raised of whether a person should be banned or not should automatically result in a banning. That's just me though.

No, Talio. That's not just you. I am in complete agreement. If one notices a patch of gangrene in a wound on the back of one's hand, one does not simply hope that it gets better over time.

One cuts that shit off at the wrist and learns to masturbate lefty.
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#11 Chessler



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Posted 17 March 2006 - 10:36 AM

I'd say let Talio give him a french haircut.
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#12 Shwifty



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Posted 17 March 2006 - 11:58 AM

I am truely honored, never have I seen a post about Shwifty. And this whole time, all I have been doing is posting my oppinions. (Other than my previous violations of the code of conduct) If that is stated as illegal in the Code of Conduct, than go ahead kick me off of Nerf Haven.

Edited by Shwifty, 17 March 2006 - 12:01 PM.

*Well isn't that SHWIFTY?*
Am I now concidered infamous?

#13 Talio


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Posted 17 March 2006 - 12:17 PM

That was touching. Then again, so was my uncle and that landed him in jail.
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#14 Shwifty



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Posted 17 March 2006 - 12:24 PM

Good one talio.
*Well isn't that SHWIFTY?*
Am I now concidered infamous?

#15 Paloose



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Posted 17 March 2006 - 03:03 PM

Way to be a suck-up.
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#16 ScottishCowboy



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Posted 17 March 2006 - 05:26 PM

i'm pretty sure shwifty was being sarcastic, Paloose

Edited by ScottishCowboy, 17 March 2006 - 05:29 PM.

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#17 JSkater



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Posted 17 March 2006 - 06:28 PM

He turned me into a newt!

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#18 Shwifty



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Posted 17 March 2006 - 06:44 PM

You forgot the, "I got better." part. Which works in this instance. My threads have no lasting effect.

Edited by Shwifty, 17 March 2006 - 06:47 PM.

*Well isn't that SHWIFTY?*
Am I now concidered infamous?

#19 TT



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Posted 17 March 2006 - 06:47 PM

He turned me into a newt!


Hahaha I love that

"What makes you think she's a witch?!"

"She turned me into a newt!"

"A newt?"

[Short Pause]

"...I got better"
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#20 Shwifty



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Posted 17 March 2006 - 07:16 PM

Please continue posting your oppinions about Shwifty. I am fairly interested in my peers oppinions. I guess this thread is done????

Edited by Shwifty, 17 March 2006 - 09:10 PM.

*Well isn't that SHWIFTY?*
Am I now concidered infamous?

#21 sistermol



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Posted 17 March 2006 - 11:39 PM

Nope you still got alot more to go.

And who are the idiots that voted not today.
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#22 LordoftheRing434



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Posted 18 March 2006 - 12:30 AM

Thus, even within this thread, the chatroom concept rears its ugly head again. The thing I've noticed these days is that posts happen in a much more rapid succession than they have in the past. The bitch is that they veer wildy off-topic like a drunken leprechaun behind the wheel of an H2.

I agree wholeheartedly with Talio. Since there is a separate thread on this, I'm pretty sure where this is headed.

And with a bit of browsing, behold!

Posted Image

I'm not sure what this relationship is, but it's definitely interesting.

Edited by LordoftheRing434, 18 March 2006 - 12:56 AM.

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And when he gets to Heaven, to St. Peter he will tell, "One more soldier reporting sir, I've served my time in hell."

"I bluff it. I don't throw my weight around and say I know what I'm doing." ~ Mick Jagger

#23 Shwifty



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Posted 18 March 2006 - 12:27 PM

Why not let these threads in which you are trying to ban a fellow member for rediculous reasons, become chatrooms. You guys are making a huge deal out of nothing.
*Well isn't that SHWIFTY?*
Am I now concidered infamous?

#24 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 18 March 2006 - 12:53 PM

The fact that we've let it get this bad is embarassing. I'm making the madness stop. Talio and I both voted he should go, and I'm figuring cx just made this topic so he could get a kick out of our responses. It is time I just do the deed.

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#25 DX-Robert


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Posted 18 March 2006 - 01:05 PM

Why not let these threads in which you are trying to ban a fellow member for rediculous reasons, become chatrooms. You guys are making a huge deal out of nothing.

And throw the reputation of NH out the door? Cast away the very concept of an online FORUM? At the very core of what makes a forum is ideas communicated in sentence and paragraph form, following at the very least the basic rules of English grammar and spelling. Basically, in no way is a forum a chatroom, and in no way does chatroom trash ever belong on one. There is plenty of time to form well thought out posts, to correct errors, and create cohesive thoughts.

Allowing AIM style talk anywhere here would be a slight to the progress made in trying to eliminate such useless crap posts. So it is a big deal, and not out of nothing. [After a month-long debate, my friends and I determined that "nothing" cannot actually exist :o ]
Forum admins around the world fight to rid their forums of chatroom talk. It really degrades the quality of a forum and definately impacts what members and outsiders think of your forum. Try running one some day, and have it last for over a year, then read this again and see how your attitude has changed. Better yet, how about helping to run 8, then read this again and see how your attitude has changed! I'm sure you'll be just as sick of worthless posts as I am. B)

EDIT: I took too long to post this....argghh

Edited by Duxburian, 18 March 2006 - 01:06 PM.

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