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Long Term Effects Of Bugee/bands

Can excessive banding destroy a gun?

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#1 Anothernoob



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Posted 21 February 2006 - 04:54 PM

Hi all,
I'm new to Nerf Haven but I was semi-regular on the old NerfOnline.com forums so I'm familiar with most of the rules of "netiquette" I guess you'd call it.

I searched for bungee cords and came up with 3 topics all of which do not deal with my question, which is...
Can the use of bungee cords or very heavy rubber bands break your gun over time? I'm talking about the effects in long-term and heavy usage conditions. I would think that increasing the force on the plunger would put more strain on the small, fragile-looking pieces of plastic that catch and hold the plunger in the cocked position, however I have noticed that banding is widely popular.
So, has anyone had thier heavily used, heavily band/bungee modded guns break on them?
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#2 Starbuck



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Posted 21 February 2006 - 05:21 PM

In my experience, rubber bands are a good way to increase range, but have had several guns' plungers break over time. I've had several Sharpshooter IIs go down like this and one Nite Finder.

When you're not using your gun, I recommend that you take off the rubber bands.

Edited by Starbuck, 21 February 2006 - 05:23 PM.

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#3 Agent X10

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Posted 21 February 2006 - 05:52 PM

They have been known to shred catch pieces in excessive amounts, I believe. They can also, I believe break plungers and plunger heads. Replacing a spring with an excessively stronger one can have the same catch-shredding effect, as well.
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#4 Dys70pia



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Posted 21 February 2006 - 10:14 PM

I just upgraded the spring in my Lock N Load. I put a heavier guage door spring that I got at Canadian Tire (Home and hardware store). I'm super paranoid that it's going to shred or break the trigger catch. I'd rather have less power with the gun than have this happen. Is there anything I can do to prevent this? Or perhaps strenthen the gun. I was thinking of reinforcing the plunger with metal bars or something. I haven't banded the gun at all.
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#5 Mattf



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Posted 21 February 2006 - 10:18 PM

I have an NF, and I was going to glue a circular piece of craft foam over the head of my plunger. I don't think this will have any negative effects really, and it SHOULD cushion and silence the smack between plunger and plunger.. casing? I don't know what to call it. Between blue and orange.
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#6 Crankymonky


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Posted 22 February 2006 - 12:14 AM

The increased force caused by the banding will cause more "wear" on the plunger head as it hits the end of the plunger each time it is fired. So yes, in guns with weak plunger heads or a weak connection between the plunger head and shaft, this may be an issue. However, I have never had a gun break because of this with only a bungee or two. I have however, had homemade internals break when the bungees became un-evenly distributed. This causes an increased stress on half half and could cause a weak plunger shaft the crack.
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#7 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 22 February 2006 - 12:45 AM

You could take sheet foam anc cut it into a circle and then cut a hole in the middle and glue it in the plunger shaft where the plunger head hits causiing a cushion effect. Also to strengthen a plunger you can use epoxy on the base and top of the plunger. Do not get any of this stuff on or around the O-ring.
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#8 rotoryfan



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Posted 22 February 2006 - 12:03 PM

In my experience, rubber bands are a good way to increase range, but have had several guns' plungers break over time. I've had several Sharpshooter IIs go down like this and one Nite Finder.

When you're not using your gun, I recommend that you take off the rubber bands.

agreed, unless you use (like me) very thick, but long rubber bands, so that there is little to no tension on the plastic parts when not cocked. and not cocking the weapon until you're ready to fire would also increase the life, if you arent using rubberbands like mine.
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#9 rotoryfan



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Posted 22 February 2006 - 12:11 PM

...use epoxy on the base and top of the plunger. Do not get any of this stuff on or around the O-ring.

:lol: wait... what...? that sucks for me, thats probbably why my DTB isn't releasing very much air... oh well. fuck.

about bold underlining and italics in the quote, yea, i know basic HTML (Brags) :)
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#10 Talio


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Posted 22 February 2006 - 12:23 PM

That would be worth bragging about if this board used html, which is doesn't. Nice try on the nut flexing though.

To answer your question, yes, it's probably best to take off your bungee's when your not using them. Yes some of the guns can't handle the pressure and will snap. It all depends on the gun really. Especially the crossbow. Make sure you re-enforce everything.

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#11 z80



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Posted 22 February 2006 - 02:16 PM

That would be worth bragging about if this board used html, which is doesn't. Nice try on the nut flexing though.

To answer your question, yes, it's probably best to take off your bungee's when your not using them. Yes some of the guns can't handle the pressure and will snap. It all depends on the gun really. Especially the crossbow. Make sure you re-enforce everything.


Yeah Whiny, those are forum tabs. I think that bands do more harm than good, especially if you only have a few guns that you use alot, because they wear out quicker. So use bands with descretion.
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#12 Nerf Hunter 2K6

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Posted 22 February 2006 - 04:08 PM

I find that with any banded gun, glueing a small pin or screw to the catch will remedy the "wear and tear".
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#13 Nerfster12345



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Posted 22 February 2006 - 06:07 PM

On one of my five nf i thought it would be funny to put 30 rubber bands on it.I cocked it and the catch mec broke .That just proves the topic
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#14 rylundo



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Posted 22 February 2006 - 06:25 PM

On my secret shot one the case actually split from banding but it was and old gun and I was pushing its limits so just don't over do it and you should be fine.
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