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Compressed Air

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#1 CrooKeD



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Posted 15 February 2006 - 07:17 PM

has anyone succesfully or ever tried modding a nerf gun to use a compressed air canister to shoot?. I think it would be possible.
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#2 Anima



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Posted 15 February 2006 - 07:46 PM

I brought this up at Nerfhq a few weeks ago. A lot was said, (most of it the same things repeated over and over). http://www.nerfhq.co...opic.php?t=2598

The long and short of it was that Nerfers thought that using compressed air was defeating the 'spirit' of Nerf. Plus, it isn't economical, and one of the advantages Nerf has over Airsoft or Paintball is that it's cheap. Using compressed air transplants one of the major expenses of both those others into Nerf.
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#3 nerfer34



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Posted 15 February 2006 - 08:21 PM

Anima I was reading your post on that link and someone said that co2 wasn't dangerous. Well that person is way off co2 is very dangerous, a person I know broke 3 ribs and was lost breath for over 5 minutes and was finally revived, he almost died of shock. He was paintballing and his tank was loose and the air pressure blasted it at him and he fell to the ground.
- Well besides that I have heard many topics about co2. I think it is an okay idea and would be a little tough to make.
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<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->God Damn it Groove, you stole my kill.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->-OMC

#4 Nero



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Posted 15 February 2006 - 08:29 PM

Im pretty sure BoltSniper did it with the " BASR". But that was a home gun.
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#5 Black Wrath

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Posted 15 February 2006 - 08:31 PM

It's not Nerf if you use CO2, plain and simple.

It's not safe, it's powerful, and it's not basic; which are three things opposite to the norms of Nerf.
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#6 GeneralPrimevil



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Posted 15 February 2006 - 08:54 PM

I've used an air compressor (5hp, 20 gal.) to charge homemades. 100+ psi in 50 seconds though is nice, even though I think it really takes a bit more than a minute. My new homemade uses a bit bigger barrel and holding tank, though, so this is more necessary. Mmmm...1.5" PVC + 5Stefan (2wadding) = rain. I love that formula, only not a formula...
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#7 SG Pilot

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Posted 16 February 2006 - 07:26 AM

It's not Nerf if you use CO2, plain and simple.

It's not safe, it's powerful, and it's not basic; which are three things opposite to the norms of Nerf.

Not true. Its nerf when it shoots nerf darts :) CO2 is just a method for propelling the projectiles.
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QUOTE(VACC @ Oct 9 2009, 04:45 AM) View Post

I know, I HATE toy guns that are made for little kids!

#8 Talio


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Posted 16 February 2006 - 08:07 AM

Bullshit. Boltsniper made a gun that can use it out of a paintball gun. Countless others have modded paintball guns to shoot nerf darts. That doesn't make them nerf guns. As Groove once said, you can't shove a dart down a 12 gauge and call it a nerf gun. Go ahead and use compressed air, C02 or any other constant air system on a nerf gun. I believe in natural selection and don't want to get in it's way, so I'm going to recommend that everyone give it a shot.

Also, what did I tell you guys like 2 weeks ago. Stop with the, "I have a crazy shit idea that I think might work" threads. Show results or don't post. This is the last time I'm going to say this. Next time I'm giving out a month suspension.

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#9 Death


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Posted 16 February 2006 - 04:24 PM


Once upon a time, the Lawn Chair Mafia hosted a war at their usual park. All four of The Horsemen were in attendance, and much fun was to be had.

One amongst the LCM's number had brought a modified paintball gun onto the field of play. At the time, we had no regulation against such a thing, and so nobody was concerned about the CO2 powered monstrosity.

About halfway through the day, I came to a clearing and noticed the wielder of the modded paintball gun dead ahead. I drew my Crossbow to shoulder and squeezed a quick round off in reaction. A fraction of a second afterward, the modded paintball gun loosed its ammunition in my direction.

Now, even though my dart was in the air first, the unbridled power of the CO2 gave my opponent's dart such velocity that it struck me well before mine reached its intended target. It also came at me with such speed that I'd had no time to either dodge the shot or block it with my Manta Ray. The Stefan slammed into my brow, just a centimeter above my left eye.

I was a tad upset-- not with the location of the strike, mind you, but with myself for having been unable to avoid the hit. I let out a bit of an angry growl to exclaim my dissatisfaction. That's when I noticed my opponent looked scared. He turned and ran in the other direction.

"Where the hell are you going?" I yelled after him. "You're hit. I saw my dart fall to your feet!"

That's when Vacc turned to me and said, "Dude, you're bleeding."

The dart from the modded paintball gun had opened up a bit of a cut above my left eye. Had it been a half-an-inch lower, that shot would have done its damage to my left eye, itself, instead of my brow. I found out later that the guy that shot me ran off because he thought my blood incensed growl translated into, "I'm going to kick your ass."

After that, CO2 powered weaponry was disallowed in any wars of note in New Jersey.
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Let a man never stir on his road a step
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#10 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 16 February 2006 - 04:44 PM

The dart from the modded paintball gun had opened up a bit of a cut above my left eye.  Had it been a half-an-inch lower, that shot would have done its damage to my left eye, itself, instead of my brow.

After that, CO2 powered weaponry was disallowed in any wars of note in New Jersey.

Plasti-dip stefans are more forgiving than normal hot glue stefans because the tip has a little bit of give to it. More then hardened hot glue anyways.

Also, why were you not wearing eye protection?

In the games of Assassin here in Mississauga we allow any gun on one condition. You cannot use modified nerf guns, paintballs guns or supersoakers unless you are comfortable with someone shooting that same gun at you.

Edited by Forsaken_angel24, 16 February 2006 - 04:45 PM.

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I don't get my kicks out of you,
I don't feel the way I used to do.
I know its bad,
After what we had,
But I’m just not the angel you knew.

#11 Death


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Posted 16 February 2006 - 05:01 PM

Plasti-dip stefans are more forgiving than normal hot glue stefans because the tip has a little bit of give to it. More then hardened hot glue anyways.

Also, why were you not wearing eye protection?

In the games of Assassin here in Mississauga we allow any gun on one condition. You cannot use modified nerf guns, paintballs guns or supersoakers unless you are comfortable with someone shooting that same gun at you.

Though the sentiment has lessened in recent years, at the time, East Coast Nerfers shunned the idea of mandatory safety precautions.

The rule that we've stuck with since that point in time is that the Nerf guns used in our wars must have Nerf-manufactured air-chambers. This has had the unfortunate side-effect of banning some of the more clever mods and a few really cool Homemades, but it is the easiest method for regulating this situation.
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Let a man never stir on his road a step
without his weapons of war;
for unsure is the knowing when need shall arise
of a spear on the way without.  --Hávamál 38

#12 FromAbove



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Posted 16 February 2006 - 07:09 PM

Im curious, all the talk is of C02 which is what I'm using for my homemade currently, which is based upon a semi-auto marker. I'm bothered because there hasn't been any talk of air regulation. If money is an issue I really don't think anyone should consider such an air-source as to negate the safety aspects. That would be like going rock climbing with dollar store equipment. Rock regulators came out with a reg. for the 12 gram cartridge and there I bet are other alternatives out there so saying it's too dangerous is presumptious and not bringing the PSI down to a safe place is just fucking retarded.

I agree with Foresaken, if you can't take the shot from your own gun then it's unpractical and makes you look like a dick. But what about the Titan and Sm5000 being baned from wars because people get hurt and there are those acually using unregulated C02, thats totally unfair and stupid.

In another thread the pressure was brought up of C02 my Boltsniper, which depending on temp can be up to 850-900 PSI. 100 PSI can perforate skin and cause your heart to stop via air-bubble, you learn that first day in highschool shop class not to blow air at yourself.

Sure, some nerf guns use compressed air but with the depvopments by Artemis arms and Piney with larger calibre darts, some talk was even about fitting darts into a paintball barrel. First thing I bought after thinking of making my homemade was a regulator because not only would I be an asshole to shoot rounds out at 850 PSI but I doubt the foam would survive.

Therefore if people have the money to spend to make a marker safe then that's great, but would you want to be the kid who tore out your friends eye? I dont think so, and there should be no talk of paintball guns used without first researching ways to make it safe. For everyday use buy a damn bicycle pump and mod nerf blasters, it's cheaper and actually usable.
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Connor: Oh, is that right, Rambo?
Murphy: All right, get your stupid fucking rope.

Do you mean with an integration or what? Because size doesn't have anything to do with performance...-NerfMonkey

#13 Talio


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Posted 16 February 2006 - 08:11 PM

Threads like this should be made to suffer. Here's how it goes:

Some guy comes on with crazy shit dangerous idea.

Seasoned Nerfer who has actually played speaks up saying it's a bad idea and doesn't really fit with our view of Nerf.

Even more seasoned Nerfer with experiences of why such a thing is a bad idea speaks up, re-iterating why it's a bad idea and is ignored.

Dumb fucks continue, lying comences and in the end nothing happens but a couple of teenagers have something to think about while they're fingering themselves in their Mom's bathroom.

Crude? Sure, but it's threads like this that come up over and over and over again and make guys who actually enjoy the game not want to click on the new threads because they know the dumb fucks will continue on and on all the while playing with themselves like it's a porn links site. Well sorry boys, I've been there and I have the balls to call you all assholes. Continue talking about this subject and watch your respect in the community get sucked away.

Lots of luck,

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#14 CrooKeD



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Posted 17 February 2006 - 12:40 AM

I was just seeing if my idea was plausible. I would of attempted but with such mixed ideas, views and impressions I think I won't. Also asking others for opinions or ideas is what forums are about. Its a discussion, but have it anyway you wish. I will stick to the "normal" stage of modding. If I ever have any other ideas I'll keep them to myself unless it kicks serious ass, I try it, it works and kicks even more ass.
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#15 Black Wrath

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Posted 17 February 2006 - 07:35 AM

I was just seeing if my idea was plausible. I would of attempted but with such mixed ideas, views and impressions I think I won't. Also asking others for opinions or ideas is what forums are about. Its a discussion, but have it anyway you wish. I will stick to the "normal" stage of modding. If I ever have any other ideas I'll keep them to myself unless it kicks serious ass, I try it, it works and kicks even more ass.

That's the spirit!

We're all sick and tired of "I have a crazy idea but no plans, pictures, or progress" threads; especially those that ask for input on the idea. If you have nothing to judge or discuss i.e. plans, pictures, or actual progress, then an idea is just an idea and is not worth debating.

Contribute first, ask for judgement later.
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#16 Talio


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Posted 22 February 2006 - 12:20 PM

Exactly, it's great to talk about what your working on, but in this community there is an over abundance of threads like this that don't do anything but clog up the front page. Being as this is a particularly dangerous idea, it's probably best that NO ONE tries it.

With that said, understand that pretty much what you did was come up with a concept and asked if it would work rather then doing your own research and experiments to figure it out. As a general rule of thumb is if your not smart enough to find the answer to your questions, your not smart enough to finish the project. If you want to know if compressed air will work with an RF20, look it up and figure it out. If you searched the site and no one else knows, well then they probably don't know. Thing is, you didn't ask specific questions, you asked if it would work. No one is going to do that work for you. Do some work, develop some direct questions, then ask. Don't just throw out a concept without any work behind it. If I had a thread for everytime I came up with some crazy shit idea for a nerf gun or mod, we'd run out of room on our server.

So pretty much the above post is right, but even some development would be better then nothing.

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#17 VACC


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Posted 27 February 2006 - 11:22 AM

oooooohh, so angry. Someone needs a belly rub. It's ok kids, Talio is completely safe, those are 3/4 inch steel bars of potential lawsuit, and he's generally kept thouroughly hammered for reasons of sedation.

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