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Guns that leave welts.

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#1 Lopius



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Posted 14 December 2005 - 10:20 PM

Let's hear about you guns that leave welts. What kind and what mods, if any?
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#2 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 15 December 2005 - 12:15 AM

Supersoaker modded to shoot stefans. I hit my buddy from 100+ feet on bareskin on the side of his knee. Left a welt the size of a tennis ball. The welt reduced in size by like 80% the next day. I'll never forget the way he danced.
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#3 Lukeinator



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Posted 15 December 2005 - 11:12 AM

I was pegged by Illadar's LBB from 5ish feet away, I still have a small red dot from it. Keep in mind that was in July.
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#4 LastManAlive



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Posted 15 December 2005 - 04:36 PM

Drew blood with CPVCed AT2K on my friends knee cap 20ish feet away.
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#5 LordoftheRing434



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Posted 15 December 2005 - 06:05 PM

1/2" PVC modded SM5k. 12" barrel with a stefan. Shot from about 3 feet at a moving target, drawing profuse bleeding above a friend's eye. It left a welt for a few weeks, and he now has a scar. My best guess is that something sharp got stuck to it.

The scary thing was that we weren't wearing any eye proctection. He was only 1/2" from going blind in his left eye. We changed action in 2 ways: the 5k was retired as a killing machine (it later nailed a squirrel and scared it to death), and we wore sunglasses from that day on.

If you have to play around with a firearm, take necessary precautions. And don't fire 120'+ guns at point blank. That makes you either a pussy or a huge jackass.

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#6 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 15 December 2005 - 08:16 PM

For those of you that recall Evil Angel's Daemon, I got nailed by it in the forearm from 15 feet away. A welt immediately bubbled up, and I had a visible mark for over a week and a half.
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#7 NerfMonkey



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Posted 15 December 2005 - 08:50 PM

I really wouldn't recommend using sunglasses as eye protection if you're using any powerful guns, unless they're some incredibly tough ones - I've shattered a pair from about 10' with a 1/2" PVCed singled AT2k with a mega Stefan.

That same gun left a bump on Sqiggs's little finger that was about 1/2 cm high and like, about as wide. That was from about 15' or 20' with a mega Stefan outdoors.

I've had my brother test my guns on me. He shot me with my BBB at about 15' with a micro Stefan when the gun was new; I had a welt for two days on the back.

My friend shot me with a micro Stefan (a bad one, made with a single copper BB) from his badly modded Titan with just an 18", 1/2" copper barrel from about...six inches. Left a welt the shape of a Stefan between my ribs for weeks. That gun only shot 70' too.

I've been shot on the eyelid once, from my NF with a micro Stefan. Another was just below my right eye from Sqiggs hitting me with his NF at about 20'.

I got shot with my BBB with a micro Stefan from literally 5-10' in the arm and it left a small bruise there for about a week, maybe ten days. After that, my friend didn't want to Nerf.
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#8 LastManAlive



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Posted 15 December 2005 - 09:00 PM

1/2" PVC modded SM5k. 12" barrel with a stefan. Shot from about 3 feet at a moving target, drawing profuse bleeding above a friend's eye. It left a welt for a few weeks, and he now has a scar. My best guess is that something sharp got stuck to it.

The scary thing was that we weren't wearing any eye proctection. He was only 1/2" from going blind in his left eye. We changed action in 2 ways: the 5k was retired as a killing machine (it later nailed a squirrel and scared it to death), and we wore sunglasses from that day on.

If you have to play around with a firearm, take necessary precautions. And don't fire 120'+ guns at point blank. That makes you either a pussy or a huge jackass.


Ok, he isn't a retard, and I'm no jackass....he startled me from a close range! -_-

And we have also experimented with live animals.

We were going from my grandfathers camp this last month from deer hunting, and then we had to take a pit-stop and drain the main-veins. We heard a squeely kind of bellow from around back and we took a peek to see what was around the building. Then, there were 3 black bears no more than 400 pounds if anything digging through the dumpster. It was just me and my cousin and we so happened to have some PB guns on us and loaded one up. We shot one in the butt from the truck. It looked at the paint, licked itself, and then scratched its butt. I decided to get an At2K I brought to repair a mod while we were resting and all, and shot it at one bear from a good distance away. Surprisingly it felt it a lot better than the paintball gun. It turned around, screaming almost, and mutilized the stefan. It starting stalking towards us and we started booking with the PB gun blazing. I just have to say, that you should never experiment with animals unless you have a sure fire way to maintain them a.k.a tranquilizer darts or ever sadly, death. Our lives might have been jepordized right then and there, and that was because of stupidity. There is no more stupidity in Nerf for us.

Edited by LastManAlive, 15 December 2005 - 09:02 PM.

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#9 TED


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Posted 15 December 2005 - 09:17 PM

Ok, he isn't a retard, and I'm no jackass

Our lives might have been jepordized right then and there, and that was because of stupidity.

Interesting, you may not be a jackass, but you may be a dumbass.
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#10 Crappy Nerfer

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Posted 15 December 2005 - 09:30 PM

I have four (4) Welts on my Left Arm. I shot myself pointblank, with my Singled 1/2" CPVC AT2K with Goo Gauge removed at four (4) pumps and 1/2" asshole darts weighted with a 3/0 Splitshot Fishing Weight. Keep in mind these shots were taken almost four (4) weeks ago! I did this to prove to my brother that Nerf does hurt. And believe me that freakin' hurt!
"If one notices a patch of gangrene in a wound on the back of one's hand, one does not simply hope that it gets better over time.

One cuts that shit off at the wrist and learns to masturbate lefty."

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#11 Uncle Hammer

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Posted 15 December 2005 - 10:08 PM

LMA you are the biggest fucking retard I've ever seen. You shot at a black bear with a PB gun? That's thwe dumbest thing I've ever heard. Your lucky it didn't deicde to maul you to death.
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#12 Enigma1313



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Posted 15 December 2005 - 10:13 PM

Ditto. Howfrickin stupid can you get? thats like sticking your head in the jaws of a lion while wearing a steak helmet...u just dont do it
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#13 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 15 December 2005 - 10:47 PM

thats like sticking your head in the jaws of a lion while wearing a steak helmet...u just dont do it

That is one of the funniest things I have ever heard.

shooting at a bear within 150 feet! That is pretty stupid man. Like holding a triple chocolate donut at a Weight Watchers convention. Baaaazinng!
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I don't get my kicks out of you,
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#14 Meaker VI

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Posted 15 December 2005 - 11:08 PM

Actually, shooting a black bear only bothers me thus: I'm not entirely sure that shooting black bears is leagal unless they are trying to kill you. And them trying to kill you after you've shot them doesn't count.

We had bears at our camp once (don't tell the kids) and we were handed flyers that said what to do if we encountered one. Seriously it said something like you are supposed to fist fight the bear, assuming it won't back down.

But didn't you say more than one bear? I'm not sure I could win a fight with more than one bear.... :P
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#15 LastManAlive



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Posted 16 December 2005 - 08:15 AM

Well, if you want the goods on this, there WERE 3 bears. they were eating out of a dumpster and one happened to walk off a little. We were taking pop shots at it with a Blaze 02 paintball gun. I think I did also mention that it started moving towards us after I shot it with the 2K right? But I was within 75 feet of it that time. I was acting like a pussy and stepped in shot and run like hell with out even reloading. So no actual harm to the harms came to them or us. But I warn you, even shooting a rabbit or squirl and inraging them, they can move a LOT faster than you. Squirls have happened to turn violent on me once. I quess wildlife just doesn't like me. It explains that lung shot I got bow seaon and the deer walked at least 450 yards. I was pissed, but for a 7-point, happy.

Kids, stay away from the wild.
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#16 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 16 December 2005 - 10:50 AM

LastManAlive, you are a moron. That is all.
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#17 Nerferc



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Posted 16 December 2005 - 06:06 PM

He's also mean to animals. I don't want to sound like a tree hugging liberal, but why would you shoot at an animal that isn't even bothering you? That's just cruel and it doesn't really show off your great personality. :P
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#18 Spaztic 75

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Posted 16 December 2005 - 09:54 PM

All animal cruelty and foolishness aside, I have had some killer welts in my day. There was a splitfire from 50' that split the knuckle open, the modded super soaker in the small of my back from less then a foot away, and the always classic: Dumb friend who will fall for the "Look at that!" routine while you hit him at point blank with a TTP, then fall for it again, and again, and again.
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#19 Meaker VI

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Posted 16 December 2005 - 10:00 PM

Kids, stay away from the wild.

Couldn't agree with you more.

But as for welts, I haven't played nerf with a crowd for very long (actually only during the summer and when I decide to hunt people in my dorm) and we don't get welts from near stock guns. But airsofting has left some marks. Not nearly as bad as anything you guys seem to get though, usually just little pock marks.
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#20 LastManAlive



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Posted 17 December 2005 - 12:36 PM

He's also mean to animals.  I don't want to sound like a tree hugging liberal, but why would you shoot at an animal that isn't even bothering you?  That's just cruel and it doesn't really show off your great personality. <_<

My clan leader, Sinfil, has a great training exorcise for all newbies that I think you disagree with. Get a high powered air gun, sit in the woods perfectly still, and shoot all living things that pass by.

I also airsoft and one of our friends got a 8mm BB stuck in his skin on his belly. It was really sickining. We don't use 8mm guns anymore.

Edited by LastManAlive, 17 December 2005 - 12:37 PM.

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#21 Sinfil



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Posted 17 December 2005 - 12:45 PM

My clan leader, Sinfil, has a great training exorcise for all newbies that I think you disagree with. Get a high powered air gun, sit in the woods perfectly still, and shoot all living things that pass by.


I exploded a frog once.

Why do I do it? It gives you excellent training on hitting a moving, small target. And besides, you hardly ever kill anything... <_<

Anyway, back on topic:

The Situation: Its me verse on other person. All of our teammates are dead. He has a loser position in a 2-story fort with a Clip-modded Sneakshot. I have my pump-action AT2K.

I duck behind trees, trying to get a good angle on him. He sees me doing this, and in response draws back, leaving only his hands and gun visible.

I'm about 45' feet away, drop to my knee, take aim, and fire. The dart goes erfectly straigh and hits his middle finger. It left a large bony welt there for about a week. ;)


Edited by Sinfil, 17 December 2005 - 12:53 PM.

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#22 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 17 December 2005 - 01:20 PM

If the topic of shooting animals goes on any further, I will send all of your emails to PETA with a general description of what you do. I'm not an animal nut, but shooting animals with nerf guns or paintball guns for fun is not something that NerfHaven condones.
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#23 drumsrock92



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Posted 17 December 2005 - 08:56 PM

Getting back to welts I once got shot with a NF that was modded to shoot airisoft bb's from about 25' away right in the cheek that started to bleed and made a welt.
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#24 AirApache



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Posted 18 December 2005 - 06:04 PM

My clan leader, Sinfil, has a great training exorcise for all newbies

Man you have one tough clan if all your newbs are exorcised after they get in.
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#25 LastManAlive



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Posted 18 December 2005 - 08:34 PM

It was said in a random discussion from a newer member to the clan forums. It wasn't meant to be. Aside from that, I remember hitting someone in the arse (last war with you Eli; and it was Ian) from about 80 feet away with a nano dart. I had a 6 inch clearance to his hands and a 12 inch clearance to his butt. I took the 12 inch clearance.

Not too much of a welt from my view (since I didn't view it) but it hurt enough for him to drop his PC clip (hehe).

This has nothing to do with welts, but it is just strange, and I can never figure it out. Sinfil can never get hit by a sniped shot. If you take a gun that you eat shit with, and shoot him in an open field, hes dead as long as you aimed well. If you are sneaking up on him and get 50 feet away and place a good shot on him, the dart will go AROUND him. I jsut don't get it! It is like some kind of a losing energy force-field that ingages when you are trying to eat shit at him. I am sure you remember my LBB that I traded Evan right Eli? Well, I shot at you when we where at base camp, and I missed. The dart veered off to the right of you. I shot it when we left your woods and it landed about 10 feet away from Evan. Some kind of superbeing power, I know it!

And one last one. I get my first AT2K from Dan Wasky. I show my friend and he asks to shoot it. He loads it up and fires and remarks about the decent range. He says "wonder how much it hurts" and puts it down. I pick it up, load it, aim away from him, and while hes not looking, pop him 4 inches above the "danger zone". He went to the beach the next day and played out in the sun and said that he tanned over the welt. When the welt went away, there was a nontan spot there.

This is why we say Nerf is great!
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