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Nerf Range Catagories

gun ranges

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#1 headwound



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Posted 08 December 2005 - 03:33 AM

Hello all;
My friends and I have just within the last 6-8 months gotten into the nerf war hobby. Right now its only about a half dozen of us, but would like to grow and maybe even come out to some major wars someday. One of the things I have been wondering, and hopefully you more experienced players could help me ou, what are the competetive ranges for the different types of weapons. ie. what is a good range on a multi-shot gun like a firefly or something? a single shot pistol? a single shot rifle like a crossbow? Basicly what should I be shooting for to be on par with other nerfers out ther?
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#2 NinjZ



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Posted 08 December 2005 - 10:00 AM

Just use search using the different blasters names. Read the threads that come up and check the ranges on them all.

Most blasters good enough for outdoor use all get the same range +/- 10'. Crossbow, AT2k(single and multi), MS, LBB, SS2, single barrel AT3k and 4ks, SM1500, SM5000, SF all get the 80'-100' range easily depending on your mod quality and your dart-to-barrel fit. The NF, TTG,and LnL are the best pistols for outdoor use getting ranges from 50'-70' also depending on the same variables as above. I also havent mentioned every single blaster but thats enough to get you started. Blasters like the FF and DTG dont get that much range.
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#3 headwound



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Posted 08 December 2005 - 11:42 AM

so, it looks like i would need a minimum of around 80' for a primary to be comperable to other players. that about right? then 50'-70' for a sidearm?
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#4 Drano



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Posted 08 December 2005 - 11:57 AM

Well you still need to be a good player.

Having a certian blaster dosent compensate for accuracy.

Or playing style, much less
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#5 headwound



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Posted 08 December 2005 - 05:30 PM

No denying that, but gun performance does make a difference, I just didn't want to be compleatly outgunned. My recent project has been the firefly and while it is a fairly sucky gun I absolutly love the feel of using it, so I've been trying to get it at least competetive by current standards. I have other guns, but thats been my focus lately. so far with after taking out the air restricters, replacing the stock O-rings and stretching the spring, I've gotten it up to about 50'. If I do some more work on it I MAY be able to get it up to around 70' or so. While for that gun it is a marked improvement, is that a decent range for an assault type primary? assuming of course that I dont simply suck on the field, wich of course is always a possibility. :)
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#6 NerfMonkey



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Posted 08 December 2005 - 05:36 PM

Well, you can't just group guns into categories like "assault" and such, because not all guns of the category perform similarly. It doesn't matter what others are getting with their guns, if you do a mod and you're happy with the ranges, keep it. I don't even measure the ranges on my mods, I just judge them: sucky, okay and good. For an FF 50' is as high as you're going to get; they just suck balls.
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SexD Warves

#7 DTReaper



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Posted 08 December 2005 - 06:20 PM

Well I view assult type wepons as guns with higher rates of fire like At3ks, 4ks, 2ks (somewhat), RF 20s, fireflys and PCs.
Long range weapon is basicly a weapon that can reach about 100 feet like singled At 2Ks,3ks, and 4k (I think), LBB, and Xbows.
sidearms are handheld weapons mostly that can reach about 40-70 feetish like mav (which doubles as an indoor assult), NF, LNL, and other such.
Hold outs are guns that are like a last ditch effort goes under like 20 feet like SSPB, Hidden shot and some others.

There may be others I forgot but that's basicly it for me.

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Posted 08 December 2005 - 06:41 PM

In most circumstances you are going to find yourself in a close range battle with your opponent. That is one aspect of Nerf that seperates it from other sports like paintball and airsoft. You don't have a very fast rof so you need to get in close to make you shot count. Besides, nerf guns are not very accurate, especially from a long distance.

To answer you question, NFs are good, cheap, reliable, and pretty good ranged little guns. Splitfires, if you can find one (or two), are amazing, two shots and about 100 feet. Just remember you don't need to go out and buy a crossbow to be good at nerf.

PS: If you guys allow homemades in your wars they get great range if you make them properly. I hope to get one up soon.

Edited by WEASEL, 08 December 2005 - 06:45 PM.

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#9 headwound



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Posted 09 December 2005 - 11:11 AM

classifying it as "assault" refers to the situations it is used in, or how it functions rather than its performance. refer to this article as an example. sorry I thought the use of gun classifications was more widespread.

ive seen quite a few of thes types of discussions around.

Edited by headwound, 09 December 2005 - 11:15 AM.

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