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Open Nerf

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#1 opiumpanda



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Posted 06 November 2005 - 03:13 PM

Hello fellow nerfers, designers and anyone else who may be viewing this forum. I'd like to announce that my nerf forum is officially open and ready to run. Open Nerf is what it is called and can be reached via http://steven.tactic...sion.com/forums or the shortened version, http://opennerf.2ya.com .
Sorry to advertise here. Open Nerf is slightyly more designer oriented that NH and will hopefully be a self sustaining communtiy (with your support) by 2006. Currently I am the only mod/admin so I will be needing some in due time. If you choose to join please use a unique username or the one you use here. Don't impersonate people like ompa or cxwq. Thanks for your time.

EDIT: I may buy a domain name around 2006 pending on the amount of traffic that I get.

Edited by opiumpanda, 06 November 2005 - 03:14 PM.

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"i read that nerfs coming out with a 500 watt lazer light that can burn through walls."
Hell you're lucky if you don't get fucked with a spiked bat

#2 man with many guns

man with many guns


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Posted 06 November 2005 - 04:12 PM

Hey I joined and I am pending membership, and would like to apply for a mod.
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Call me guns.
Mjdfuzzy: meh most people areound here are like "suk my balls michigan" and i'm like "you don't have balls you loser"
[12:43] mjdfuzzy: your mom's an ugly slut
[12:43] mjdfuzzy: ...and i love it

#3 The Infinite Shindig

The Infinite Shindig


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Posted 06 November 2005 - 04:46 PM

My thoughts:

1. You may want to reconsider the name. The name Open Nerf has been used at least two times previous for projects. Search this forum and you will see what I mean. Not that I am saying you can't use it, but I would make sure those projects are no longer running before you go any further. For the record, the name Project Nerf is taken.

2. Give credit where it is due. You know that you pulled the name Code of Conduct from here. I know you basically re-wrote your own version, but the themes and the name are the same. I've listed a good example of giving credit for you in quotes. "Thanks to Cxwq from NerfHaven for this Code's inspiration."

3. Not to give your forum the kiss of death, but in light of more recent events, please do not approve any variations of my username unless you receive a PM from me asking you to do so.

4. Clarify your site's purpose more. Perhaps create some form of a homepage that will support your forum? I feel that a site with a homepage and forum is much more inviting than a site that just has a forum for a homepage.

5. Good luck!
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Shindig of the Lawn Chair Mafia

<a href="http://www.albinobla.../flash/posting" target="_blank">Posting and You</a>

#4 NinjZ



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Posted 06 November 2005 - 05:15 PM

I dont see why people keep making NERF forums. Between HQ and here, we dont need more. You're only going to get newbs and people that dont know what theyre talking about ( for the most part ). All other sites have failed, yours will most likely not be any different.

( please do not add any asshole, asshat, or dickheaded tones of speach to my post as it was not intended to be read as such. )
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#5 opiumpanda



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Posted 06 November 2005 - 05:35 PM

My thoughts:

1.  You may want to reconsider the name.  The name Open Nerf has been used at least two times previous for projects.  Search this forum and you will see what I mean.  Not that I am saying you can't use it, but I would make sure those projects are no longer running before you go any further.  For the record, the name Project Nerf is taken.

2.  Give credit where it is due.  You know that you pulled the name Code of Conduct from here.  I know you basically re-wrote your own version, but the themes and the name are the same.  I've listed a good example of giving credit for you in quotes.  "Thanks to Cxwq from NerfHaven for this Code's inspiration."

3.  Not to give your forum the kiss of death, but in light of more recent events, please do not approve any variations of my username unless you receive a PM from me asking you to do so.

4.  Clarify your site's purpose more.  Perhaps create some form of a homepage that will support your forum?  I feel that a site with a homepage and forum is much more inviting than a site that just has a forum for a homepage.

5.  Good luck!

Thanks for the tips. Although I've only glanced at the CoC from NH I think that most forum rules are very similar. I will credit cxwq for the inspiration thing though.

To man with many guns: I'm not looking for mods just yet. I'll wait until I get a few more members.

EDIT: ==I have approved all users who hove signed up. You can start posing now if you like.==

Edited by opiumpanda, 06 November 2005 - 10:17 PM.

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"i read that nerfs coming out with a 500 watt lazer light that can burn through walls."
Hell you're lucky if you don't get fucked with a spiked bat

#6 Jakethesnake



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Posted 15 November 2005 - 02:17 AM

How come the site is down? Don't tell me it committed suicide already.
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#7 opiumpanda



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Posted 15 November 2005 - 07:20 PM

How come the site is down? Don't tell me it committed suicide already.

I'm not always 100% in control of the boards. There is a chance that they may be taken down without any warning. I plan on getting a web host and a good domain name by 2006.

NOTE: This is a trial program. I hope to get quite a few users by the time I get a domain name and I will backup everything that is on it, including users.

Heh heh, man_with_many_guns failed at my forum. He just up and quit so I deleted him. If he can't follow the rule about making each post like an essay than obviously he does not deserve to be there and probably doesn't want to be there either.

Edited by opiumpanda, 15 November 2005 - 07:20 PM.

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"i read that nerfs coming out with a 500 watt lazer light that can burn through walls."
Hell you're lucky if you don't get fucked with a spiked bat

#8 man with many guns

man with many guns


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Posted 15 November 2005 - 07:27 PM

Sorry if I was sort of mean when I quit, it's just I din't really like the rules. No hard feelings, right?
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Call me guns.
Mjdfuzzy: meh most people areound here are like "suk my balls michigan" and i'm like "you don't have balls you loser"
[12:43] mjdfuzzy: your mom's an ugly slut
[12:43] mjdfuzzy: ...and i love it

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