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Help With Fixing My Razorbeast?

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#1 charachu



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Posted 10 October 2005 - 04:03 PM

Yes, I'm a n00b. Yes I've seen how you all hate the Razorbeast...
In any case, I was taking mine apart today...and I opened it from the top. A small spring with an orange..locker..thingy...popped out. And I have no idea where it goes...any one willing to open theirs up and take some pics or just tell me where the thing goes? :( Yah. I know. I'm lame <_<

Thanks in advance!

Ah...stupid me.
I fixed it...but now...why do people hate modding the Razorbeast?
Just unmoddable?
I saw the one on Frost Vectron's site..<_< so..y'know, don't bother linking to that one. Again, thanks in advance!

Edited by charachu, 10 October 2005 - 04:21 PM.

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#2 NinjZ



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Posted 10 October 2005 - 04:46 PM

Because most people want somthing they can actually war with. The RazorBeast is too big and cumbersome, the chain jams, and it doesnt get enough range. It's not that its un-moddable or we hate it, it just doesnt suit our needs.
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#3 Starbuck



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Posted 10 October 2005 - 04:56 PM

Look at some of my mods for the RzB. I've worked hard on trying to get that thing up to par with modern guns...
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Starbuck, The Noid,
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#4 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 10 October 2005 - 05:02 PM

A few things:

1. Charachu, "..." does not count as punctuation and usually isn't used in great quantities on this forum. I would suggest you cut back on that. Smilies shouldn't be used in large volumes either.

2. The razorbeast is not practical in most Nerf wars. By most Nerf wars, I mean outdoor Nerf wars. This is because most situations call for guns with longer range and a moderate rate of fire. Situations may arise where a fully automatic is needed, but in a vast majority of cases an at2k will suit one much better.

The value of fully automatic guns greatly increase indoors, since they can reliably provide a high rate of fire at the proper range. However with the advent of the Powerclip and RF20, the days of the Razorbeast have been invalidated. Both the RF20 and Pwerclip have much faster rates of fire, and are a lot easier to find than a razorbeast.

3. Ninjz, I applaud you on giving the correct answer, but I am still puzzled. When was your last Nerf war? Come on man, there are Nerfers who Nerf SEVERAL times a year less than 80 minutes from you. Plus you can drive now, what's the excuse? You gain much more credibility in my eyes after I know you have Nerfed. This can be done either by posting pictures of you Nerfing, or you actually showing up to an NJ war. Christ man you're a great modder, why don't you show off the fruits of your labor and Nerf with us?
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#5 Starbuck



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Posted 10 October 2005 - 06:08 PM

However with the advent of the Powerclip and RF20, the days of the Razorbeast have been invalidated. Both the RF20 and Pwerclip have much faster rates of fire, and are a lot easier to find than a razorbeast.

The ROF for a PC or RF20 is staggering, however, the priming time on one of those is rediculous, especially the RF20. The PC can be used with multiple clips, but still 12 or so pumps are required. With a modded RzB (utilizing a chain with CPVC inserts), there is no priming time. Just load on your belt o' ammo and keep rolling. I've made modifications to the RzB that virtually eliminates all jamming problems.

As far as the East Tennessee outdoor war goes, the RzB is adequate for base defence. I'm hitting over 60' feet with mine (mirco modded and using Stephans). It's also great to ambush several people with. The ROF is pretty good. I can unload a belt of 40 rounds in under 10 seconds.

In my opinion, I really like the RzB.
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Starbuck, The Noid,
Artemis Arms Armory

#6 charachu



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Posted 10 October 2005 - 07:12 PM

Wow. Ok, thanks for the quick responses! And I'm sorry about the "..." thing, it's more a long pause kind of space between talking. Like when you're thinking of the right word. But I'll take a look at your mods, Starbuck. Thanks :(

Also, I'm not really quite looking for Nerf warring just yet, I just want to make my Razorbeast work better.

Edited by charachu, 10 October 2005 - 07:13 PM.

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#7 NinjZ



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Posted 10 October 2005 - 07:26 PM

3.  Ninjz, I applaud you on giving the correct answer, but I am still puzzled.  When was your last Nerf war?  Come on man, there are Nerfers who Nerf SEVERAL times a year less than 80 minutes from you.  Plus you can drive now, what's the excuse?  You gain much more credibility in my eyes after I know you have Nerfed.  This can be done either by posting pictures of you Nerfing, or you actually showing up to an NJ war.  Christ man you're a great modder, why don't you show off the fruits of your labor and Nerf with us?

You only NERF several times a year? Me and friends would NERF almost every weekend since 10th grade, granted they werent large organised wars ( 4v4 ). I have been to DCNO2, Talio, THIRST, Groove, and Cranky can vouch(sp?) for me on that one. The price of gas and tolls were a turn off though for me to want to drive down again, not to mention we got lost for about in hour in retardulous city traffic. I've been meaning to catch rides with Talio to the NJ wars, but somthing would always come up where I couldnt make it, or Talio couldnt make it. I dont NERF as much as I used to since the past few months me and some friends started getting serious with airsoft ( went to my first big war in VA last month ) and other friends lost interest or had other things taking more priority. Don't worry, you'll feel the wrath of my dual SFs one of these days.

Edited by NinjZ, 10 October 2005 - 07:39 PM.

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#8 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 10 October 2005 - 08:51 PM

You only NERF several times a year?

So you're questioning my Nerf expereinces? You try majoring in engineering and keeping a major Nerf schedule, then we'll talk. I am way down in Bumblefuck, VA for most of the year. I am far away from my clan (most of whom attend college and are equally busy). By the way, I can't easily attend VA wars because they are 4 hours away and I don't have a car.

I've been Nerfing since 2000. The LCM was formed then, and we nerfed together as a clan (and with other NJ people) 25+ times a year for those 4 years (2000, 20001, 2002, 20003). There was a streak where we Nerfed 7 times in one month. In 2004, we began to slow down because we all had jobs, but managed to Nerf a good 15 times that year (at least). The smallest nerf war I have ever been to has been a 4v4.

Want some more? I've organized 7 major nerf wars. That would be 4 Apocs and 3 Reckonings. The smallest of these wars consisted of ten people, and the largest was almost 30 people. Heck, I preserved the future of these wars by sending a rebuttal letter to the local parks service after they tried to kick us out, which convinced them to allow us to Nerf at the park in the future.

Here are some other notables. The LCM has Nerfed on every major Holiday, with the exception of Thanksgiving. That means I've Nerfed on Christmas, New Years, and Easter (in addition to all the lesser Holidays). We had a Nerf war in my basement during New Year's Eve. I can account for at least 5 snow wars, one of which was on Christmas Day.

I've been in enough Nerf wars to know the shit I'm talking about man. What bothers me is that you've been in the community a long time and live in my state (which is small), yet I've never seen you at any war. Nor have you really showed interest until most of us starting nagging you about it. Frankly, I'm a wee bit insulted.

Oh, and by the way, if you have any other complaints or grievances with my qualifications to be on staff at this site, please send an email to cxwq@nerfhaven.com and have me fired. I'd love to get some free time back.

You bring your dual SFs, I'll have my crossbow and running shoes waiting.
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Shindig of the Lawn Chair Mafia

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#9 NinjZ



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Posted 10 October 2005 - 09:23 PM

You only NERF several times a year?

So you're questioning my Nerf expereinces? You try majoring in engineering and keeping a major Nerf schedule, then we'll talk. I am way down in Bumblefuck, VA for most of the year. I am far away from my clan (most of whom attend college and are equally busy). By the way, I can't easily attend VA wars because they are 4 hours away and I don't have a car.

I've been Nerfing since 2000. The LCM was formed then, and we nerfed together as a clan (and with other NJ people) 25+ times a year for those 4 years (2000, 20001, 2002, 20003). There was a streak where we Nerfed 7 times in one month. In 2004, we began to slow down because we all had jobs, but managed to Nerf a good 15 times that year (at least). The smallest nerf war I have ever been to has been a 4v4.

Want some more? I've organized 7 major nerf wars. That would be 4 Apocs and 3 Reckonings. The smallest of these wars consisted of ten people, and the largest was almost 30 people. Heck, I preserved the future of these wars by sending a rebuttal letter to the local parks service after they tried to kick us out, which convinced them to allow us to Nerf at the park in the future.

Here are some other notables. The LCM has Nerfed on every major Holiday, with the exception of Thanksgiving. That means I've Nerfed on Christmas, New Years, and Easter (in addition to all the lesser Holidays). We had a Nerf war in my basement during New Year's Eve. I can account for at least 5 snow wars, one of which was on Christmas Day.

I've been in enough Nerf wars to know the shit I'm talking about man. What bothers me is that you've been in the community a long time and live in my state (which is small), yet I've never seen you at any war. Nor have you really showed interest until most of us starting nagging you about it. Frankly, I'm a wee bit insulted.

Oh, and by the way, if you have any other complaints or grievances with my qualifications to be on staff at this site, please send an email to cxwq@nerfhaven.com and have me fired. I'd love to get some free time back.

You bring your dual SFs, I'll have my crossbow and running shoes waiting.

Wow. You totaly flipped out and took insult to somthing that was far from insult. I have no problems or greivences...I was just saying I do NERF and NERF ( well did ) regularly. I was in no way mocking you dude, relax. You also dont realise, I've only been part of the NIC for only about a year and a half, so I never knew about these big organised wars untill recently. The comment about my SFs was in jest. I'm not going to continue since you obviously took my post the wrong way and their was aboslutely no ill-will towards you.

Edit: Also would like to add, it was Talio offering me rides that got me interested into joining the NJ wars.

Edited by NinjZ, 10 October 2005 - 09:26 PM.

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#10 Talio


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Posted 10 October 2005 - 10:58 PM

Hey guys, I'm going to step in here. Let's just cool it. Neither of you meant things personally, but they were taken that way. Best thing to do is just take a time out and calm yourselves down.

For everyone else, I don't want to see anyone putting fuel on the fire. These are two highly respected members of the community and shouldn't be arguing like this. Lets just put it in the past and move on.

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#11 Illadar



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Posted 10 October 2005 - 11:11 PM

Hey NinjZ I was wondering why you choose to capitilize the word Nerf (eg NERF , Nerf).
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#12 NinjZ



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Posted 10 October 2005 - 11:17 PM

Because thats how it was always spelled in the little bookelts you got with old Hasbro toys. It's always put as NERF with the TM thing.
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