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New Version Bbb Mod

Good results

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#1 CustomSnake202



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Posted 08 October 2005 - 11:37 AM

I just recently received my Big Bad Bow from amazon.com and am very pleased. I have heard many different sides to the BBB, either being very good in range or very poor (Ompa's BBB's being the prime source of that information). This being my first BBB, I was very hopeful that it would give me some decent ranges in exchange for a nice price tag of $20 + shipping. So I am telling you right now, I did not get extraordinary ranges, but I did not get very poor ones either. I am very pleased with the BBB after a simple barrel mod has been done. And this is what I did:

First, take that nice piece of plastic out of the box and take in her beauty. Next, remove the ten screws at the front of the gun to access the barrel assembly. This is what the front end of the gun will look like without it's shell:
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If you are not an idiot like I am, you won't hesitate saving the two orange nubby poles with their springs on the side of the gun. This is what actually keeps the gun cocked, something I did not know and almost threw away vital pieces.

Next, remove the barrel at the front, simply by pulling it apart from the rest of the plunger. Inside, you find these goodies:
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That pesky air restrictor lies inside the barrel of the gun to greatly decrease range. Take the pole, spring, and circular restrictor out and throw them away. **Note that I do not have the small piece of the air restrictor that was at the very tip of the barrel. Before I even opened the gun, I sawed off about an inch off the barrel, hoping that I would not need to open the gun. If you choose to open the gun and get all of the air restricting material out, you will still need to either dremel or cut off the very tip of the barrel. There are four grooves at the tip that will not allow another barrel to fit inside.

After all the air restricting material has been removed and the tip of the barrel has been cut, you now have many differet options. You can wrap tape around 9/16 brass and wedge it down the barrel, add a 1/2 inch pvc coupler to accept a plethora of different barrels, add a crayola, or other various methods. Because I did not have any strong glue to bond a pvc coupler, I took another route. I took a piece of SCH 80 and wedged a 1 1/2 inch piece of 9/16 brass partially in the SCH and the rest sticking out to adapt to the original BBB barrel. I realize how short I left the original barrel and probably should of left more, but I can't go back now.

I initially used a very unique barrel setup, with the SCH 80 and brass and all. Disregard this barrel setup. Use about 8 inches of 9/16 brass or other barrel material that fits your darts.

With all the above stated and a white paintjob done, this is what I got:
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Night shot:
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I used Krylon Fusion paint for the first time on a gun, and am very pleased with the results. Being a beginner at painting, there are some rough spots and purple showing where the gun slides back, but I still love its appearance.

Now for some ranges. To get things straight, I will show you what I consider a level shot, and an angled shot.

Level shot:
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Angled shot:
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Now, back to the ranges (All the following was tested with 12 inches of 9/16 brass). With Dylan's leveled shot®, I am able to achieve an average of 90.83'. With Dylan's angled shot®, I am able to get an average of 92.40. All shots were tested with a 1 1/2 inch tight-fitting stefan dart. All measurements were based off of the heel-to-toe method. My shoes are 11.5 inches long. I measure by taking the number of steps multiplied by 11.5, then dividing my answer by twelve. For future reference, this is how I measure all of my ranges.

In conclusion, I love the BBB. I have always dreamed of getting one, and I highly recommend purchasing it. If there are any questions, feel free to post.

EDIT: Meh, grammar.

Edited by CustomSnake202, 02 April 2006 - 08:30 PM.

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#2 Langley


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Posted 08 October 2005 - 12:17 PM

You aren't going by shoe size, right? I would actually measure the shoe if I were you.

Good job on the mod, and nice paint job. If you had a lock n' load with a white and black colorscheme, it would look perfect together.
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#3 CustomSnake202



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Posted 08 October 2005 - 12:25 PM

Thanks for the comment. And I am not going by shoe size, I measured my shoe and it came out to 11.5 inches.
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#4 NinjZ



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Posted 08 October 2005 - 12:29 PM

Black and White paintjobs ftw! You have a bit too much white though for my taste. Personaly I would make the barrel black and put some more black on the body.

Also, how long is your barrel? Seems a bit long/exsessive to me.

Edited by NinjZ, 08 October 2005 - 12:30 PM.

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#5 CustomSnake202



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Posted 08 October 2005 - 12:35 PM

The barrel is 10.5 inches long. Now that you mention it, it is kind of long. I may shorten it.
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#6 Shotty Master

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Posted 08 October 2005 - 12:36 PM

That is a very nice paintjob. Just thought I'd say that.
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#7 SG Pilot

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Posted 08 October 2005 - 12:47 PM

Very nice. What is the BBB's stock range or out of the box by the way?
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QUOTE(VACC @ Oct 9 2009, 04:45 AM) View Post

I know, I HATE toy guns that are made for little kids!

#8 CustomSnake202



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Posted 08 October 2005 - 12:58 PM

The BBB can shoot an arrow up to 40', but its really only good up to 30'.
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#9 mayhem



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Posted 08 October 2005 - 01:58 PM

Personally I really like the paintjob, the much white, and little black makes it look like a stormtroopers weapon or something.

Good job on the modification and the write-up.
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#10 nerfisfun



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Posted 08 October 2005 - 02:17 PM

Now that you mention that, it does. But your post had one flaw, it obviously a clone troopers weapon. If only I had a star wars helmet HAHAHA that would be so hilarious...
BTW Nice, I like the paint job also a nice mod I was thinking why it's a big bad Bow, but then I realized I'm a n00b and proceeded to actually read the entire mod.
So yeah, nice mod and good thinking.
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QUOTE ( N-Strike agent 007)
  You posted a link to the forum rule in my thread and I nearly threw my computer out the window. Thats like giving some one a demerit in school and not telling them why just handing them a list of rules because you are TO LAZEY to tell them why.

#11 PissBacon



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Posted 08 October 2005 - 03:39 PM

Aw crap! You beat me to it, along with my bbb mod I had a grey and black paintjob, but I've been too busy to finish up the mod. Ah well, nicely done anyways.
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#12 Sqiggs89



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Posted 08 October 2005 - 03:50 PM

Excellant! I like that so much! The paint looks awesome! Nice first paint job. I got this mini can of Krylon and I plan on painting the BBB black and some other color. I hate how the BBB looks modded (With the arrow parts taken off) It just looks gay and yours looks awsome. Good job. You've moved up a notch in my book, that puts you at notch one. But that doesn't matter anyway. Excellant write-up too!

EDIT: I've got that exact same chair!

Edited by Sqiggs89, 08 October 2005 - 08:27 PM.

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Been a while.

#13 DTReaper



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Posted 08 October 2005 - 04:19 PM

First off exelent mod and paintjob. Second I have looked at the BBB for a while and am wondering how the crap you cock the gun?

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QUOTE(VACC @ Dec 5 2008, 12:09 AM) View Post

That's it. I'm done. I'm sorry there are breasts on the Internet.

#14 LordoftheRing434



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Posted 08 October 2005 - 08:11 PM

Nice write-up. I especially like the paintjob; it's nice and clean. It sounds like you get fair ranges on it, but I'm hoping for a little more. Mayhaps with a slightly shorter barrel, it will shoot further. I plan on picking one up ASAP, because I need a replacement for my SM1500. Of course, I plan on clip-modding it. Most likely I'm going to make a gravity fed clip. My only suggestion is a clip for your's, but that comes down to personal preference. I'm glad to here you're satisfied with the bow's performance. Good mod!

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#15 CustomSnake202



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Posted 08 October 2005 - 08:22 PM

Much thanks to all the comments. I'm glad you guys thought it was a good paintjob. I'm definately going to do some more painting in the future.

-And Reaper, the gun cocks when you pull both halves of the gun in opposite directions. I had always wondered how you would cock the BBB until I finally saw one in person at Armageddon 2004.
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#16 TimberwolfCY



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Posted 09 October 2005 - 06:36 AM

The paint job is definitely cool. It definitely evokes ideas of Stormtroopers or whatnot. I don't know why, but the white makes me think "holy" like a holy weapon. Clerics and such all wear white in Warhammer 40k, maybe that's it. Anyway, cool scheme.

As far as improving the ranges and such, I'd recommend a few things. First, check around all the different sites and search for BBB mods, though it looks like you have already. Second, I'd definitely cut down the barrel, and check the weight your using. The BBB has got a lot of power behind it, so make sure that your dart is up to snuff (1/4" steel BB or 3/0 fishing weight, though I've grown to prefer the BBs). Third, getting back tot the barrel, I'd cut it down; I haven't seen many barrels over 8". On my Crossbow when I was experimenting, I created several 6" barrels and a 4" barrel for the hell of it; the 4" barrel actually gets about 5' more range than the longer ones! It gets to the point where the long barrel starts dragging the dart back I think, and ends up being counter-intuitive. Finally, you might consider replacing the spring as well. ~70' isn't bad for a BBB, but it could be better. Good job so far though.

Man that paint scheme is cool...
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#17 Guest_The Reaper_*

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Posted 09 May 2006 - 04:44 PM

very nice paint job and mad. i actually tried to paint it the way u did, not as accurate but still the idea is genius
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#18 The Shadow

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Posted 09 May 2006 - 04:45 PM

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I'm just concerned that NH could be held liable when Ted inevitably ties this kid up and sticks him in his trunk for safe keeping. Seriously, Parkway, you might want to think about carrying a tazer.

#19 ompa



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Posted 09 May 2006 - 06:16 PM

Alright, first off, dead thread. Second, fix your grammar.

Sorry to be so terse, but I have to make my rounds quickly today so I can get back to AP chem.

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#20 Jergling



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Posted 30 September 2006 - 09:31 AM

Very nice. What is the BBB's stock range or out of the box by the way?

it does shoot around 30' stock, but when I tried it with Big Salvo arrows It went somewhere around 70', It was pretty awsome. the salvo arrows were more front heavy and shorter, plus the wings dont fall off. But now my bbb only shoots Micro darts because of the liberally applied duct tape around the barrel.
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#21 ompa



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Posted 30 September 2006 - 01:16 PM

Please try to avoid posting in topics several months old. This forum isn't as active as some of the forums out there, and stuff that is several pages back isn't always 3-4 days old.

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#22 Spencer



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Posted 26 December 2008 - 03:50 PM

i attempted this mod and found that when i put the gun back together it wouldn't cock, it had no tension. it made a weird noise and i don't really know what went wrong. could you help me maybe? i would really appreciate it.

thanks in advance,

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On the side of every nerf gun is "do not modify the blaster or darts in any way". (insert number of nerfhaven members here) aren't listening

#23 CrazyIvan VI

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Posted 26 December 2008 - 05:14 PM

The last post in this topic is from two years ago.
That's very bad.

Number two. Have you even tried taking apart and putting the gun back together? it's possible you've put something back wrong. Also, you need to make sure you keep those orange tabs and the springs with them, and put those back properly. Those are what help keep the gun cocked.
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