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Home Made Ball Valve Air Gun Results

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#1 joeyaglr444



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Posted 07 October 2005 - 09:21 PM

Anybody whose made the home made ball valve air gun I need to know im thinking of making one. What are the ranges and accuracy of the firearm and is it useful in a nerf fight?

Edited by joeyaglr444, 07 October 2005 - 09:21 PM.

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#2 flashflint



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Posted 07 October 2005 - 09:28 PM

All you need to know is they are bothersome and not worth your while. Shure they have good acuricy and range but there rate of fire is terible. They are intirely worthless in a war.
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#3 1313



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Posted 07 October 2005 - 09:31 PM

If your friends would even ok you using a homemade in a war, then go for it. Accuracy would be and issue because of the jerking motion of opening the ball valve quickly, lube the valve and it should help a little. You would also have a very slow ROF, unless you put a breech and use 2 ballvalves in your tank like in the homemades section of this site. Your range would be good, but still it wouldnt be very practical in a war.
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#4 joeyaglr444



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Posted 07 October 2005 - 09:33 PM

Hey poo i meant specifics like a range 80 feet or something like that not
"Shure they have good acuricy and range " I want to know specificly what results they've gotten.
1313 posted while I was was writing this message.

Edited by joeyaglr444, 07 October 2005 - 09:34 PM.

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#5 flashflint



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Posted 08 October 2005 - 03:32 PM

The one i made got about 300 feet. But the airtank was 1.5 inch pvc about 3 feet long with a halfinch pvc barell.
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#6 Dr Nerf

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Posted 08 October 2005 - 05:27 PM

The one i made got about 300 feet. But the airtank was 1.5 inch pvc about 3 feet long with a halfinch pvc barell.

300 feet is too far. The only way this possibly could happen would be if you had a very long barrel (2' or more) and used very heavy darts. Ball valves are the worst valve choices too. They open too slow, meaning that the air doesn't come out as fast as necessary. The best way to counter the valve is to have a long barrel. I am not trying to discredit you, but even if you have a massive pressure chamber, normal darts tend not to shoot farther that 200'. If you have a picture, you may want post it.

Back to topic. I would not recommend that you use a ball valve. First, it moves the gun around whne firing which makes it inaccurate. Second, it opens slowly, which is bad for accuracy and range. And it is just awkward to use. I would use a hose handle if I wanted an easy to build homemade. I made a hose handle homemade and it got about 150 feet max and was accurate to about 60 to 70 feet. And it is basically a real trigger. If you would still like to use a ball valve just make sure that you have a relatively large pressure chamber and long barrel to compensate.
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#7 NinjZ



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Posted 08 October 2005 - 05:39 PM

The one i made got about 300 feet. But the airtank was 1.5 inch pvc about 3 feet long with a halfinch pvc barell.


Sorry, im allergic to bullshit.

Seriously though, dont even come on here saying stuff like that, we're not idiots nor will it make you any cooler.

As for the original poster. If you want to make one for fun, by all means make one. As far as using one in a war, I wouldnt. They're annoying to aim and have a long priming time. Range is relative to your airtank.
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#8 opiumpanda



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Posted 08 October 2005 - 05:53 PM

Sorry to sound like a noob but what is a ball valve air gun? More improtantly, what is a ball valve?
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#9 NinjZ



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Posted 08 October 2005 - 06:00 PM

Do you kids even look at this website? You could use search to your answer your question but most importantly look at the damn section titled "homemades" right at the top of this very site.
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#10 SKIZ



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Posted 08 October 2005 - 11:18 PM

Hey guys i made one of these for fun ages ago. I was getting pretty pissed off by the ball valve but thankfully for my friend acidenly snaped the barel and destroyed the valve. I then placed a solanoid on it witch makes it suburb. accurate as hell/long ranges/pump high enough and lots of recoil. Unfortuantlly rof is shit!!!

I use an air compressor up to it (dont use it in wars just for fun) and charge to 120psi. That shoots great. REALLY REALLY far (dont know ranges never measured). I suggest making basically the same one on the site (homemades) but develop a semi-auto valve other wise it is really crap for wars.

Edited by SKIZ, 08 October 2005 - 11:19 PM.

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#11 notorious oxide

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Posted 15 October 2005 - 08:01 AM

The first homemade i built was that one. It wasnt too good but i never really got to use it because its gone! Not explainig. Then i made another using 3/4" pvc for the chamber with a steel ball valve (they can open much much faster) and a 24" barrel. i never measured the range but it was very far, nearing 80-100 metres, and was fairly accurate. The rate of fire is horrible. Just like most of the other people have said it is only for fun, because it isnt very practical.
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#12 NerfMonkey



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Posted 15 October 2005 - 12:48 PM

1 meters = 3.2808399 feet

260-330 feet? Impossible. Unless you're measuring angled range with some crazy kind of darts, that's not going to happen.

Edited by NerfMonkey, 15 October 2005 - 04:25 PM.

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#13 joeyaglr444



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Posted 16 October 2005 - 10:52 AM

I know the ROF for a valve gun is Crapola but on the Homemade page it says that you can make one with a breech. Personnally i hate making breeches becouse the power decreases.
This is a stupid idea but i might make an m4 or something in the colt family with the same principles of the ball valve but i gotta make a better trigger mechanism.
couldnt you grease up the ball valve to make it faster.
Im so tempted to make one becouse everytime i go to Canadian Tire i go to the pvc section and the valves keep on staring at me.
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#14 grunty



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Posted 16 October 2005 - 07:58 PM

poo mine got like 300 yards with 5 oz. darts but it took 5 mins. to prime becuse of the 3 gal. air tank.

Edited by grunty, 16 October 2005 - 07:59 PM.

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#15 DTReaper



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Posted 16 October 2005 - 08:17 PM

You do realize that 300 yards is 900 feet first off and second off how lond is your barrel beacuse a large air tank does nothing if the barrel isn't long enough.

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#16 grunty



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Posted 17 October 2005 - 10:58 AM

My berrel is 8 feet long.
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#17 Dr Nerf

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Posted 17 October 2005 - 04:07 PM

poo mine got like 300 yards with 5 oz. darts but it took 5 mins. to prime becuse of the 3 gal. air tank.

My berrel is 8 feet long.

Really? Can I see a picture of your supposed super gun? I am quite surprised in the amount of lying about ranges and gun size. The point of this topic was to help someone who wanted to build a ball valve gun, not time to make up ranges and sizes.

The overall maximum range that a regular homemade Nerf dart can go is about 200 feet. Ranges past 200 feet are pretty much ridiculous because the darts need to be real heavy to make a real difference. I did do some tests with extra heavy darts and they can shoot farther that 200 feet, but the weight increase in the darts was significant.
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#18 grunty



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Posted 17 October 2005 - 05:11 PM

its acctuly my potato gun. it needs a new berrel and ball valve. my darts are closer to a pound in weaght.
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#19 Team Slaya

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Posted 17 October 2005 - 06:09 PM

Grunty, ever consider the fact that you're an idiot stuffed with tasty bullshit? Seriously, I've seen made up ranges, like yoopers bullcrap NF/Strongarm/NB-1 conversion, but this is just hilarious. Keep it up, man. Maybe one day you'll rise to the level of "douche".

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#20 Doom


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Posted 17 October 2005 - 08:20 PM

its acctuly my potato gun. it needs a new berrel and ball valve. my darts are closer to a pound in weaght.

This is pure bullshit. How the hell did you get a foam dart to weigh over a pound? I could understand if you were shooting a small lead weight, but this obviously is less foam than weight which to me takes it out of the league of Nerf guns. Even if this was true, it's not Nerf any longer.

Take a picture of the dart too. :P

This guy should be banned not only for being a lying asshole, but also for being 12 years old! That's right, his profile reports his birthdate as 20 December 1992. You make it too easy. ^_^

Edited by Doom, 17 October 2005 - 08:24 PM.

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#21 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 17 October 2005 - 10:29 PM

This guy should be banned not only for being a lying asshole, but also for being 12 years old! That's right, his profile reports his birthdate as 20 December 1992.

I can certainly do something about that. Good detective work Doom. If he uses a potato cannon, I could believe in "heavy darts" but darts that heavy exceed the limitations of Nerf. A potato cannon has no place in Nerf; it's just that simple.

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#22 Uncle Hammer

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Posted 17 October 2005 - 10:54 PM

...Had you not been such a questionable member (dumbass), perhaps the mistake you made of listing your actual birth date would not have been noticed....

That's just too funny.
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#23 boltsniper



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Posted 18 October 2005 - 12:02 AM

We haven`t had a good ole fashion range fight in a while...

I think a big problem with ranges is that people will post there gun specs but not hte dart specs. If you used a ridiculously heavy dart you could get some pretty high ranges. I always used stock darts for range testing. Not stefans. Stock yellow darts. With my combustion gun I never got over 200'. Came close but never made it. I seriously don`t think you could get a stock dart over 200'. A typical stefan (like you would use in a war) may top the mark but not by much.

Computing max range for a given dart wouldn`t be too hard to do analytically. I've been meaning to work it out and post it as an article here.
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#24 Ballman



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Posted 18 October 2005 - 12:54 AM

i never measured the range but it was very far, nearing 80-100 metres, and was fairly accurate. The rate of fire is horrible. Just like most of the other people have said it is only for fun, because it isnt very practical.

Just to clarify things; He was using a marble, not a Stefan.

Like many others have said, homemades generally have a horrible ROF, however, you can make a 2 ball valve 'pre-tank' which will allow for a few multiple shots.
A 3D example can be seen in the 'Homemades' section of this site.

One bonus with a homemade however, is the ability (With a long barrel) to shove 7-8 darts down and have a 'scattergun' effect. This is only useful at close range.
A few people also like to attach 'silencers', these usually just lower the pitch of the noise . I believe it was Suave had a comparison picture of an olliscope reading. (Pre NHQ Hack)

I hope this helps you out.
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#25 joeyaglr444



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Posted 19 October 2005 - 06:46 PM

OK i think what we have here is a bunch of miss measuring fools (no offence) But your supposed to measure honestly 900 feet? thats B.S we know it.
Has anyone got Good results wqith the breech thing if so, Specifics would be appreciated.
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