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#1 hotvietboi123



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Posted 02 October 2005 - 04:46 PM

I wounld't say that this is a mod, but I'm trying to increase the accuracy of the maverick, I added an 11 inch barrle (paper rolled up) to the end, its airtight, I made the paper thick enough, and close enough that its airtight. But for some reason, it seems like the power is lost, the darts doesn't fire as far as it use to, can somebody explain this?
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#2 Beaver Vortex

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Posted 02 October 2005 - 04:54 PM

Alright, I'm not entirely sure what it is you did. But what i can tell you is 11 inches is way too long of a barrell for a maverick. That is getting into more like a crossbow barrel size.
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#3 War Hawk

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Posted 14 October 2005 - 09:29 AM

Well, you problem is that an 11 inch barrel on the front of the Maverick dose absulotly nothing. You'll have better luck putting a red flash light on you bloody gun. Also if you wanted to get extra range... take out air restiters and put in a new spring. A barrel mod for a mavrick is not that smart. Also... it obvoiusly was not air tight.
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#4 BloodMoon



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Posted 14 October 2005 - 06:54 PM

You need to be more specific. First of all, if you didn't take the gun apart and just stuck a new barrel on the end of it right on the end of the orange cap as marked below, I can see why that wouldn't work.
Posted Image

If the thing is airtight, all of your air is being lost between where the revolver portion ends and when your barrel begins.

Or maybe I'm completely lost as to what you're trying to say.

Anyway, if you're keeping your Maverick stock, you're accuracy is probably the least of your concerns. If you're looking for a good Mav mod, I'd check out Baghead's mod right here.
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#5 DTReaper



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Posted 14 October 2005 - 07:05 PM

The main problem witht he mav is its lack of good conection between the revolver part and the plunger so if the thing is to tight it loses all the air in the barrel.

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#6 NinjZ



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Posted 14 October 2005 - 08:03 PM

1) 11" barrel on a Maverick is retarted. That alone will kill your range.

2) Making your barrel of rolled up paper is also retarted. That just wont work.

3) You need to give us a little more information about what exatly it is you did. Pictures would be nice. Did you remove the turret and single barrel it? Did you leave the turret on but just stick this mess of a paper barrel on the front somehow?

If you single barrel modded it, then 11" is far too long. 4" should be fine although singel barreling a Maverick is wasting the blaster in my opinion. If you just stuck the barrel on their somehow....take it off. That just isnt going to work. You will just have to practice at aiming with it. NERF blasters just wont be 100% accurate, but thats part of the sport.

As others have suggested, just remove the air restrictors and call it a day.
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#7 hotvietboi123



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Posted 14 October 2005 - 08:56 PM

I searched around about tagger darts fot the dart tag guns, some people said they can be used with the mavericks, others say that they can't? any suggestions?
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#8 darkmills



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Posted 14 October 2005 - 10:01 PM

Well, I've never done it myself but my suggestion is that they would work. But i'm curious as to if the velcro on the tip catches a lot of air when the dart flies.
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#9 Der Exilen

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Posted 15 October 2005 - 09:29 PM

i think i might bore and brass my mav,then paint it,and put a maglite on the bottom,and i'd also file any N-strike and logo related bull off it. (x'cept nerf.)
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