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Petg At2k Quad Barrel Write Up

By yours truly Uncle hammer

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#1 Uncle Hammer

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Posted 16 July 2005 - 09:37 PM

PETG AT2K Quad barrel write up
By: Uncle hammer

Ok the at2k.. Sucks ass! But when modified this thing is a monster and brings doom on the battle field. These are truly great primarys for 5 bucks a pop. Anyways on wiith the mod.

Tools needed
2.Hot glue gun with sticks
7. Screwdriver

Posted Image
Theres the 2k, its not in the picture but there a like ring around the pumpshaft that needs to be broken in order to open the gun up. Hacksaw or burn it off, but dont damage the pumpshaft in anyway.

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Theres the internals, thats a pretty big tank eh? Take the pump out of the shaft, we're gonna plug it up with hot glue so we can achieve a higher pressure in the tank.

Posted Image
Theres the pump and the hole you needa plug up. Just put a dab of hot glue in there. Theres also a small hole on the side not pictured, go head and pluger that up too.

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Theres the pump shaft plugged up, set that aside to dry.

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Take the turret out of the gun, cut at the line.

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See that o-ring? Don't lose that or your gun will royaly suck.

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Theres the turret with the barrels cut down along the line.

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Theres the barrels all hotglued on there. Make sure their completly airtight and straight.

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Put some e-tape around the barrels to keep them straight and supported and put everything you took out back in its place. That means the pump shaft and turret.

Posted Image
Screw the gun back togehter, and theres the finished product.

So theres a mod to increase your pressure in the tank and allow you to shoot stefans. I havne't tested it yet but ranges should be around 80-90'. Also don't overpump the gun or it'll blow your tank, so stick to like 3-4 pumps. Hope you enjoy your 2k!
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#2 murakumo32



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Posted 16 July 2005 - 09:55 PM

nice mod! i want to do something similar, but the target i live by has sold out of at2k. well i'll wait till they restock so i can see this baby in action for myself.
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#3 tucker



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Posted 17 July 2005 - 10:59 PM

About how long are your barrels?
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#4 Team Slaya

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Posted 18 July 2005 - 09:00 AM

Well, I did something similar to this a while ago. I basically did that, except that I hand filed out (I had no dremel) the turret holes until the barrels fit in. It was a bitch and a half, but I finished it. They aren't going anywhere. But now when I go above 5-6 pumps there is this huge screeching noise. I then stopped pumping it that much. Is this the sign of a broken tank? It shouldn't be, because it still fires. I'm confuzed.

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#5 ompa



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Posted 18 July 2005 - 11:06 AM

I'd guess you didn't plug the release valve properly, so when an enormous amount of pressure builds up, there is a little leaking through the valve, but since it's such a high pressure and a small hole, you hear that noise. Also probably due to the rubbery nature of the hot glue I'm assuming everyone uses.

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#6 rotoryfan



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Posted 20 February 2006 - 09:40 PM

uncle hammer, that O-ring may be important, but i lost it, and instead replaced it with poly cement (model rocket glue) and the gun is a beast anyway, considering that i've only plugged the pump, and it consistently gets 40 + feet. i cut down the air restricters inside the barrels, but left the barrels otherwise. this is all with 3 pumps. 2 pumps gets about 30 feet anyway.

i might replace two barrels with brass, and then just put crayola barrels on the other two, or, just crayola barrel the whole thing, (barely cutting any of the barrel) which silences and increases range.

*edit* oh shit, this topic is really old... but still, i feel that this is an important correction

Edited by rotoryfan, 20 February 2006 - 09:42 PM.

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#7 ompa



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Posted 20 February 2006 - 09:56 PM

As long as you have SOMETHING providing a seal between the chamber and the turret you'll be fine.

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#8 Nerfster12345



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Posted 22 February 2006 - 05:59 PM

mines not that simalar but i 1/2 in. double barreled it
nice mod
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#9 The Shadow

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Posted 23 May 2006 - 03:57 PM

Is it better than when single-barreled or about the same, or worse, in terms of range?
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#10 kaiman299



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Posted 23 May 2006 - 10:48 PM

I'm going to say worse. A singled AT2K (mine anyways) Can reach 100' with a 12" brass barrel, and 6 pumps. The rof sucks for singled, so stick with the quat if you want a higher rof.
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#11 Uncle Hammer

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Posted 23 May 2006 - 11:15 PM

As much as this is my thread, I'm against digging up old ones. Theshadow if you wanna stay around long I would refrain from digging up old topics. As for your question, A single barrled at2k in my experience has better accuracy and range over a quad one, but you sacrifice ROF for that.
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Don't mess with Texas cuz its bigger than France, bitch..
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Catagory 5 hurricanes are the mighty dick of God.  You don't mess with that!  You don't mess with Gods dick!

#12 NHsniper



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Posted 04 March 2008 - 08:51 PM

Nice mod, I like it. I didn't have many materials so for a barrel I used the inside of a mechanical pencil. Probably not the best but it's averaging in the 60's. Feet that is.

I am terribly sorry for addding nothing significant to this post. I could have sworn that the most recent post was from '08.

Edited by NHsniper, 05 March 2008 - 10:41 AM.

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#13 deaddumpster



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Posted 04 March 2008 - 09:06 PM

Damn, two necros in one day, that's just sad. Try reading the Code of Conduct, it may save your life. Though you have possibly gone too far already...

EDIT- I can't believe I wasted my 100th post on this, I was saving it for something else.

Edited by deaddumpster, 04 March 2008 - 09:09 PM.

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QUOTE(VACC @ Jan 15 2009, 01:55 PM) View Post

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. A good nerf gun is like a good woman. It shouldn't require extra lubrication.

#14 Green Riptide

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Posted 04 March 2008 - 09:18 PM

Since it's active now- my AT2K, as far as I can tell, never had the crucial O-ring. When I opened it there was nothing there. Is that particular O-ring really necessary, or can substitute with something else such as the aforementioned glue?

Edited by Green Riptide, 04 March 2008 - 09:20 PM.

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#15 keef



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Posted 04 March 2008 - 09:35 PM

Most new AT2K's have no O-ring. In a old thread someone said its so Hasbro wouldn't want us to turret them because they were too good, but he was probably mentally retarded.
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#16 Lynx



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Posted 04 March 2008 - 10:43 PM

My no o-ring fix was to fill the gap with a 1/4 stick of hot glue...

Now it is coupler-ed...

I'm starting to believe I can't mod for shit (coupler fell off 2 times before I epoxied/hot glued/e-taped(with hot glue tip action for melting it together).
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#17 BendyStraw



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Posted 05 March 2008 - 10:08 PM

I'm sorry, but it is very important to say this.

Do NOT freak out if your AT2k has no o-ring. Mine did not, and I thought there was something wrong with it when I read all of the posts and write ups saying that the gun will suck without it.

What I did was use a thin ring of stock dart foam, hot glue it so that it was a few millimeters thick, and then I stuffed it into the place where the o-ring is supposed to be. It works just fine that way, and you don't have to worry about an o-ring.
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#18 Kid Flash

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Posted 06 March 2008 - 04:43 PM

I'm sorry, but it is very important to say this.

Do NOT freak out if your AT2k has no o-ring. Mine did not, and I thought there was something wrong with it when I read all of the posts and write ups saying that the gun will suck without it.

What I did was use a thin ring of stock dart foam, hot glue it so that it was a few millimeters thick, and then I stuffed it into the place where the o-ring is supposed to be. It works just fine that way, and you don't have to worry about an o-ring.

you are retarded... really. do any newer people read the code of conduct? make a new thread. dont bring back one thats 2 or 3 years old.
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#19 Kuhlschrank



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Posted 06 March 2008 - 04:50 PM

I'm sorry, but it is very important to say this.

Do NOT freak out if your AT2k has no o-ring. Mine did not, and I thought there was something wrong with it when I read all of the posts and write ups saying that the gun will suck without it.

What I did was use a thin ring of stock dart foam, hot glue it so that it was a few millimeters thick, and then I stuffed it into the place where the o-ring is supposed to be. It works just fine that way, and you don't have to worry about an o-ring.

you are retarded... really. do any newer people read the code of conduct? make a new thread. dont bring back one thats 2 or 3 years old.

Hey dipshit, next time, flame the guy who actually necro-ed the topic, not the last guy to post in it. He was responding to someone else's post from two days ago.
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#20 BendyStraw



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Posted 06 March 2008 - 06:00 PM

I'm sorry, but it is very important to say this.

Do NOT freak out if your AT2k has no o-ring. Mine did not, and I thought there was something wrong with it when I read all of the posts and write ups saying that the gun will suck without it.

What I did was use a thin ring of stock dart foam, hot glue it so that it was a few millimeters thick, and then I stuffed it into the place where the o-ring is supposed to be. It works just fine that way, and you don't have to worry about an o-ring.

you are retarded... really. do any newer people read the code of conduct? make a new thread. dont bring back one thats 2 or 3 years old.

I could make a new topic, yes, but my comment is relevant to this topic. It was partially in response to the writeup that is telling people that the lack of an O-ring in their new AT2k means that they screwed up, and their gun is ruined. I also posted in this particular topic to reassure the guy who posted a day or two ago, saying that newer AT2ks have apparently shipped without O-rings, so he doesn't have to spend thirty minutes frantically looking for one that isn't there.

And by the way, of course I've read the code of conduct:

Don't post in months-old topics unless you have something significant to add.

Let alone the fact that I did not actually revive the topic, I had something significant to add. Did you?
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#21 jpgossard



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Posted 14 January 2017 - 12:50 AM

am i the only one that the photos dont show up for me?




Edited by Ice Nine, 14 January 2017 - 12:49 PM.

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