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#1 MFRnync



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Posted 16 July 2005 - 07:52 AM

Hi everyone, I just wanted to introduce myself before I began posting on the fourms. I am a male sixteen year old east coast nerf enthusiast. I have been aware of nerfs prescence on the internet for several years so I am not foreign to the idea of modification or homeade nerf blasters. I am the head of 35 man strong nerf club where I live and we play regularly at local parks and woodlands.
I suppose what seperates us from the pack is that we like to incorporate military simulation (much like you would find in airsoft), in to our nerf wars. Most of our homeades are modefied asthetically to resemble actual firearms, we wear camoflauge and play objective based scenarios while we nerf.
More than anything else I would like to say I am extremley impressed with some of the innovations that have come about in my abscence from the nerf internet scene. Boltsniper, your homeade designs are of the highest caliber and my team has built several of your FAR rifles. We are currently attempting to improve upon and refine your excellent design to cater more towards our diverse needs on the nerf batlefield.
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carpe scrotum- grab life by the balls, sustaining member of the always outnumbered but never outgunned toy gun modifiers guild.

#2 ompa



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Posted 16 July 2005 - 09:07 AM

Wow. I'm impressed- well, welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay at NH. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions, although judging by what you've said, you could probably handle them yourself.

You should try and attend some of the big East Coast wars, Talio would love to go against your mil-sim teams. At least I think he would.

I'm not entirely sure how you can do mil-sim with such inaccurate and slow-loading guns (at least compared to real weapons).


Edited by ompa, 16 July 2005 - 09:11 AM.

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#3 MFRnync



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Posted 16 July 2005 - 09:19 AM

Thanks for the welcome, milsim is military simulation, its not perfectly true to real life combat just an attempt to get as close as possible. We modify our guns to get the best possible range out of them and then plan our scenarios around the limitations of our weapons. Bolstsnipers FAR design has really improved our ability to follow more complex story lines as we have built magazine pouches for the rifle and are able to carry a lot of ammo on our person. We are also in the process of modifying the design to make it even more effective.

Edited by MFRnync, 16 July 2005 - 09:20 AM.

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carpe scrotum- grab life by the balls, sustaining member of the always outnumbered but never outgunned toy gun modifiers guild.

#4 Crankymonky


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Posted 16 July 2005 - 11:25 AM

Where on the East Coast? Me and some guys are in DC area, a large presence in Jersey, and Connecticut seems to be growing fast.

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#5 MFRnync



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Posted 16 July 2005 - 11:36 AM

New York specifically, my callsign stands for Marine force recon, New York nerf crew. Meaning the unit I reenact is Marine force recon and I am a member of the New York Nerf Crew.

Edited by MFRnync, 16 July 2005 - 11:37 AM.

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carpe scrotum- grab life by the balls, sustaining member of the always outnumbered but never outgunned toy gun modifiers guild.

#6 NerfLad78



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Posted 16 July 2005 - 02:47 PM

Wow. That's all I can say. Where in New York do you guys Nerf? I mean it's pretty hard these days to find somewhere where you're allowed to play with guns.

Oh yeah: I envy your clan size. How'd you get that many?
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#7 MFRnync



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Posted 16 July 2005 - 03:06 PM

Most of us play airsoft or paintball together or know one another from school. Friends tell friends and it grew to 35. I dont live in New York city so there are an abundance of public parks and woodlands where I live to nerf in and around. The police dont care, after all we are talking about nerf, no one is going to be seriously injured and property damage is not going to occur.
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carpe scrotum- grab life by the balls, sustaining member of the always outnumbered but never outgunned toy gun modifiers guild.

#8 NerfLad78



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Posted 17 July 2005 - 08:39 AM

Interesting... I guess you were just lucky to find people who wouldn't say, "Shut up about Nerf and go play Paintball." You did say you Airsoft. That may help. hmm...

wO0t!!! 100th post!!!!!
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#9 MFRnync



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Posted 17 July 2005 - 08:54 AM

I play airsoft on a very serious team once a week. Im heavily invested in airsoft and I have a part time job to fund it. Nerf is like a way for my team to relax after airsoft games. I do love airsoft and paintball very much though.
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carpe scrotum- grab life by the balls, sustaining member of the always outnumbered but never outgunned toy gun modifiers guild.

#10 Talio


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Posted 17 July 2005 - 09:36 AM

Yeah, I've definetely never taken on a Milsim team, but I've always wanted to simply for the fact that I'm convinced in a purely competitive situation that they would just get utterly destroyed. I've got a number of reasons for this, but if any team can use teamwork and shoot straight, they're going to be sucessful. However, if you dig Milsim that's cool. Also, keep in mind I come from a very limited homemade state of mind. The only way I would allow a homemade is if it gave you absolutely no advantage. This just comes from being a purest and convinced that the challange of the game is making a toy useful. Anyone can make a homemade that performs well. The FAR was a particular achievement, but with enough work and smarts you can make a gun twice as good as any nerf gun. However, that's not Nerf to me, or the guys I play with. The only way I'd let a clip loaded FAR onto a field is if Boltsniper himself were to show up, and then I'd do it only out of respect. I wouldn't let him use that co2 powered hell cannon because that thing is going to brutally mame someone. Not to mention, that's just rediculously unfair and I don't think we could convince the cops it was a safe gun.

If you're into Milsim I say go for it, especially if you set up your scenarios to level the playing field. The reason I personally would not do Milsim is because I have no interest in mock warfare. I dig some of the video games, but for the most part, I have not come from a combat background. Shooting has always been a sportsman activity. Hunting, target shooting and eventually some wargame type things. It was never about war, it was always about the sport of the game. When I got into airsoft, I didn't like it because it wasn't a game, it was simulation. I don't play games to pretend, I play games because they're interesting, challanging and fun. That's why I hate Tom Clancy video games. It's trying to hard to be realistic and sure they've accomplished that, but I feel like I'm working, not playing a game. I dig Halo because it's fun and doesn't take itself seriously. It's a game meant to be fair, balanced, but challanging. That and frankly, I'm not calling anyone sargent. Screw that, don't give me orders, or I'll shoot your ass. Simple as that. I like teamwork, but teamwork doesn't always mean a command hierarchy. In fact, I think in Nerf it's better if everyone has the same level and respect for each other, however you take the time to agree on a course of action rather then having one person telling you what to do. Keep everyone at the same level and same smarts and it will be like a unit of sargents.

Just my personal opinion, but whatever you find fun, I'm not going to discriminate as long as you don't try to change the game for the rest of us. Enjoy your stay.

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#11 MFRnync



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Posted 17 July 2005 - 10:03 AM

I appreciate your input and value your opinion but disagree with you on several things. First of all we sure as hell arent going to be destroyed in a purley competitive situation. In fact I find we outdo most people we nerf against because we have rank structure, orginization and fireteams. We take the time to practice as a unit and disscuss unit roles in the engagement. This is what makes us effective and sets us apart. I dont feel like im working while I play milsim, all I feel is my adrenaline rushing. I derive great pleasure from emulateing and honoring our soliders by making our games as true to real life as possible. We have active duty Marines and Airforce perosnell in our Clan all of whom put the Suit training they learned in the military to good use when we nerf.
I certainly am not going to try and change the game for everyone else I just wnt to show everyone that you can bring milsim in to nerf. I dont know about everyone else but when I played with nerf as a young child my friends and I played war. We imagained ourselves battleing bad guys in far off places and smothered our faces in camoflauge paint while we blasted each other with nerf guns :D . It was great fun and now as we have grown, we have taken it to the next level, even though we play airsoft and paintball we have not abandoned nerf because it is our roots. Some of my friends have entered the military, some have gone to college and some like me are still in high school, but no matter how many years or miles seperate us we will always get together to play war.
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carpe scrotum- grab life by the balls, sustaining member of the always outnumbered but never outgunned toy gun modifiers guild.

#12 Talio


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Posted 17 July 2005 - 01:43 PM

Well as I said, I'd love to see it. If you're interested in the challange come on down to a New Jersey war. We pretty much play open, which is more what I want to see. Some of the best open players go up against some milsim guys. It would be interesting.

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#13 MFRnync



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Posted 17 July 2005 - 02:00 PM

Cant make out of state games or anything non local unfortunatley, at least not until I get my licencse and my parents permisson the later restriction being the hardest to get lifted. My parents know the majority of the kids I nerf with so they know we keep it safe and that no strange older men are hanging around trying to pray on the younger kids in the group. Thats not to say you guys are creepy but, well, this is the internet and you never can tell who your actully dealing with. I understand their concern and to keep myself safe I dont nerf with those I dont know or go out of state or anywhere for that matter to meet people I know through the internet. Thankyou for the offer though.

Edited by MFRnync, 17 July 2005 - 02:04 PM.

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carpe scrotum- grab life by the balls, sustaining member of the always outnumbered but never outgunned toy gun modifiers guild.

#14 Talio


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Posted 17 July 2005 - 06:31 PM

Yeah, that's a good call, I was totally going to diddle you.

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#15 ET87



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Posted 17 July 2005 - 06:35 PM

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#16 ompa



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Posted 17 July 2005 - 06:39 PM

Talio has been around forever, there's quite a few pictures of the big East Coast wars with him in it, I wouldn't worry about him raping you. Now I'd watch out for Shindig if I were you...


Talio, maybe you guys could drive over to him? It seems alot of the nerfers on the East Coast can drive. At least from what I can tell by reading the nerf war topics.

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#17 Starbuck



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Posted 17 July 2005 - 06:53 PM

We milsim somewhat around here. It's more of a hybrid. I wrote a thread about that a while back. It can be seen here.

Edited by Starbuck, 17 July 2005 - 06:54 PM.

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#18 Pineapple


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Posted 17 July 2005 - 07:12 PM

We have active duty Marines and Airforce perosnell in our Clan all of whom put the Suit training they learned in the military to good use when we nerf...

...no matter how many years or miles seperate us we will always get together to play war.

If that's the case, I'm sure there are enough adults in the group who are both responsible enough and who also drive to take a small amount of your 35 man team down to Joisey to show these guys "how it's done", hmmm?

I also share Talio's opinion regarding mil-simming in Nerf. If it does give you a rush to get out and play soldier, then it's okay in my book. It's just that in this time of war, with people probably only a couple years older than you getting blown apart by the real thing, it doesn't fare well with me to hear of people wanting to lay down some smack about how superior their military-styled training can dominate a game played with plastic kid's toys.

If that is the case, then I'm sure your teammates could absolutely wipe out Al-Qaida and the Middle Eastern militants who are still holding out even with our country's finest soldiers (Special Forces units, etc.) meeting their matches and working hard to eliminate the elements standing in the way of democracy.

But I don't want to go do a GW Bush on you guys. I'd really like to see some pictures of your clan, armament (FARs, baby!), and some action shots of wars you hold...what kinds of opposition you have (balanced battle, or your killer fire team against some weekend warriors?) Not to mention some tips on what works for you in the kind of environment you Nerf in (which probably varies greatly between geographical areas).

Keep everyone at the same level and same smarts and it will be like a unit of sargents.

I agree, but you don't want your sergeants to spend all day long looking at their "privates". (Old military joke).

The most important thing is, though, to have fun and not take it too seriously. I usually can't stop laughing the whole time we run our big (as in 4 on 4 skirmishes) tag games around our facility. 3:15 rules usually.

Oh, and yes. Welcome to NerfHaven. Glad to see representation from the mil-sim side of the community.

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-Piney- of White Dog Hobbies Armory

<!--quoteo(post=209846:date=Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM:name=boom)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(boom @ Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM) View Post</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
It's to bad you live in hawaii I bet there are not many wars there.Wait what am I saying<b> you live in hawaii you lucky bastard.</b>

#19 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 17 July 2005 - 09:30 PM

ET87, we don't use those means of expression here. I hope you realize through the Code of Conduct, that we do not enjoy that type of posting.

Talio has been around forever, there's quite a few pictures of the big East Coast wars with him in it, I wouldn't worry about him raping you. Now I'd watch out for Shindig if I were you...


Ompa, you slay me 'shuga. :D

I guess it's time to shed my thoughts in regards to milsim with Nerf. I've always felt Nerf and milsim did not go together. It seems to me that a lot of the people attracted to milsim would hit up Paintball. The reason I say that is the range of paintball guns are much superior to that of Nerf, and I would expect that would give a much more realistic expereince.

However, perhaps I am missing something. This is certainly not the first group of milsim guys that I've come across. I've seen websites of 50 man armies in the midwest. So I guess the whole milsim idea is quite a draw. What this shows most if the beauty of Nerf; it is completely customizable.

Nerf on guys!
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#20 MFRnync



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Posted 18 July 2005 - 07:19 AM

I apolagize if I came off as arrogant and I didnt mean to make my team sound as though we were ready to take on al queda as some have implied. I was simply trying to say hi and explain my clans way of doing things. I dont think we are superior to anyone else I just prefer milsim to the more popular open style of Nerf. Talio, very funny :D and despite the fact that we do have adults in our clan they are Adults who I know personally and I wont be nerfing with anyone I dont know now and probably not any time in the near future either. No matter who drives to who its really not an option. Those are my parents rules, I feel they make sense and I abide by them. Pinnaeaple, as I said milsim is all about honroring those soliders who are fighting for democracy. I dont think im laying the smack down, but I do think we work effectively as a unit. If you dont like milsim thats fine, but I dont think I ever implied I could take on al queda. Some of the soliders in my Clan have in fact served in Iraq though.

Edited by MFRnync, 18 July 2005 - 07:28 AM.

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carpe scrotum- grab life by the balls, sustaining member of the always outnumbered but never outgunned toy gun modifiers guild.

#21 Crankymonky


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Posted 18 July 2005 - 08:06 AM

I don't think anyone percieved you as being arrogant.

Ever tried Lazertag milsim? I would think it would work better than nerf.
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#22 MFRnync



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Posted 18 July 2005 - 08:48 AM

With paintball, airsoft, Nerf, my job, vollunteer work and the girlfriend there isnt much time for lasertag :D
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carpe scrotum- grab life by the balls, sustaining member of the always outnumbered but never outgunned toy gun modifiers guild.

#23 Talio


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Posted 18 July 2005 - 09:07 AM

I was reading about the new "lazer" tag systems that they're trying to hock to paintball fields these days. It's not even a laser really, it's all done in IR now, or something along those lines. At any rate, I think there's a place around here who picked it up and I'm really not that interested in it.

Don't worry no one was saying you were arrogant, but maybe me (including others in Jersey) are a little big headed. Other then the south and midwest, we've all played a hell of a lot and against a ton of players. It's hard to think that we're not some of the best there is. However, I'm kind of glad you're not coming around, because I'd really want to put my best foot forward, and that's not really what Nerf is about for me anymore. I spent a while trying to really play, but frankly, it's just a game and I just want to have fun with it. It would still be cool to play against one of those groups though.

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#24 cxwq



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Posted 18 July 2005 - 10:32 AM

I guess I'll be the first to call BS. I'd love it if you prove me wrong, but I find it hard to reconcile all of the following:

You're in HS with no drivers license.

You lead a 35 man nerf (converted to airsoft mid-thread?) club which includes active duty Marines and Airforce (both plural) and college students.

You have constructed several FARs and improved on them in vague and unspecified ways.

You do not have access to a digicam to show us your FARs or your team.

You won't allow Talio to come nerf with you guys because your parents, unconcerned with you galavanting around with a bunch of off-duty marines, would freak if a sysadmin joined the party.
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Posted 18 July 2005 - 11:06 AM

If I was a Marine, I would be afraid of Talio.

I can see how you enjoy milsim, but dont you find the 50' ranges and low velocity a stumbling block? Seem's kind of hard to do a milsim with nerf guns I can dodge just by stepping to the side. Most real guns are a bit harder to dodge. I know from experience.

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