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Pc Vs Rf20?

Which to use as a primary?

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#1 DrunkenSloth



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Posted 11 July 2005 - 11:36 PM

Title says it all. I have both, and I am wondering which will be a better primary?
Which has the better range? Which do you prefer and why?
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#2 NerfMonkey



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Posted 12 July 2005 - 01:44 AM

Wait. You have both, so why are you asking us which is better? Just mod them and test them against each other, then you'll know. I'm pretty sure PCs get better ranges modded than RF20s, but Shadow Ghost's mod claims to get 55-60' flat or something. I only own an RF20 (two, actually), but based on what I've read the PC is the better gun, although you may want to just try them and see which you like better.
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SexD Warves

#3 moosenukem



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Posted 12 July 2005 - 08:31 AM

I like the rf20 more because I find that it shoots farther and you have a higher ammo count.
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#4 NerfLad78



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Posted 12 July 2005 - 10:36 AM

PC because it takes 15 less pumps and it is smaller and doesn't leak. Also, PC's are MUCH easier to mod.
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#5 LordoftheRing434



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Posted 12 July 2005 - 12:33 PM

This is completely personal preference. Although I would recommend the PC, test for yourself. The only beef I have with my RF20 is that my darts fall out of the barrels while running. On the other hand, I have a PC with 2 clips, and I don't have to worry about that. Go with what you like, I can't really stress that more. The final decision should come down to what you like to go with. Also, take into account what would be better to use in a war. If you've got dart problems in an RF like I do, common sense should tell you to stick with a PC. If you only have one clip for the PC, and your RF is treating you well, use the RF. Fit them to your playing style. If you're accurate and require less shots, a PC could work well. If you like to spray the area out, go with the RF.
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